Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
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BusinessObjects XI SharePoint Installation Guide
Installing the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit on a Microsoft SharePoint Server
Installing the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit on a Microsoft SharePoint Server Installation overview
Installation overview
Setting up and installing the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit includes two main activities: · Installing the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Sharepoint 2007 Web Part Package The BusinessObjects Enterprise XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit includes an installation program that adds a Web Part Package on your SharePoint system. For information about installing the SharePoint 2007 Web Part Package, see Installing the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit on page 10. · Configuring your deployment After installing the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit, you can set additional configuration options that are specific to your deployment. [. . . ] Untested parameters are not supported.
BusinessObjects XI SharePoint Installation Guide
Installing the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit on a Microsoft SharePoint Server Uninstalling the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit
Uninstalling the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit
When you uninstall the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit, all web parts, samples, and documentation are removed from all virtual servers. Note that instances and any other content in BusinessObjects Enterprise that Web Site Creators and Information Consumers have added are not removed during the uninstall process.
To uninstall the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit
1. While logged on as an Administrator, go to Start > Settings > Control Panel . In the list of currently installed programs, select BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit. When asked to confirm your uninstall, click Yes.
To perform a silent uninstallation
You can also uninstall the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit silently. To perform a silent uninstallation, run the following on the command line:
msiexec. exe /x <path and name of msi> /qn
BusinessObjects XI SharePoint Installation Guide
Configuring the BusinessObjectsSharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit
Configuring the BusinessObjectsSharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit Configuration overview
Configuration overview
This section is intended for administrators who have good working knowledge of Microsoft Office SharePoint technologies, BusinessObjects Enterprise, and web servers. It details specific steps for various installation scenarios that apply to specific SharePoint deployments. For more information on general administrative tasks, see the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI R2 Portal Integration Kit Administrator's Guide.
Considerations when enabling SharePoint on virtual servers post install
This section provides information on updating the template configuration file when you enable or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 on a new virtual server after the installation of the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit.
Template configuration file
The template configuration file for the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit is located in the following directory: c:\Program
Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\CONFIG\webconfig. businessobjects. xml.
Every time a web site is created through your SharePoint solution, SharePoint uses this XML configuration template file to generate web. config entries. This template also specifies the BusinessObjects Enterprise system that you entered during installation. Thus, if you change the machine on which your BusinessObjects Enterprise Central Management Server (CMS) is located, you need to update this XML file. In particular, you need to update the value for the "BusinessObjects Enterprise Central Management Server" key to ensure that the value matches the name of your CMS.
BusinessObjects XI SharePoint Installation Guide
Configuring the BusinessObjectsSharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit Updating web. config for subsequent SharePoint-enabled virtual servers
Updating web. config for subsequent SharePoint-enabled virtual servers
This section provides information about updating the web. config file. Specifically, this section details the tags and configuration settings for the BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit.
Updating web. config
The BusinessObjects XI SharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit installer updates the web. config file that is located in the standard root space of your web server . The installer also creates a backup of your original web. config file, called backup web. config. The backup file is stored in the installation directory.
Note: In some instances, your web. config file may be located elsewhere.
Consider this example: you host your SharePoint site on port 81, instead of the default port 80. In this case, your web. config for port 80 is located at c:\<machine_name>\webroot\web. config, instead of the default location. Although you specify the correct URL and port number during setup, the installation program always attempts to update the configuration file in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot. If there is no SharePoint or . NET deployment on port 80, there may not be a web. config file in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot. In this case, you need to update your web. config file manually. During the installation process, extra tags are added to the bottom of the web. config file. The tags contain the following text:
<appSettings> <!-- Authentication mode can be secWinAD, secWindowsNT, secEn terprise --> <add key="BusinessObjects Enterprise Authentication Mode" val ue="%AUTHENTICATIONMODE%" /> <!-- Management server is the name of the server where the CMS resides --> <add key="BusinessObjects Enterprise Management Server" val ue="%CMSNAME%" /> <!-- Token expiry in minutes to limit re-authentication --> <add key="BusinessObjects Enterprise Token Timeout" value="600" /> <!-- InfoObject ProgID Exclusion Types (any valid Enterprise Prog-Id comma separated) -->
BusinessObjects XI SharePoint Installation Guide
Configuring the BusinessObjectsSharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit Updating web. config for subsequent SharePoint-enabled virtual servers
<add key="BusinessObjects Enterprise Object Exclusions" val ue="CrystalEnterprise. ObjectPackage, CrystalEnterprise. Pro gram, CrystalEnterprise. AFDashboardPage" /> <!-- Displaying problem tracking messages in web part pages -> <add key="BusinessObjects Enterprise Trace Enabled" val ue="False" /> <!-- Whether to prompt the logon page for the user to input the username&password --> <add key="BusinessObjects Enterprise Credential Prompt" val ue="False" /> <!-- Analytic viewer Url Object Types that use Analytic Viewer Url Key --> <add key="BusinessObjects Enterprise Analytic Viewer Object Types" value="CrystalEnterprise. Analytic" /> <!-- Document viewer Url Object Types that use Document Viewer Url Key --> <add key="BusinessObjects Enterprise Document Viewer Object Types" value="CrystalEnterprise. Report, CrystalEnterprise. Anal ysis, CrystalEnterprise. Webi, CrystalEnterprise. Rtf, CrystalEnter prise. Txt, CrystalEnterprise. Pdf, CrystalEnterprise. Excel, Crys talEnterprise. Powerpoint, CrystalEnterprise. Word, CrystalEnter prise. FullClient" /> <!-- Analytic viewer Url %id%, %type%, %lang% and %token% are substitution variables --> <add key="BusinessObjects Enterprise Analytic Viewer Url" val ue="http:// %JAVAINFOVIEW%/businessobjects/enterprise115/desk toplaunch/jsp/openAnalytic. jsp?sType=%type%&Documen tId=%id%&token=%token%&lang=%lang%&RepositoryType=C" /> <!-- Document viewer Url %id%, %type%, %lang% and %token% are substitution variables --> <add key="BusinessObjects Enterprise Document Viewer Url" val ue="http:// %JAVAINFOVIEW%/businessobjects/enterprise115/In foView/scripts/openDocument. aspx?sKind=%type%&sID Type=CUID&iDocID=%id%&token=%token%&lang=%lang%" /> </appSettings>
If your web. config file is not in the default location, configure and copy these tags to the correct web. config file.
Note: These tags must be at the end of your web. config file, after the
</system. web> tag, but before the </configuration> tag.
Configuring the web. config tags
Each setting consists of two lines: a comment line (contained within !-- and --) and the actual tag. Before copying the tags, you need to first configure
BusinessObjects XI SharePoint Installation Guide
Configuring the BusinessObjectsSharePoint 2007 Portal Integration Kit Updating web. config for subsequent SharePoint-enabled virtual servers
the settings for your deployment. For each tag line (other than comment lines), update the information in the value section that is contained within the set of double quotes. [. . . ] Expertise is available in relational and multidimensional databases, in connectivities, database design tools, customized embedding technology, and more. For more information, contact your local sales office, or contact us at: http://www. businessobjects. com/services/consulting/
Looking for training options?
From traditional classroom learning to targeted e-learning seminars, we can offer a training package to suit your learning needs and preferred learning style. Find more information on the Business Objects Education web site: http://www. businessobjects. com/services/training
BusinessObjects XI SharePoint Installation Guide
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