User manual AEG-ELECTROLUX AVQ2103

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If this document matches the user guide, instructions manual or user manual, feature sets, schematics you are looking for, download it now. Lastmanuals provides you a fast and easy access to the user manual AEG-ELECTROLUX AVQ2103. We hope that this AEG-ELECTROLUX AVQ2103 user guide will be useful to you.

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX AVQ2103
Manual abstract: user guide AEG-ELECTROLUX AVQ2103

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] D o not im m e rse th e m ach ine in w ate r for claning. E T e h ose sh albe ch e ck e d re gul y and m ust not be h l arl use d if dam age d. Our, d Using th e v acuum clane r in th e abov circum stance s e e m ay cause se rious dam age to its m otor. [. . . ] Such dam age is not cov re d by th e w arranty. Ne v r use th e v e e acuum clane r w ith out its fil rs. E te Elctric cabl pre cautions: e e Re gul y ch e ck th at th e cabl is not dam age d. Ne v r arl e e use th e v acuum clane r if th e cabl is dam age d. E e D am age to th e m ach ine 's cabl is not cov re d by th e e e w arranty. If th e suppl cord is dam age d, it m ust be re pl d by y ace th e m anufacture r, its se rv age nt or sim il y ice arl q ual d pe rson in orde r to av a h azard. Te 15 Put th e l back on th e containe r, m ak e sure th at id th e tab on th e dust conaine r l is l id ocate d se cure l into th e h ol on th e containe r base . Te ace 17 Inse rt th e h ose until e catch e s cl to e ngage th ick (pre ss th e catch e s to re lase th e h ose ). E Ch e ck th at th e pl and cabl are not dam age d. D am age to e ux ice th e m otor cause d by th e pe ne tration of w ate r is not cov re d by th e w arranty. AEG­ Elctrol de cl alre sponsibil for al e ux ine l ity l dam age s arising from any im prope r use of th e appl iance or in case s of tam pe ring w ith th e appl iance . If th e suppl cord is dam age d, it m ust be re pl d by y ace th e m anufacture r, its se rv age nt or sim il y ice arl q ual d pe rson in orde r to av a h azard. ifie oid T is product is de signe d w ith th e e nv h ironm e nt in m ind. Alpl l astic parts are m ark e d for re cycl ing purpose s. Com If you h av any com m e nts on th e clane r or th e e e Instructions for Use book lt plase e - m ail at: ee us fl oorcare @ e lctrol e ux. Com If you can´ find acce ssorie s to your AEG­ Elctrol t e ux v acuum clane r, plase v our w e bsite at e e isit w w w . [. . . ] Com If you can´ find acce ssorie s to your AEG­ Elctrol t e ux v acuum clane r, plase v our w e bsite at e e isit w w w . EM C dire ctiv 2004/ e 108/ EC T e sym bol on th e product or on its pack aging h indicate s th at th is product m ay not be tre ate d as h ouse h ol w aste . For ing m ore de taild inform ation about re cycl of th is e ing product, plase contact your l city office , your e ocal h ouse h ol w aste disposal rv or th e sh op w h e re d se ice you purch ase d th e product. [. . . ]


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