Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
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JUNE 1968
List Order Code 01·200 01·201 699. 00 627. 00 699. 00 10-281 10·282 10·683 10·684 10·285 10·286 10-287 10·288 10·289 10·699 Description List 39. 95 59. 95 2. 95 5. 95 3. 95 7. 95 3. 95 4. 95 4. 95 5. 95 1. 25 1. 00 Case-deluxe leather Case-deluxe Halliburton aluminum, foam fitted Rubber eye-cup Rubber eye-cup (screw-in) Leather handstrap Camera base Cable release, metal, 30 cm straight Cable release, metal 30 cm curved Cable release, metal, 50 cm straight Cable release, metal, 50 cm curved Rubber air blower (dust remover) Instruction Manual
Order Code
Descriptio n
10-402 10-403 10-404 Beaulieu 20085 auto w/Angenieux 8·64mm zoom, f1. 9 Beaulieu 2008S auto w/Schnelder 8-40mm zoom, fl. 8 Beaulieu 2008S auto w/Schneider 7-56mm zoom, fl. 8
10-451 10-452 10·453 10·454 Beaulieu 2009-Reflex Control-Body Beaulieu 2009-Reflex Control w/Angenieux 8-64mm zoom, f1. 9 Beaulieu 2009--Reflex Control w/Schneider 8·4omm zoom, fL8 Beaulieu 2009--Reflex Control w/Schneider 7·56mm zoom, f1. 8 Beaulieu 2009--Reflex Control w/Schneider 1O·35mm loom, fl. 8 only 399. 00 599. 00 531. 00 599. 00
Angenieux, Berthiot, Schneider All lenses in ASA standards - "C" mount 20·025 325. 00 239. 00 235. 50 149. 50 325. 00 239. 00 99. 00 860. 00 965. 00 ~_. . . . . . . , . , ~~ 1050. 00 750. 00 850. 00 480. 00 660. 00 129. 00 2250. 00 2550. 00 1165. 00 1375. 00 299. 50 690. 00 690. 00 75. 00 35. 00 565. 00 595. 00 188. 55 249. 50 202. 65 336. 75 311. 70 187. 95 290. 85 347. 70 125. 50 112. 55 89. 95 139. 50 149. 00
Angenieux 8-64mm zoom, fl. 9 w/Servo-Reglomatlc 20-125 Angenieux 8-64mm loom, f1. 9 22·005 Schneider Variogon 8-4omm zoom, f1. 8 . [. . . ] Type A ac20·110 Angenieux l7-68mm zoom, f2. 2 cessories will fit only Type A cameras (serial # under 20·210 Angenieux l7-68mm zoom, f2. 2 w/viewfinder 811. 092), ·Type B accessories will fit only Type B cameras 20·810 Angenieux retro-zoom (converts l7·68mm (serial # over 811. 092). Accessories in the third category loom to a zoom distance of l2. 5·50mm) will fit both Type A and Type B cameras. 20·115 Angenieux l2-24omm zoom, f3. 5-f4. 8 20·215 Angenieux l2-240mm zoom, f3. 5-f4. 8 TYPE A: (Serial # under 811. 092) WilD" viewfinder 10·641 Nicad rechargeable wafer batteries (set of 4) 15. 00 20. 120 Angenieux 9. 5·95mm zoom, f2. 2 10-642 External battery cord and socket-connects 26. 95 20. 220 Angenieux 9. 5·95mm zoom, f2. 2 w/viewfinder battery container (# 10·655) w/Type A 21·101 SOM Berthiot compact 17-Bfimrn zoom, f3. 8 camera battery receptacle 79. 95 21-105 SOM Berthiot l3-l00mm zoom, f2. 0 10-643 Battery contai ner (# 10-655) w/500 mA 21-110 SOM Berthiot l7-l30mm zoom, f2_0 battery (# 10-652) complete w/cord and socket 21-801 SOM Berthiot compact hyper-pan attachment to fit Type A camera battery receptacle 21-802 SOM Berthiot compact macro-zoom attachment 22-101 Schneider Variogon l6-80mm zoom, f2. 0 TYPE B: (Serial # over 811. 092) 16. 50 20-400 Angenieux 5. 9mm ultra wide-angle lens, fl. 8 10·651 Nicad rechargeable battery (250 mAl 10-652 Nicad rechargeable battery (500 mAl 35. 00 20-401 Angenieux 10mm wide-angle lens, fl. 8 20-405 Angenieux l5mm wide-angle lens, f1. 3 21. 00 10·655 Battery container to hold 250 mA or 500 20-410 Angenieux 25mm normal lens, fl. 4 mA battery either for external power supply 26-411 Angenieux 25mm high-speed lens, fO. 95 or external battery charging 79_95 20-415 Angenieux 50mm telephoto lens, fl. 5 10-656 Battery container (# 10-655) w/50o mA 20-420 Angenieux 75mm telephoto lens, f2. 5 battery (# 10-652) complete w/cord and 20-425 Angenieux 100mm telephoto lens, f2. 5 socket to fit Type B camera battery receptacle 26_95 20-430 Angenieux l50mm telephoto lens, f2. 7 10·657 External battery cord and socket-connects battery container (# 10·655) to Type B 21-401 SOM Berthiot 10mm wide-angle lens, f1. 