Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Presort User's Guide
Presort 7. 90c November 2008
Copyright information
© 2008 Business Objects, an SAP company. Business Objects owns the following U. S. patents, which may cover products that are offered and licensed by Business Objects: 5, 295, 243; 5, 339, 390; 5, 555, 403; 5, 590, 250; 5, 619, 632; 5, 632, 009; 5, 857, 205; 5, 880, 742; 5, 883, 635; 6, 085, 202; 6, 108, 698; 6, 247, 008; 6, 289, 352; 6, 300, 957; 6, 377, 259; 6, 490, 593; 6, 578, 027; 6, 581, 068; 6, 628, 312; 6, 654, 761; 6, 768, 986; 6, 772, 409; 6, 831, 668; 6, 882, 998; 6, 892, 189; 6, 901, 555; 7, 089, 238; 7, 107, 266; 7, 139, 766; 7, 178, 099; 7, 181, 435; 7, 181, 440; 7, 194, 465; 7, 222, 130; 7, 299, 419; 7, 320, 122 and 7, 356, 779. Business Objects and its logos, BusinessObjects, Business Objects Crystal Vision, Business Process On Demand, BusinessQuery, Cartesis, Crystal Analysis, Crystal Applications, Crystal Decisions, Crystal Enterprise, Crystal Insider, Crystal Reports, Crystal Vision, Desktop Intelligence, Inxight and its logos , LinguistX, Star Tree, Table Lens, ThingFinder, Timewall, Let There Be Light, Metify, NSite, Rapid Marts, RapidMarts, the Spectrum Design, Web Intelligence, Workmail and Xcelsius are trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States and/or other countries of Business Objects and/or affiliated companies. [. . . ] For a few of our more sophisticated users, that approach is too simple or, in some cases, they need to define more ZIP Code ranges that Presort allows. These mailers pre-process the database to assign records to entry points by a more complex algorithm. To each record, they append a coded field that indicates the entry point. This field is then presented to Presort through the field PW. Entry_ID. Technically, you can set up entry points by both methods. Presort will assign each mail piece to the first entry point that it is able to match either by ZIP or PW. Entry_ID.
Setting up your DEF file(s)
Entry_ID is a PW field. In the DEF file, you create the link between Entry_ID and your database field. For example, your DEF entry might be:
If you're not sure what PW fields and DEF files are, read our Database Prep manual.
Linking each entry point to a field value
Let's say that you've got each entry point set up, and the PW. Entry_ID field set up. The link is that each Entry Point Description includes one value for PW. Entry_ID. As Presort evaluates each input record, it checks the PW. Entry_ID value. Then Presort tries to match this value to one of the Entry Point Descriptions. It's possible that Presort won't find a match. For example, Presort might find a record in which the PW. Entry_ID field is empty, or contains an invalid value-- that is, a value not among those you have defined in the job. Your options for handling such records are explained on "Essential points of job setup" on page 133.
Chapter 6: Multiple entry points
Eligibility for discounts
Mail is eligible for destination discounts depending on where you enter the mail, the mail class, and the type of mailing. If you have questions about this, refer them to your USPS account representative or postmaster. For some types of mail and entry points, Presort can automatically determine which pieces get the destination discount, and which do not. (This is based on the ZIP Code of the piece, and on data in Presort's SCF directory. ) In other situations, you may have to or want to spell out which ZIPs get the discount. We explain each situation below; then at "Automatic DDU versus setting ZIP ranges" on page 140, we show you the setup.
Pieces not eligible for in-county rates, entered at the SCF and destined within the SCF service area.
Pieces not eligible for in-county rates, entered at the ADC and destined within the ADC service area.
Carrier route pieces destined within the service area of the delivery unit where the mail is entered. Pieces destined within the service area of the delivery unit where the mail is entered.
Standard, ECR Regular Mail entered at the BMC for pieces destined within the BMC service area. If the area is also served by an ASF, enter the mail there to receive the discount. Standard, ECR Automation Mail entered at the BMC for pieces destined within the BMC service area. Mail entered at the BMC for pieces destined within the BMC service area.
None Mail entered at the SCF for pieces destined within the SCF service area. [. . . ] Guidelines for Status designing your own file masks are presented in the online help or Presort Job-File Reference manual.
Concatenating files
Split output can give you a lot of files to handle. So we give you the option to combine the files back into a single file using the Concatenate Files option. However, a much simpler way to change the mailstream hierarchy and generate a single output file is to use the Alternate Mailstream Hierarchy feature of mailflow. That feature also provides the added benefit of generating reports in an order that reflects the order of the output file. [. . . ]