Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Acer Incorporated. Acer and the Acer logo are registered trademarks of Acer Inc. Other company's product names or trademarks are used herein for identification purposes only and belong to their respective companies.
Chapter 1
Introducing Your Storage System
Chapter 2
Getting Started
Initializing your storage system . 19 Accessing the Manager using the Console . [. . . ] If you want to allocate more space for shared folders, select Allocate more space for shared folders and then specify how much space to allocate (either All available disk space or Specified disk space). If you select Specified disk space, enter the number of gigabytes to allocate for shared folders (the minimum is 1 GB). Note: You can expand the amount of disk space allocated for shared folders later (as long as free disk space is available), but you cannot reduce it without reconfiguring your disks and losing all your data. If you plan to back up computer disks to your storage system, it is recommended that you use the minimum amount of space for shared folders, back up all the computer disks that you plan to protect, and then expand the space allocated for shared folders. This ensures that adequate space is available for backups.
When the confirmation message displays, click OK.
Altos easyStore Manual
Chapter 3
Managing Your Storage System
The screen displays the progress of the process:
When this process is complete, the storage system restarts.
Close the browser window. After the system has restarted, you can access the Manager and re-create your users and shared folders (as described in "Adding users" and "Creating shared folders").
Altos easyStore Manual
Chapter 3
Managing Your Storage System
Viewing system status information
When you click Advanced in the navigation bar and click System Status in the left pane, you can view many of the operational parameters of your storage system, including CPU usage, memory usage, the amount of time that the storage system has been running, the current fan speed, the temperatures of the CPU and disks, the IP address of the gateway (which you can change as described in "Changing the network settings"), the IP address(es) of the DNS servers in your network, the network settings of your port (several of which you can change as described in "Changing the network settings"), the MAC addresses of your port, and the speed at which data is being sent and received. To update the information on this page, click Refresh.
Note: The fan speed changes depending on the temperature of the unit. If the temperature of the CPU reaches or exceeds 85° C (185° F), or if the temperature of any of the disks reaches or exceeds 55° C (131° F), the storage system shuts down automatically.
Altos easyStore Manual
Chapter 3
Managing Your Storage System
Logging out of the Manager
When you have finished using the Manager, it is recommended that you log out to ensure that unauthorized individuals do not make changes to the storage system. When the confirmation message displays, click OK. The Log Out page displays:
To log back in to the Manager later, click Log In.
Altos easyStore Manual
Chapter 3
Managing Your Storage System
Shutting down the storage system
To shut down the storage system, you can press the power button on the unit itself, or you can shut the system down remotely using the Manager. To ensure that you don't shut down the system accidentally, you must enter your administrator password to do this.
Caution: If you shut down the storage system, users will no longer be able to access the shared folders on the storage system. For example, if your storage system's IP address is 192. 168. 0. 101 and the shared folder name is Photos, you would enter the following:
\\192. 168. 0. 101\Photos
Note: You can use the storage system name only if your computer is in the same subnet as the storage system, if you added the storage system's IP address and name to your local hosts file, or if you manually registered the name with a DNS server in your network. Alternatively, you can click Browse and select the shared folder from the Microsoft Windows Network.
Altos easyStore Manual
Chapter 4
Working with Shared Folders
To automatically connect to this shared folder each time you log on to Windows, select Reconnect at logon. If you clear this option, you must repeat this procedure each time you want to access the shared folder.
6. If prompted, enter your user name and password for accessing this shared folder, and then click OK. Note: If the user name and password for accessing the shared folder are the same as your Windows user name and password, you are not prompted to provide a user name and password to access the shared folder. In addition, once you provide your user name and password for accessing one shared folder, you are not prompted to provide it again when you access other shared folders to which you have access rights. If the storage system uses local authentication mode and the guest user has access to this shared folder, you can use guest as both the user name and password. You can now access the shared folder from My Computer/Windows Explorer.
Using the Console To access a shared folder using the Console: 1. Install the Console (as described in "Installing the Console"). Click Start --> Programs -->Storage System Console.
Altos easyStore Manual
Chapter 4
Working with Shared Folders
As soon as you start the Console, it automatically scans the network for storage systems. As soon as the scan is complete, the left pane displays a tree view of all the storage systems it found:
Note: If you connect a storage system to the network after the Console has already scanned it, or if you change the IP address of the storage system, you must click Discover Storage Systems to scan the network again and update the tree in the left pane. [. . . ] However, if you do this when the storage system is running, you can swap only two disks, and you must restart the system after you swap the disks. If you swap the disks when the storage system is not running, you can swap all four disks, and the system will function as it previously did when you restart it. Note: For RAID 5 + spare, if you swap the disks when the storage system is running, one of the swapped disks must be the spare. For RAID 10, the swapped disks must be in different pairs. [. . . ]