Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] User Manual - AirStation WHR-G125 Wireless AP Router with Bridging
www. buffalotech. com
v1. 0
Table of Contents
Introduction . 6 ManualConfiguration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 UsingtheConfigurationTool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 AOSS . 15 Router/AccessPointModeSwitch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Encryption and Security . 18 ConnectingtoanExistingNetwork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Glossary . [. . . ] Driver: Software that interfaces a computerwithaspecifichardwaredevice. Dynamic IP Address: An IP address that isautomaticallyassignedtoaclientstation inaTCP/IPnetwork, typicallybyaDHCP server. Ethernet:Themostwidelyused architectureforLocalAreaNetworks (LANs). Itisashared-medianetwork architecture. TheIEEE802. 3standard details its functionality. Ethernet cable: A wire similar to telephone cablethatcarriessignalsbetweenEthernet devices. Itisdesignedtoconnectasingle device'sNICtoarouter, switch, orhub. File and Print Sharing: A Microsoft application that allows computers on a networktosharefilesandprinters. Firmware:Computerprogramming instructionsthatarestoredinareadonlymemoryunitratherthanbeing implementedthroughsoftware. Frame:Afixedblockofdata, transmitted asasingleentity. Alsoreferredtoasa packet.
Full-Duplex:Totransmitonthesame channelinbothdirectionssimultaneously. Half-duplex:Totransmitonthesame channelinbothdirections, onedirectionat a time. Hub: A device which allows connection of computers and other devices to form a LAN. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers):Theprofessional organizationwhichpromotesdevelopment ofelectronicstechnology. IP (Internet Protocol) Address: A unique 32-binary-digitnumberthatidentifieseach sender or receiver of information sent in packets. Infrastructure:Awirelessnetworkor othersmallnetworkinwhichthewireless networkdevicesaremadeapartofthe networkthroughtheAccessPoint. ISP (Internet Service Provider): A company that provides access to the Internet and other related services. IV (Initialization Vector):Theheader sectionofanencryptedmessagepacket. LAN (Local Area Network):Agroup of computers and peripheral devices connected to share resources. LED (Light Emitting Diode):Thelights onahardwaredevicerepresentingthe activitythroughtheports. MAC (Medium Access Control) Address: Theuniquenumberthatdistinguishes everynetworkinterfacecard. Mbps (Mega Bits Per Second): A measurementofmillionsofbitsper second. MDI/X (Media Dependent Interface/ Cross-over):Portonanetworkhubor switchthatcrossestheincomingtransmit lineswiththeoutgoingreceivelines.
MHz (MegaHertz): One million cycles per second. NAT (Network Address Translation): An internetstandardthatenablesaLANto use one set of IP addresses for internal trafficandasecondsetforexternaltraffic. NIC (Network Interface Card): An expansioncardconnectedtoacomputer sothecomputercanbeconnectedtoa network. Packet: Ablockofdatathatistransferred asasingleunit, alsocalledaframeora block. [. . . ] FCC Warning
Changesormodificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
FCC / CE Information
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for uncontrolled equipmentandmeetstheFCCradiofrequency(RF)ExposureGuidelinesinSupplementC toOET65. Thisequipmentshouldbeinstalledandoperatedwithatleast20cmandmore between the radiator and person's body (excluding extremities: hands, wrists, feet and legs). Thistransmittermustnotbeco-locatedoroperatinginconjunctionwithanyother antenna or transmitter.
Thisequipmentisdesignedwiththeutmostcareforthesafetyofthosewhoinstalland useit. However, specialattentionmustbepaidtothedangersofelectricshockandstatic electricitywhenworkingwithelectricalequipment. Allguidelinesofthismanualandofthe computermanufacturermustthereforebeallowedatalltimestoensurethesafeuseof the equipment.
EU Countries intended for use
TheETSIversionofthisdeviceisintendedforhomeandofficeuseinAustria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France(withFrequencychannelrestrictions), Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, TheNetherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland andUnitedKingdom. TheETSIversionofthisdeviceisalsoauthorizedforuseinEFTA memberstatesIceland, Liechtenstein, NorwayandSwitzerland.
EU Countries not intended for use
Europe EU Declaration of Conformity
ThisdevicecomplieswiththeessentialrequirementsoftheR&TTEDirective1999/5/EC. Thefollowingtestmethodshavebeenappliedinordertoprovepresumptionofcompliancewith theR&TTEDirective1999/5/EC: · EN60950:2000SafetyofInformationTechnologyEquipment · EN300328-2V1. 2. 1(2001-12)Technicalrequirementsforspread-spectrumradioequipment · EN301489-17V1. 1. 1(2000-09)EMCrequirementsforspread-spectrumradioequipment
SARcompliancehasbeenestablishedintypicallaptopcomputer(s)withCardBus slot, andproductcouldbeusedintypicallaptopcomputerwithCardBusslot. Other applicationlikehandheldPCorsimilardevicehasnotbeenverified, maynotcomplywithrelated RFexposurerules, andsuchuseshallbeprohibited.
Thisequipmentisdesignedwiththeutmostcareforthesafetyofthosewhoinstalland useit. However, specialattentionmustbepaidtothedangersofelectricshockandstatic electricitywhenworkingwithelectricalequipment. Allguidelinesofthismanualandof thecomputermanufacturermustthereforebeallowedatalltimestoensurethesafeuse of the equipment.
Intended use
Thisdeviceisa2. 4GHz&5GHzwirelessLANtransceiver, intendedforindoorhomeand officeuseinUSA, Canada, allEUandEFTAmemberstates.
EU Countries intended for use
Thisdeviceisintendedforindoorhomeandofficeuseinthefollowingcountries: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Greece, France, Finland, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, TheNetherlands, Portugal, Sweden, UnitedKingdom, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungry, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, SlovakRepublicand Slovenia. ThedeviceisalsoauthorisedforuseinallEFTAmemberstatesIceland, Liechtenstein, NorwayandSwitzerland.
EU countries not intended for use
Potential restrictive use
Thisdeviceisa2. 4GHz&5GHzwirelessLANtransceiver, intendedforindoorhomeand officeuseinallEUandEFTAmemberstates, exceptinFrance, BelgiumandItalywhere restrictive use applies. InItalytheend-usershouldapplyforalicenseatthenationalspectrumauthoritiesin ordertoobtainanauthorizationtousethedeviceforsettingupoutdoorradiolinks.
InBelgiumthereisarestrictioninoutdooruse. Thefrequencyrangeinwhichoutdoor operationinBelgiumispermittedis24602483. 5MHz. [. . . ]