Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Business Edition User's Guide
Business Edition 7. 83c February 2008
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© 2008 Business Objects. Business Objects owns the following U. S. patents, which may cover products that are offered and licensed by Business Objects: 5, 555, 403; 5, 857, 205; 6, 289, 352; 6, 247, 008; 6, 490, 593; 6, 578, 027; 6, 831, 668; 6, 768, 986; 6, 772, 409; 6, 882, 998; 7, 139, 766; 7, 299, 419; 7, 194, 465; 7, 222, 130; 7, 181, 440 and 7, 181, 435. Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Business Objects Crystal Vision, Business Process On Demand, BusinessQuery, Crystal Analysis, Crystal Applications, Crystal Decisions, Crystal Enterprise, Crystal Insider, Crystal Reports, Desktop Intelligence, Inxight, the Inxight Logo, LinguistX, Star Tree, Table Lens, ThingFinder, Timewall, Let there be light, Metify, NSite, Rapid Marts, RapidMarts, the Spectrum Design, Web Intelligence, Workmail and Xcelsius are trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States and/or other countries of Business Objects and/or affiliated companies. [. . . ] The USPS grants a discount because you're doing some of their work for them, mainly presorting and barcoding the mail. There are various levels of discounts available, depending on the kind and amount of mail you're sending, and how you address and sort the mail. Postalsoft runs a "computer model" of the mailing that you'll assemble physically. Based on information from you--such as piece dimensions and container type--and following USPS rules, Postalsoft figures out how many pieces will fit into each package and container. Postalsoft "knows" the USPS rules for First Class, Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Package Services Bound Printed Matter. It presorts your mail by taking the information you give it about your mailing and performing the following tasks for you: Printing labels or envelopes in the correct sequence with delivery-point barcodes for ZIP+4 addresses, to maximize your savings Labeling each new package, sack, or tray Printing the required container tags Printing the required postal forms, fully completed and ready to be signed Computing the various rates and total postage
Postalsoft presorting
Presort wizard
Postalsoft makes it easy to presort your mail by walking you through a presort wizard. In each step of the wizard, you supply information that Postalsoft needs in order to correctly presort your mail, information about: Mail piece Sortation Periodicals Mailing Entry point Schemes To start the presort wizard, choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings or click Sort for Mailing on the Tasks pane.
Settings Library
You can save certain areas of the presort wizard in the Settings Library. The Settings Library stores groups of settings called components, which you can later load into the presort wizard. The areas of the wizard that you can save include: The entry point and/or plan (multiple entry points add-on option) The presort schemes and scheme details The mailing information
Chapter 10: Presort
PAVE certification
Postalsoft has USPS PAVE (Presort Accuracy Verification and Evaluation) certification, which means that the USPS has approved the format and details in Postalsoft's presort reports. This gives you an extra assurance that your Postalsoft presorting reports will be accepted at the post office. Because the PAVE certificates change frequently, we post the most recent ones on our Customer Portal at http://www. firstlogic. com/customer
ZAP approval
Business Edition is level 1 Zone Analysis Program (ZAP) approved. ZAP assists publishers and postal personnel in verifying that zones are properly assigned to Periodicals mail based on the USPS National zone chart matrix. By using ZAP-approved software, you are exempt from the annual zone summary of the postage payment reviews by the USPS. This is because Business Edition is approved to use the proper zone assignment and USPS electronic data (zone charts). As proof that Business Edition is ZAP-approved, the date of the zone data is printed on the Postage Statement and Qualification Report. For the zone date to appear in the reports, you must install the latest Zone directory (zone. dir). For more information about ZAP, see www. ribbs. usps. gov.
Postalsoft uses postal directories to presort mail. See "Postal directories" on page 17 for more information.
Business Edition User's Guide
Mail piece
Postalsoft needs information from you about your mail piece. The information that you supply helps Postalsoft determine how many pieces will fit into packages and containers and what schemes Postalsoft should use.
Physical size and characteristics
Accurate size and weight information is critical. Measure your sample mail pieces carefully. The procedure for measuring samples depends on whether your mail will be prepared loose in trays or in sacks of packages.
Testing the flexibility and droop of your flatsized mail piece
For a piece to be considered a flat, it must meet the flexibility requirements as stated in DMM 301. 1. 4. If your mail piece is not flexible according to USPS requirements, select the Piece Is Rigid option in the Sort for Mailing - Piece Information window. [. . . ] If you use an older version of Extract, then the Extract process might fail or produce unintended results.
Appendix F: Utilities
1. Choose Start > Programs > Command Prompt. Go to the directory where the Extract files are located. To do this, type cd, a space, and then the path to the directory. [. . . ]