Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] BusinessObjects Performance Manager XI 3. 1 Administrator's Guide
BusinessObjects Performance Manager XI 3. 1 windows
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BusinessObjects Performance Manager XI 3. 1 Administrator's Guide
Performance Manager Setup and Administration Online Help Sliced metric dimensions
Manually importing users from the Business Objects repository to secure dimensions
This process shows you how to manually import users to create an association on a dimension. Go to Dashboard and Analytics Setup > System Setup > Dimensions. In the "Create Dimension" panel, you define the dimension name, click Next. Select Manually, by importing users from the Business Objects repository and click Next. If you did not activate Yes, I want to create sliced metrics on this dimension in the first Create Dimension panel, you can provide a list of slices to use with the association. Click Add and enter the slice name and code. You can also edit existing slices in the list by clicking Edit Slice. When you finish selecting slices, click Next. To select the users who only have limited access to the dimension, enter character strings into the "Search" text box and click Go. From the "Available Users" list, select the users for which you want to create an association, and use the arrows to enter them into the list of "Selected User"s. If you want slices for a user in the "Available Users" list, select the user and activate Visible next to the slice name. You need to do this action for each user. Activate Select All Values to check the visible box for all slices.
The global slice counts as a separate slice. For each user in "Available Users" list, identify the default slice by activating Default. Do one of the following: · Click End to confirm the manual user import. · Click Previous to return to earlier screens. · Click Cancel to cancel the dimension creation.
BusinessObjects Performance Manager XI 3. 1 Administrator's Guide
Performance Manager Setup and Administration Online Help Sliced metric dimensions
Editing a dimension
You can edit the definition of a dimension, or simply edit the user association of a dimension. Go to Dashboard and Analytics Setup > System Setup > Dimensions. [. . . ] A centered weighted moving average is useful to de-seasonalize the data. If your time series is quarterly, use the MA 2x4. are required, use MA 2x8 or MA 2x12 for quarterly series.
MA centered
A moving average transformation.
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