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Manual abstract: user guide AEG-ELECTROLUX FOENFIGARO1600

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] Ne v r try to re m ov th e pl from th e sock e t e e ug by pul on th e lad! l ing e · If th e suppl cord is dam age d, it m ust be y re pl d by th e m anufacture r, its se rv ace ice age nt or sim il y a q ual d pe rson in orde r arl ifie to av h azard. D o not w rap th e pow e r lad around th e brush . [. . . ] T av dam aging your h air, ne v r bl th e o oid e ock air outlts by w rapping h air too tigh tl e y around th e round brush e s in re l ation to th e spe e d se tting. Ifie ice Conside rabl dange r m ay re sul from e t im prope r re pairs. T e pow e r lad m ust not com e into contact h e w ith th e air outlt during ope ration. e · Th e m anufacture r can acce pt no l ity for iabil any l or dam age arising from im prope r oss use of th e appl iance (e . Dam age to th e pow e r lad re sul from it be ing w ound e ting around th e curl brush ). T is appl h iance is not inte nde d for use by pe rsons (incl uding ch il n) w ith re duce d ph ysicdre alse nsory or m e ntal , capabil s, or l of itie ack e xpe rie nce and k now ldge unlss th e y h av e e e be e n giv n supe rv e ision or instruction conce rning use of th e appl iance by a pe rson re sponsibl for th e ir safe ty. e · K e e p pack aging m ate rial e . Pack aging m ate rial T e pack aging m ate rial are e nv h s ironm e ntal l y frie ndl and can be re cycld. Be fore curl l strands of h air firm l ov r ing, ay ye th e brush and brush th rough th orough l from y th e roots to th e e nds. T h e l you k e e p your h air as you h av styld op e e it, it is adv isabl to finish drying your h air e w ith cool air. T se lct th e CARE program m e for styl and oe ing drying at a re duce d te m pe rature , w h ich is k inde r to your h air, pre ss dow n th e sw itch (Figure 1/ and push to th e front. T e CARE F) h program m e can be use d w ith both se ttings of th e airfl sl sw itch (Figure 1/ ). Ow ide D T sw itch th e CARE program m e off, push th e o sw itch (Figure 1/ back to th e original F) position. T e bristls of th e l round brush can be h e arge re tracte d (Figure 3), al ing e asy re m ov of l ow al th e brush once th e curl as drie d. T e inte gral ange r al s space - sav h h l ow ing storage of th e curl brush , re ady for use . W ipe th e curl e ing brush w ith a dam pe ne d (not w e t) cl and oth dry w ith a soft dry cl . [. . . ] T e inte gral ange r al s space - sav h h l ow ing storage of th e curl brush , re ady for use . W ipe th e curl e ing brush w ith a dam pe ne d (not w e t) cl and oth dry w ith a soft dry cl . Ne v r im m e rse th e oth e curl brush in w ate r, and prote ct it from ing dust, dirt and fl From tim e to tim e , clan uff. [. . . ]


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