Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Engine type numbers such as 0123 01 are listed only as 0123 in most instances. The two digits (01 or 02, etc. ) to the right of the space may be required for more accurate parts identification in some instances. Select the Illustrated Parts List covering the correct Model Series and Type Number. Refer to the Illustrations and compare the original part with Illustration. [. . . ] 490937.
Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 5
126700 to 126799
141 131 134 634 108 124
634 104 133
137 98 130 116 617 116 955
DESCRIPTION Used on Type No(s). 0108, 0119, 0141, 0145, 3107, 3120, 3121, 3194, 4001. PlugWelch (Sold in Kit Only) ValveThrottle ShaftThrottle FloatCarburetor ValveNeedle (Includes Seat) GasketFloat Bowl (Sold in Kit Only) ShaftChoke SealFuel Intake Tube WasherShaft (Sold in Kit Only)
95 94098 98 398185 104 D231371 108 223471 116 Dz 118 124 125
ScrewRound Head ScrewIdle Adjustment PinFloat Hinge ValveChoke GasketSealing (Sold in Kit Only) 493765 Valve KitNeedle 94525 ScrewCarburetor Mounting 494217 Carburetor SEE NEXT PAGE FOR ADDITIONAL CARBURETOR. Note 493627 Carburetor (For Primer) (Used Before Code Date 93080200).
127 130 131 133 134
D 223470 493267 398187 D398188
137 Dz 141 494218 617 Dz270344 634 Dz
493869 ScrewFloat Bowl (Standard) OR 493763 ScrewFloat Bowl (High Altitude) Note 493637 ScrewFloat Bowl (Standard) OR 494870 ScrewFloat Bowl (High Altitude) Used on Type No(s). 0108, 0119, 0141, 0145, 3107, 3120, 3121, 3194, 4001. 493640 BowlFloat
K Included in Gasket SetSee Ref. D Included in Carburetor KitPart No. z Included in Carburetor Gasket SetPart No. 224511 94608 22372 94204 493294 DESCRIPTION GuardFlywheel ScrewHex. Head ClampCasing ScrewClamp Mtg. HousingBlower Used on Engines Without Band Brake. Note 493293 Housing Blower Used on Engines With Band Brake. 305 324 324A 332 363 455 PART NO.
492177 Flywheel 492175 Flywheel Note 492893 Flywheel Used on Type No(s). 0120, 0125, 0128, 0129, 0130, 0136, 0137, 0141, 0144, 0145, 0148, 0149, 0620, 0621, 4001, 4003, 5001, 5002, 5003, 5005, 5006, 5007.
94513 ScrewSem 224527 ScreenRotating 224251 ScreenRotating (For 1 Quart Tank). 92284 NutFlywheel 19069 Flywheel Puller 224250 CupStarter
K Included in Gasket SetSee Ref. D Included in Carburetor KitPart No. z Included in Carburetor Gasket SetPart No. 490937.
Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 9
126700 to 126799
65A 55 608
56 1016 459 57 69 456 946 515 69A 461
REF. [. . . ] 494356 TankFuel (1-1/2 Quart, Red) Note 494351 TankFuel (1 Quart, Black) Used on Type No(s). 494354 TankFuel (1-1/2 Quart, Red) Used on Type No(s). 493282 Crankshaft Note For Timing Gear Key Order Part No. 0110, 0111, 0115, 0118, 0119, 0120, 0121, 0124, 0125, 0128, 0129, 0130, 0131, 0132, 0133, 0136, 0141, 0142, 0144, 0145, 0148, 0610, 0611, 0615, 0616, 0618, 0620, 0621, 0622, 0623, 3108, 3111, 3114, 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118, 3119, 3121, 3126, 3140, 3191, 3194, 4001, 5001, 5006, 5007, 7001, 7002, 7015, 7050, 7051. [. . . ]