Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] BusinessObjects Extended Analytics Designer User Guide
BusinessObjects Extended Analytics Designer version 4
Copyright © 2007 Business Objects. Business Objects owns the following U. S. patents, which may cover products that are offered and licensed by Business Objects: 5, 555, 403; 6, 247, 008; 6, 289, 352; 6, 490, 593; 6, 578, 027; 6, 768, 986; 6, 772, 409; 6, 831, 668; 6, 882, 998; 7, 139, 766; 7, 181, 435; 7, 181, 440 and 7, 194, 465. Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, Crystal Xcelsius, Crystal Decisions, Intelligent Question, Desktop Intelligence, Crystal Enterprise, Crystal Analysis, Web Intelligence, RapidMarts, and BusinessQuery are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects in the United States and/or other countries. [. . . ] For the Account dimension, you can select a Category Scenario Account Hierarchy. The hierarchies available in the drop-down menu depend on the members selected in the Category dimension.
Note: If you are using a BusinessObjects Finance 10 SP2 or higher database and you chose to historize the scope hierarchies, the Parent child hierarchy cannot be changed for the Reporting Unit dimension. If you do not select a hierarchy or you select the Include default hierarchy option, the default hierarchy will be applied in the future cube. Note: In order to obtain a simple cube, you should select only one hierarchy per dimension and per cube. Note: If you have already selected a hierarchy, you are advised not to select the Include default hierarchy option.
BusinessObjects Extended Analytics Designer User Guide
Views Defining dimensions
You can also specify that you do not want the name of the dimension to appear in the retrieval tool by selecting the Hide dimension name option. In this case, only the selected hierarchy name will appear. Defining aggregations For all dimensions except for Category, Scope, Variant and Consolidation Currency, two options are available. If you select these options, the parent node will contain the aggregated total of its children amounts.
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The Enable Named Level Hierarchy Aggregations option applies to the named level and the default hierarchies. The Enable Parent Child Hierarchy Aggregations option applies to parent child hierarchies.
Note: For the Period, Data entry period and Account dimensions, this option does not appear. However, you can activate this option for the Account dimension by setting the following key in the 'Cartesis. InformationDelivery. Workbench. exe. config' file: <add key="IsAccountDimensionAggregatable" value="true"/>. Concurrently, for aggregatable hierarchies, you can deactivate the calculation at the "All" node level when not relevant. The Deactivate 'All' node calculation option applies to all types of hierarchies of the dimension. When the option is selected, the behavior is as follows in your data retrieval tool:
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The 'All' node is neither displayed nor calculated on a default hierarchy. The 'All' node is displayed but not calculated on the named level and parent child hierarchies.
Enabling automatic aggregations on the Period and Data entry period dimension hierarchies You can choose to apply a different behavior on time aggregation by activating the automatic time aggregation based on BusinessObjects Finance flow types. To do so, you will choose from the Flow dimension a BusinessObjects Finance category scenario that will be used as a reference. The behavior of the flows will be as described in the selected BusinessObjects Finance category scenario. The time aggregation will apply to both period and data entry period dimensions, provided that they are not merged. This means that the behavior of the accounts will be driven by the selected flow as shown below:
BusinessObjects Extended Analytics Designer User Guide
Views Defining dimensions
Finance Flow type Year To Date Periodic (Monthly) Opening flow Closing flow Movement flows Other flows
Aggregation mode in the cube Last non empty period Sum First non empty period Last non empty period Last non empty period Last non empty period
Note: The default aggregation mode is the sum. Example: The examples below describe the three different aggregation modes and therefore, which amounts will be displayed in your data retrieval tool. In the table below, the aggregation mode is 'Last non empty period'. In this example, as no amount has been entered for March, the amount in Quarter 1 is the amount in February, since it is the last amount that has been entered.
In the table below, the aggregation mode is 'Sum'. In this example, all the entered amounts are added.
In the table below, the aggregation mode is 'First non empty period'. [. . . ] The solution 'ID Solution_3' was successfully saved to the data source 'Magisk'. Or:
BusinessObjects Extended Analytics Designer User Guide
Importing solutions
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Extended Analytics\Designer>import / DS:Magisk /U:ADMIN /P:123456 /F:testtwo. xml /OVERWRITE Started import of solutions in file testtwo. xml. Importing solution 'ID Solution' (1 of 2). Import ok, saving solution as 'ID Solution'. [. . . ]