Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] With the header, the total number of bytes transmitted with a program dump is 2350. For librarian purposes, it is often useful to rename a patch `offline. ' The bytes involved, in a 2048byte unpacked patch, useful for this purpose are as follows: Byte 0-1: Byte 2-17: Patch Version Number: Currently A6h 0Ah 16 Character Name stored in ASCII format
01 - MIDI Program Dump Request F0 00 00 0E 1D 01 <bank#> <program#> F7 = 0. . 15 selects any bank in the A6, where: 0 = USER 1 = PRESET1 2 = PRESET2 3-15 = CARD BANKS (MAX number depends on size of card) <program#> = 0. . 127 selects individual user programs When received, the A6 will respond to this message with a MIDI program dump (00) of the program number selected. 02 - MIDI Program Edit Buffer Dump F0 00 00 0E 1D 02 <editbuf#> <data> F7 <editbuf#> = 0-15; Mix program edit buffers for mix channels 1-16 <editbuf#> = 16; Program edit buffer <data> is in the same format as described in 00. [. . . ] In the current OS, there is only one mix edit buffer, hence the command is shown with 00 as the edit buffer. 08 - MIDI Global Data Dump F0 00 00 0E 1D 08 <data> F7
<data> is in the same format as described in 00, but with a different number of bytes due to the difference in the global parameter size. The total number of data bytes sent for a global data dump is 15904, which corresponds to 18176 bytes of global data. With the header, the total number of bytes transmitted with a program dump is 18183. 09 - MIDI Global Data Dump Request F0 00 00 0E 1D 09 00 F7 When received, the A6 will respond to this message with a MIDI global data dump (08). 0A - MIDI Program Bank Request <bank#> F0 00 00 0E 1D 0A <bank#> F7
= 0. . 15 selects any bank in the A6, where: 0 = USER 1 = PRESET1 2 = PRESET2 3-15 = CARD BANKS (MAX number depends on size of card)
When received, the A6 will respond to this message with 128 MIDI Program Dumps (00), sent sequentially from the requested bank. 0B - MIDI Mix Bank Request F0 00 00 0E 1D 0B <bank#> F7 <bank#> = 0. . 15 selects any bank in the A6, where: 0 = USER 1 = PRESET1 2-15 = CARD BANKS (MAX number depends on size of card)
When received, the A6 will respond to this message with 128 MIDI Mix Dumps (04), sent sequentially from the requested bank. 0C - MIDI Dump All Request F0 00 00 0E 1D 0C 00 F7
A6 MIDI Sysex Specification _________________Page 4
This command is will dump out MIDI all data stored in the non-volitile RAM within the A6. When received, the A6 will respond to this message with a 128 MIDI Program dumps (00) from the User bank, 128 MIDI Mix dumps (04) from the User bank, and a Global data dump (08), for a total of 470023 MIDI bytes. 0D - MIDI Mode Select <mode> F0 00 00 0E 1D 0D <mode> F7
= 0 = Program mode; 1 = Mix mode
When received, the A6 will change to the mode that was selected. The settings will be retained from the last time that mode was exited. 0E - MIDI Editing F0 00 00 0E 1D 0E <parent page><child ID><data2><data1><data0>F7 <parent page> = <child ID> = <data2> = <data1> = <data0> = The parent page of the parameter to be edited child ID of parameter to be edited Mix channel number and most significant bits (bits 14-16) of parameter's data Bits 7-13 of parameter's data Least significant bits (bits 0-6) of parameter's data
All parameters to be edited must be sent in this format (12 MIDI bytes), regardless of the number of bits required to transmit the value of the parameter. When the A6 receives this message, it will change the specified parameter in the specified mix channel to the new data value. The mix channel number is specified in <data2> with the format 0xxx xyyy, where xxxx is the mix channel number (0-15) and yyy are the uppermost bits (bits 14-16) of the parameter data. In program mode, the mix channel number is ignored and the edit will be applied to the program edit buffer and A6's screen will show the result of the edit. In mix mode, the result of the edit will be shown only if the edit occurred in the currently selected mix channel on the A6. [. . . ] Assignment Reserved
n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
byte pacV100_SPARE ushort ushort ushort ushort ushort byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte
A6 MIDI Sysex Specification _________________Page 12
1948 1949 1950-2047
Number of Program Banks on Card Number of Mix Banks on Card Reserved
byte byte byte
A6 MIDI Sysex Specification _________________Page 13
The following specific parameter information shows the locations in which each Mix parameter resides after unpacking the data from its 7 bit MIDI format into the 8 bit format as described in Opcode 00, Program Data Dump.
