Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] ALK |FleetSuite Directions
ALK Technologies, Inc.
1000 Herrontown Road · Princeton, NJ 08540 www. alk. com
You may print one (1) copy of this document for your personal use. Otherwise, no part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, or otherwise, without prior written permission from ALK Technologies, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [. . . ] When an SPLC code is supplied, Zip, City, State, Address and Long/Lat values are ignored.
User PassWord City State Zip Address Longitude Latitude DestCity DestState DestZip DestAddress
(This is to prevent unauthorized access) (This is to prevent unauthorized access) If origin City is not supplied, then origin Zip is required. If origin two-letter State abbreviation is not supplied, then origin Zip is required. If origin 5 digit Zip code is not supplied, then origin City, State is required. If destination street address is not supplied, then destination City, State or Zip is required. Origin Longitude in Millionths of degrees such as -74743330 Origin Latitude in Millionths of degrees such as 40316940 If destination City is not supplied, then destination Zip is required. If destination is not supplied, destination Zip is required. If destination 5 digit Zip code is not supplied, then destination City, State is required. If destination street address is not supplied, then destination City,
ALK|FleetSuite Directions User's Guide
State or Zip is required. DestLongitude DestLatitude RouteType RouteClass TollAvoid BordersOpen CondenseLevel Units HazType Destination Longitude in Millionths of degrees such as -73743330 Destination Latitude in Millionths of degrees such as 40315980 P for Practical or S for Shortest (Practical is the default) 5 for 53 foot or N for National routing (No route class is the default) (Use 5h to hide 53' Warning message in directions) T for avoiding tolls (No avoidance is the default) C for Borders Closed (The default is to allow for routing across Canadian and Mexican borders) 1 to 7 with 1 being the least amount of direction data (1 is the default) M for Miles, K for Kilometers as unit of distance (m is the default) G = General E = Explosives I = Inhalants R = Radioactive F = Flammable C = Caustic (No HazType is the default. See descriptions of route types in the Hazardous Material Routing section of this Guide. )
ALK|FleetSuite Directions User's Guide
This operation returns distance, hours and minutes to travel from an origin location to a destination location. NOTE: Longitude and Latitudes are in millionths of degrees. To convert decimal degrees to millionths of degrees, multiply by 1, 000, 000. For example, the Longitude of 119. 80299053*1000000 = 119802990 and the Latitude of 35. 52607619*1000000 = 35526076. Insert a minus sign before the Longitude (-119802990) and the Latitude should be positive (35526076). If Canadian Postal Codes or SPLC add-on data modules are installed, use the zip field to insert these codes. When a SPLC code is supplied, Zip, City, State, Address and Long/Lat values are ignored. Parameters
User PassWord City State Zip Address Longitude Latitude DestCity DestState DestZip DestAddress DestLongitude DestLatitude RouteType
(This is to prevent unauthorized access) (This is to prevent unauthorized access) If origin City is not supplied, then origin Zip is required. If origin two-letter State abbreviation is not supplied, then origin Zip is required. If origin 5 digit Zip code is not supplied, then origin City, State is required. If destination street address is not supplied, then destination City, State or Zip is required. Origin Longitude in Millionths of degrees such as -74743330 Origin Latitude in Millionths of degrees such as 40316940 If destination City is not supplied, then destination Zip is required. If destination is not supplied, destination Zip is required. [. . . ] 1 Mile
ALK|FleetSuite Directions User's Guide
1 Mile and throughout the New Jersey defined route system, 102" standard trucks may travel 2 miles off of the route system. 5 Miles for food, fuel, rest and repair; 20 miles to terminals for delivery, loading, or unloading; and predesignated access routes. 1 mile, except the New York City area which is limited to 750 feet. There is an extensive list of designated access routes available from the NY DOT, Truck Access Program. [. . . ]