Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] BusinessObjects Set Analysis User Guide
BusinessObjects Set Analysis 3. 1 Windows
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BusinessObjects Set Analysis User Guide
Set analytics Profiler
The Profiler analytic, available in Set Analysis, analyzes the individual level information at the membership and metric levels. Use Individual Profiler to create sets to profile your customers in ways that answer your business questions. Individual customers can belong to more than one set, or interest group. For example, individual customers can belong to a specific age group, geographical location, or marital status. Customers can be classified, analyzed and treated in different ways using set techniques. You can create broad or specific sets to categorize your customers in ways that are relevant to your business.
Configuring the Profiler analytic
Profiler analyzes the individual level information at the membership and metric levels. In the profiler edit panel, select the views that you want displayed in the analytic. To select or unselect all of the views under "Membership" or "Metrics", activate or deactivate them at the root level. Select the subjects that you want listed. You can choose to view all subjects, or select from the list of available subjects. This ID corresponds to the column name in the set dimension table. Click OK to save the configuration.
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What is a subject? [. . . ] These values can be used to group data together and are often related to other values in other columns in a hierarchical way. A table can have many inherent hierarchies that indicate how these columns are related. Defining these hierarchies as object trees is a useful method of providing access to the table items to the Set Analyzer user who is not familiar with the structure of the data. In Set Analyzer, the object trees do not have to relate to a logical hierarchy, but can be constructed from any combination of suitable objects in the set repository.
What is retention?
In the analysis of sets, retention is the number of stayers as a percentage of the members at the end of the prior period.
BusinessObjects Set Analysis User Guide
Set Analysis Terms What is a sampling?
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