Offset 0 2 Description Mix Structure Version Number Mix Name Range Size (bytes) 2 16 4 2 2 2 2 bit 0 = PITCHBEND_MODWHL 2 bit 1 = AFTERTOUCH bit 2 = SUSTAIN_PDL bit 3 = CONTROLLERS bit 4 = MIDI IN bit 5 = MIDI OUT bit 6 = KEYBOARD ON/OFF bit 7 = FX_PROG_CHANGE 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 -12 to +12 1 -100 to +100 1 1 1 2 1 15 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 See Channel 1 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
Mix Channel 1 Structure: 18 Transpose 22 Main Volume 24 Main Pan 26 Reserved 28 Reserved 30 Controllers
32 34 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 66 114 162 210 258 306 354 402 450 498 546 594 642 690 738
Analog Effects Send Level Digital Effects Level Digital Effects Pan Enable Program Bank Number Program Number Low Key Range High Key Range Output Semitune Cents MIDI Channel Mix Mono Vox Ticks Per Step Sequencer Start/Stop Status Reserved Mix Channel 2 Structure Mix Channel 3 Structure Mix Channel 4 Structure Mix Channel 5 Structure Mix Channel 6 Structure Mix Channel 7 Structure Mix Channel 8 Structure Mix Channel 9 Structure Mix Channel 10 Structure Mix Channel 11 Structure Mix Channel 12 Structure Mix Channel 13 Structure Mix Channel 14 Structure Mix Channel 15 Structure Mix Channel 16 Structure
A6 MIDI Sysex Specification _________________Page 14
786 806 808 809 810 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850
Clock Structure Analog Effects Output Level Reserved Digital Effects Config Digital Effects Parameters Current Mix Channel Analog Distortion type Clock Mod Channel Current Mix Number Current Mix Bank Vox Assign Mode Number of Card Program Banks Number of Card Mix Banks Semitune Cents Reserved
See Program n/a Depends on Config
20 2 1 1 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 174
A6 MIDI Sysex Specification _________________Page 15
The Global parameters are comprised of 15902 bytes of data. In addition, the signed parameters are kept in 2's complement format, so no offset adjustment is necessary. Offset
0-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20-27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34-49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64-127 128-135 136-14423 14424-14491 14492-15835 15836-15837
Pitch Offset (32-bit 2's complement) Transpose amount (8-bit 2's comp. ) Velocity Curve Keyboard Velocity Sensitivity Keyboard Transmit Mode Keyboard MIDI Channel Aftertouch Scaling Pedal Mode Pedal MIDI CC Number Footswitch Mode Footswitch MIDI CC Number Mix Select MIDI Channel Number Prog Select MIDI Channel Number (Receive) MIDI Bank Select Type MIDI CC Transmit Enable MIDI CC Receive Enable System Exclusive Data Receive Enable CC Controller Map Knob Pass Through Enable Knob Data Thinning Amount Reserved Reserved Front Panel NRPN Receive Enable Front Panel NRPN Mode Voice Enable (1 byte for each of 16 voices) Reserved Voice Assign Mode Ribbon MIDI CC # Left Ribbon MIDI CC # Right Ribbon MIDI CC # Sequencer Keyboard Control Enable Sequencer Graph Page Zoom Mix Chan Keyboard Range Keyboard Ctrl Ena Voice Stealing MIDI Send Program Bank Change Enable MIDI Send Clock Enable Clock Sync Source System Exclusive Receive-To Parameter System Exclusive Dump All Enable Ribbon Calibration Data Control Wheel Calibration Data Tuning Calibration Data Chord Data (32-bit 2's comp. ), up to 16 notes + 1 space for termination Tuning Calibration Data Background Tuning Enable
-32767 to +32767 -24 to +24 semitones from middle-C 0=weight, 1=plastic, 2=max 0-100, 50=default 0=local/MIDI, 1=MIDI, 2=local 1-16 0-100, 50=default 0=continuous, 1=reverse continuous, 2=switch, 2=reverse switch 0=off, 1-120=cc number 0=switch, 1=reverse switch 0=off, 1-120=cc number, 121=send start/stop, 122=send start stop toggle 0=off, 1-16=MIDI channel number 0=off, 1-16=MIDI channel number 0=normal, 1=CC0, 2=CC32 0=off, 1=on 0=off, 1=on 0=off, 1=on 0-127 0=none, 1=mod list, 2=all 0-5, 0=thin, 5=dense 0=off, 1=on 0=local/MIDI, 1=MIDI, 2=local 0=disabled, 1=enabled 0=lowest, 1=rotary 0=off, 1=cc20&cc52, 12=cc31&cc63 0=off, 1-120=cc number 0=off, 1-120=cc number 0=off, 1=on 0=off, 1-47 0=off, 1=on 0=off, 1=on 0=off, 1=on 0=off, 1=on 0=local, 1=MIDI 0=user bank, 1=this location, 2=original, 3-15=card banks 0=one, 1=all
0-127 semitones from root (positive direction), -1 signifies end of list. [. . . ]