User manual AEG-ELECTROLUX AE4505

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If this document matches the user guide, instructions manual or user manual, feature sets, schematics you are looking for, download it now. Lastmanuals provides you a fast and easy access to the user manual AEG-ELECTROLUX AE4505. We hope that this AEG-ELECTROLUX AE4505 user guide will be useful to you.

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX AE4505
Manual abstract: user guide AEG-ELECTROLUX AE4505

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] T is is not cov ice h e re d by th e w arranty. Al se rv and re pairs m ust be carl ice rie d out by auth orise d AEG- Elctroe l se rv staff. T e clane r is for dom e stic use onl h e y and h as be e n de signe d to e nsure m axim um safe ty and pe rform ance . [. . . ] T e clane r is for dom e stic use onl h e y and h as be e n de signe d to e nsure m axim um safe ty and pe rform ance . pl fol th ese sim pl precautions: ease l ow e · T e clane r is doubl- insul d so it h e e ate m ust not be e arth e d. Ace Inse rt th e h ose until th e catch e s cl to e ngage . T e clane r is fitte d w ith cabl h e e re w ind, e nsure cabl is not tw iste d e be fore use . Uste Suction can al be re gul d on th e so ate h ose h andl by ope ning/ osing th e e cl ape rture . L ps, picture s and book sh e le s: am v Use th e dusting brush . For th e pe rfe ct care of your carpe ts: use th e turbo nozzl. Ux te D ustbag safe ty de v : ice T av o oid dam aging th e clane r do e not use it w ith out a dustbag. * Poznám k a: Pouz ív j pouze originál e te A Indik át napl prach ov o or nní éh ní náh radní sáck y a fil znack y try sáck u a v na prach ov o ým éh AEG- Elctrol (re f GR28) ne bo fil e ux try M e nal 1000. D odáv a e lk trick é e ne rgie : Je stl e k e iz do v ace ne pich ází e lk trick á ysav e e ne rgie , tak v ac odpoj od e lk tysav te e rick é sít a pe k ontrol te stav zástrcuj k y, k abe l a pípadn i poj u ci u istk j istic. A B C D E F G H I J K K abe l T a za nam atanj k abl ipk e a T a uk l no/ l no ipk j uce isk j uce K ontrol snage usisa a T a za otv ipk aranj pre tinca za v ie re cu za prasinu Indik ator napunj nosti v ice za e re prasinu O tv za prik l nj usisnog crij v or j uce e ea Ruck a za nose nj e Otv za odl or aganj nastav a za cisene k j poda i cij i k ad nij u upotrebi e ev e O tv za odl or aganj nastav a za cisene k j poda i cij i k ad j u upotrebi e ev e D rz ac pribora Prom j na v ice za prasinu e re O tpustite k uk icu i nagnite pok l opac A prij v nj v ice . Ore Nam j stite donj k ute v v ice u e e e re A odj l v ice za prasinu. E j re ak Nam j stite gornj k ute v v ice u e e e re A odj l v ice za prasinu. Sigurnosna zastita v ice : re K ak o bi izbj gl oste e nj usisav ei e aca, A ne m oj ga k oristiti be z v ice za te re prasinu. De toate av antaj l pe care l ofe ra ee e ace st aparat v rugam sa cititi ace st a m anual util de izare cu ate ntie . In cazulin care cabl ul de al e ntare e ste de te riorat, tre buie im inl ocuit num ai l ce ntrulde se rv a ice autorizat. [. . . ] Sigurnosna zastita v ice : re K ak o bi izbj gl oste e nj usisav ei e aca, A ne m oj ga k oristiti be z v ice za te re prasinu. De toate av antaj l pe care l ofe ra ee e ace st aparat v rugam sa cititi ace st a m anual util de izare cu ate ntie . In cazulin care cabl ul de al e ntare e ste de te riorat, tre buie im inl ocuit num ai l ce ntrulde se rv a ice autorizat. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals offers a socially driven service of sharing, storing and searching manuals related to use of hardware and software : user guide, owner's manual, quick start guide, technical datasheets...
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