Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Copyright and Warranty Notice
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on part of the vendor, who assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. No warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, is made with respect to the quality, accuracy or fitness for any particular part of this document. In no event shall the manufacturer be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising from any defect or error in this manual or product. Product names appearing in this manual are for identification purpose only and trademarks and product names or brand names appearing in this document are property of their respective owners. [. . . ] " NA The video will never be switched off in no power saving mode. " Suspend The video will only be switched off in Suspend mode. " Standby The video will only be switched off in Standby or Suspend mode. " Doze The video will be switched off in all power saving modes.
CPU Fan Off Option:
CPU fan can be turned off in suspend mode.
Modem Use IRQ:
You can specify the IRQ for modem use.
Introduction of BIOS
Doze Mode:
When the setting selected for "Power Management" is "User Define", you can define for this mode any delay from 1 minute to 1 hour. If no power management event occurs during this time period, meaning that computer is inactive during this period, the system will enter the Doze power saving mode. If this mode is disabled, the system will enter the next mode in the sequence (Standby or Suspend mode).
Standby Mode:
When the setting selected for "Power Management" is "User Define", you can define for this mode any delay from 1 minute to 1 hour. If no power management event occurs during this time period, meaning the computer is inactive during this period, the system will enter the Standby power saving mode. If this mode is disabled, the system will enter the next mode in the sequence (Suspend mode).
Suspend Mode:
When the setting selected for "Power Management" is "User Define", you can define for this mode any delay from 1 minute to 1 hour. If no power management event occurs during this time period, meaning the computer is inactive during this period, the system will enter the Suspend power saving mode. If this mode is disabled, the system will not enter the Suspend mode.
HDD Power Down:
If the system has not accessed data on the hard disk drive during the specified time period, the engine of the HDD will stop in order to save electricity. You can set 1 to 15 minutes or select Disable according to your use of the HDD.
Throttle Duty Cycle:
This is used to specify the CPU speed in power saving mode. Seven options are available: 12. 5%, 25. 0%, 37. 5%, 50. 0%, 62. 5% or 75. 0%.
Power Button Override:
Support ACPI Power Button Over-ride. The user presses the power button for more then four seconds while the system is in the working state, then the system will transition to the soft-off(Power off by software). This is called the power button over-ride.
Chapter 3
Resume by LAN:
To enable this feature, you must make sure your network software and network adapter (LAN card) support such a function. This function is also called " Wake on LAN " (WOL).
Power on by Ring:
If you connect an external modem to the onboard serial port, the system will be turned on when a telephone ring-up occurs.
Power on by Alarm:
RTC alarm can turn on the system. You can set date ( of month ) and time ( hour , minute , second ).
PM Timer Events:
When one of the specific occurs, the count down made for entry in power saving mode goes back to zero. Since the computer will enter a power saving mode only after an inactivity delay specified (time specific for Doze, Standby and Suspend modes) and after it has no activity, during this time period, any event will cause the computer to re-count the time elapsed. Resume events are operations or signals that cause the computer to resume time counting. "IRQ [3-7, 9-15], NMI: If any IRQ or NMI (Non-Mask Interrupt) activities occur, this will cause the computer to re-count the time elapsed. "VGA Active Monitor: If there is any VGA data transfer or any I/O activities, this will cause the computer to re-count the time elapsed. "IRQ8 Break Suspend: Supports the RTC alarm wake up from suspend function (via IRQ8). "IDE Primary Master: If any IDE primary master I/O activity occurs, it will cause the computer to re-count the time elapsed. [. . . ] If you still cannot start, note down the information related to both cards in the add-on Card space provided, and don't forget to indicate the motherboard model, version, BIOS identification number, CPU (refer to main instructions), and give a description of the problem.
Appendix G
) Example 2: With a system including the motherboard (with CPU, DRAM, COAST. . . ) HDD, CD-ROM, FDD, VGA CARD, LAN CARD, MPEG CARD, SCSI CARD, SOUND CARD, after assembly and after having installed the Sound Card Driver, when you restart the system, when it runs the Sound Card Driver, it resets automatically. This problem may be due to the Sound Card Driver. procedure, press SHIFT (BY-PASS) key, to skip CONFIG. SYS and AUTOEXEC. BAT; edit CONFIG. SYS with a text editor, and in function the line that loads the Sound Card Driver, add a remark REM, in order to disable the Sound Card Driver. CONFIG. SYS: DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM. SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386. EXE HIGHSCAN DOS=HIGH, UMB FILES=40 BUFFERS=36 REM DEVICEHIGH=C:\PLUGPLAY\DWCFGMG. SYS LASTDRIVE=Z Restart the system. [. . . ]