9 camera battery receptacle 21-410 SOM Berthiot 25mm· normal lens, f1. 4 21-425 SOM Berthiot 100mm telephoto lens, f3. 5 ACCESSORIES FOR ALL BEAULIEUSUPER 8 CAMERAS: 21-430 SOM Berthiot l45mm telephoto lens, f4. 5 25_95 22·420 Schneider 75mm Makro Tele-Xenar, f2. 8 10·658 Charger, 30 mA (for all Super 8 batteries) 21. 95 10-659 Charger, DC/DC (for all Super 8 batteries), specify 6V or 12V 17. 25 10·662 Remote control cord w/switch LENS ADAPTERS 295. 00 01·101 Metz FM radio transmitter and receiver01-900 Adapter, Leica M3 to C mount attaches to 2008S and 2009 remote 01·901 Adapter, Leicaflex to C mount receptacle to operate camera from 01-902 Adapter, Contax to C mount distances of up to three miles 10·455 489. 50
21. 95 39. 95 45. 00
Order Code 01-903 01-904 01-905 01-906 01-907 01-908 01-909 01-910 01-911 01-912 01-913 Adapter, Adapter, Adapter, Adapter, Adapter, Adapter, Adapter, Adapter, Adapter, Adapter, Adapter,
Description Contarex to C mount Exakta to C mount Pentax to C mount Arriflex to C mount Nikon F to C mount Hasselblad to C mount Alpa to C mount Minolta to C mount Canonflex to C mount Retina Reflex S to C mount Leica-Canon screw mount
List 49. 50 21. 95 16. 95 49. 50 39_95 69. 95 21. 95 59. 50 29. 95 49. 50 16. 95
Order Code 20-996 20-997 20-998 20-999
List Special Order 25_95 21. 95 ea, 7. 95
Retaining Rings - Series 8 Extension tube set for "C" mount lenses Microscope adapter Macro rings: 5mm, 10mm, 20mm, 30mm
NOTE: 11-501
Heurtier projectors are manufactured in a modular design to allow subsequent addition of sound to the base unit. 249_50 659. 50 225. 00 209. 50 189. 50 225_00 410. 00 410. 00 120. 00 120. 00 5. 95 9. 95 2_25 i-2;G 19c95
LEGEND: Series 41. 8 - Angenieux 10mm w. a. lens [slip on] Series 5. 5 - Angenieux 25mm normal lens and Angenieux 75mm telephoto lens Series 6 - Angenieux 50mm telephoto lens and Angenieux 100mm telephoto lens Series 7 - Angenieux 17-68mm zoom [all types] Series 8 - Angenieux 150mm telephoto lens Series 9 - Angenieux 12-120mm zoom Series 12 - Angenieux 9. 5-95mm zoom Series 10 - SOM Berthiot Compact 17-85mm zoom Screw In Angenieux 8-64mm. zoom 20-850 20-851 20-852 20-853 '-21F854 20-855 20-856 21-857 20-858 20-870 20-871 20-872 20-873 20-874 20-875 20-876 21-877 20-878 20-890 20-891 20-892 20-893 20-894 20-895 20-896 21-897 20-910 20-911 20-912 20-913 20-914 20-915 20-916 21-917 20-930 20-931 20-932 20-933 20-934 20-935 20-936 21-937 20-938 Lens Hood - Series 41. 8 [slip on] Lens Hood - Series 5. 5 lens Hood - Series 6 lens Hood - Series 7 tens-Hood ='-S~ri~sLens Hood - Series 9 lens Hood - Series 12 Lens Hood - Series 10 Lens Hood - Screw In UV Filter - Series 41. 8 [slip on] UV FiIter - Series 5. 5 UV Filter - Series 6 UV Filter - Series 7 UV Filter - Series 8 UV Filter - Series 9 UV Filter - Series 12 UV FiIter - Series 10 UV Filter - Screw In Wratten 85 - Series 41. 8 [slip on] Wratten 85 - Series 5. 5 Wratten 85 - Series 6 Wratten 85 - Series 7 Wratten 85 - Series 8 Wratten 85 - Series 9 Wratten 85 - Series 12 Wratten 85 - Series 10 Polarizing Filter - Series 41. 8 [slip on] Polarizing Filter - Series 5. 5 Polarizing Filter - Series 6 Polarizing Filter - Series 7 Polarizing Filter - Series 8 Polarizing Filter - Series 9 Polarizing Filter - Series 12 Polarizing Filter - Series 10 Closeup lens - Series 41. 8 [slip on] +1 Closeup lens - Series 5. 5 [+1, +2] Closeup lens - Series 6 [+1] Closeup lens - Series 7 [+1, +2] Closeup Lens - Series 8 HI] Closeup Lens - Series 9 [+1, +2, +3, +4] Closeup Lens - Series 12 [+1] Closeup Lens - Series 10 [+1] Closeup Lens - Screw In [+1, +2] 5. 95 5. 95 6. 95 7. 95
8f. }
19. 95 25. 95 9. 95 9. 00 5. 95 7. 95 9. 50 19. 95 27. 50 46. 00 21. 50 12. 00 12. 00 9. 00 12_00 15. 00 19. 95 27. 50 46. 00 Speciol Order Special Order Special Order . Special Order 17. 25 Special Order 39. 00 63. 00 Special Order 12. 00 ea. [. . . ] 90024
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