User manual AEG-ELECTROLUX AE3455

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX AE3455
Manual abstract: user guide AEG-ELECTROLUX AE3455

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] Ace Inse rt th e h ose until e catch e s cl to e ngage th ick (pre ss catch e s inw ards to re lase ). e Attach th e te lscopic tube to th e h ose h andl and e e fl nozzl by tw isting toge th e r (tw ist and pul oor e l apart to dism antl). [. . . ] Suction can al be re gul d on th e h ose h andl by so ate e ope ning/ osing th e v nt. T is is not cov re d e ice e h e by th e guarante e . Confine d are as: Use th e cre v nozzl for tigh t ice e corne rs and radiators e tc. T e clane r is for dom e stic use onl and h as be e n h e y de signe d to e nsure m axim um safe ty and pe rform ance . plase fol th e se sim pl pre cautions: e l ow e · T e clane r is doubl insul d so it m ust not be h e e ate e arth e d · D o not use to pick up l uids iq · D ustbag safe ty de v ice T av dam aging th e clane r, do not use it w ith out a o oid e dust bag. A safe ty de v is fitte d w h ich pre v nts th e ice e cov r cl e osing w ith out a dust bag in pl . T av bl age s and m aintain suction o oid ock e fficie ncy, th e fl nozzls sh oul be clane d oor e d e re gul y using th e h ose h andl. arl e · W ate r: if w ate r is suck e d into th e clane r th e m otor e m ust be ch ange d at a se rv ce ntre . T e sym bol h on th e product or on its pack aging indicates th at th is product m ay not be treated as h ouseh ol w aste. For m ore detail ing ed inform ation about recycl of th is product, pl contact ing ease your l city office, your h ouseh ol w aste disposal ocal d serv or th e sh op w h ere you purch ased th e product. W ate r: W ordt w ate r opge zoge n in de stofzuige r, dan die nt de m otor te w orde n v rv e ange n door de EL EP FABRIEK SSERV GRO ICE. Raadple g, al u se rv of onde rde ln v uw Elctrol e s ice e oor e uxstofzuige r nodig h e bt, de lst m e t se rv punte n die bij ij ice uw stofzuige r is ge lv rd v h e t dich tstbij nde ee oor zij e rk e nde Elctrol se rv punt of ne e m contact op m e t e uxice de se rv - inform atie ln. [. . . ] T ce s m atériaux pe uv nt e ndom m age r l m ote ur ous e e série use m e nt - ce s dom m age s ne sont pas couv rts e par l garantie . Pour toute de m ande de réparation ou de pièce s de re ch ange conce rnant v otre aspirate ur AEG- Elctrol e ux, consul r l l se trouv dans l carton de ce t te a iste ant e aspirate ur pour trouv r Ce ntre Se rv Agréé l pl e ice e us proch e de ch e z v ou appe lr l se rv ous ee ice consom m ate urs. [. . . ]


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