Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Match Library Programmer's Reference
Match Library 8. 00c April 2009
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Match Library Programmer's Reference
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Chapter 1: Compile and link with Match Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] If one or both keys contains ambiguous or blank data for the last line, address line, firm, or name, respectively, then give the field a loose blank-match score and continue to include the field in the matching process. If one or both keys contains ambiguous or blank data for the last line, address line, firm, or name, respectively, then the records are not duplicates. Let the Match Library determine how to handle ambiguous fields. For multiple names such as "John and Mary Smith, " only one name needs to match--for example, "John and Sue Smith" would match. For multiple names such as "John and Mary Smith, " all names must match. Let the Match Library determine how to handle multiple names. Controls the field count settings for the name fields when mtc_auto_set_keyattr() is called. For example, if this value is set to 2, then mtc_auto_set_keyattr() will set up name fields for two people. When one last name is hyphenated and the other is not, only one name needs to match. For example, "Jones" matches "Jones-Smith. " Do not give special treatment to hyphenated last names. Let the Match Library determine how to handle hyphenated last names.
Chapter 3: Match Library functions
Value for opt_num
Value for opt_val
Description and values for opt_val
For women's names, the last name comparison should not cause the overall name comparison to fail. For example, "Mary Smith" could match "Mary Jones. " Do not give special treatment to women's names. Let the Match Library determine how to handle women's names. When personal names match better than firms--for example, "Mary P. Foley, IBM Corp. " and "Mary P. Foley, AS/400 Division"--ignore the firm data. Let the Match Library determine whether or not to ignore firms. When the secondary range, address, or firm comparison is ambiguous, perform an extra comparison on name. When the secondary range, address, or firm comparison is ambiguous, perform an extra comparison on last name. When the secondary range, address, or firm comparison is ambiguous, perform an extra comparison on name and firm. When the secondary range, address, or firm comparison is ambiguous, perform an extra comparison on firm. Let the Match Library determine whether or not to perform an extra comparison. [. . . ] If the error MTC_ERR_INVPATH_GMTC is received, ensure that this file is present in the "path" argument passed to this function.
MTC_RULE_ID ruleid; MTC_KEYPAIR_ID keypairid; MTC_GMATCHER_ID matcher_id; char* mypath = ". /" int retval; /* create a Japanese matcher */ retval = mtccb_create_matcher(MATCHER_JP, &matcher_id, mypath, ruleid, keypairid);
Appendix C: Global Match functions
#include <mtccb_funcs. h> int mtccb_compare_firm(comparefunctdata, str1, len1, str2, len2, score); void*; comparefunctdata; Input: Compare function data FlUChar* str1; Input: First string to compare int len1; Input: Length of the first string to compare FlUChar* str2; Input: Second string to compare int len2; Input: Length of the second string to compare int* score; Output: Score of the comparison
This is a call back function provided with the library to compare firm data. You can set this function as a call back in mtc_rule_set_keyfld_exit_ comparefld_u. In that case, the value of compare_func_data_u must be of type MtccbFieldData as specified in mtccb_funcs. h. See the sample file gmsample. c for example usage of this function. [. . . ]