Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Introduction
Important Information and Customer Assistance
Operation Customer Warranty
Assistance Important Information
Federal Laws Governing the Use of Radar Detectors It is not against federal law to receive radar transmissions with your Cobra radar/ laser detector. The Communications Act of 1924 guarantees your right to receive radio Secondary Icons transmissions on any frequency. Local laws that contravene this Act, while illegal, may be enforced by your local law enforcement officials until and unless they are prohibited from doing so by federal court action. Operating Instructions Safety Alert Use of this product is not intended to, and does not, ensure that motorists or passengers will not be involved in traffic accidents. [. . . ] None
ondary Icons
NOTE When initially choosing your IntelliMute activation point, a setting Notice Warranty Customer of approximately 300 to 600 RPMs above idle is recommended. Assistance You can reset the activation point at any time to fit your individual preferences and driving style.
Customer Setting the IntelliMute Activation Point Assistance Your detector must be installed in your vehicle.
Set Intel. . .
Press SET. . .
Intelli Mute
Secondary Icons
CAUTION Do not attempt to set the rev point while driving. Warning Your vehicle should be parked and idling.
NOTE If the unit is unable to sense usable pulses within three seconds or if you do not set a rev point within 20 seconds of beginning these steps, IntelliMute will indicate an error and automatically turn off. IntelliMute IntelliMute Off
Not Set
IntelliMute must be turned on before setting the activation point.
Tone One beep One beep
14 English
Visual Display
IntelliMu. . .
Intelli Mute Please tr. . . Off
IntelliMute not set Please try again IntelliMute Off
Nothing comes close to a Cobra®
n Icons
Your Detector
Intro Operation
Customer Assistance Warranty
Your Detector
Intro Operation
Customer Assistance Warranty
Intro Operation
8-Point Compass
Your detector includes an internal Customer Warranty Assistance 8-point Compass that will continuously display your current direction of travel: Secondary Icons N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, or NW.
Select/Dim Button
Set/City Button
Secondary Icons
Program/Mute Button
ondary Icons
To calibrate the Compass using Program Mode
(See page 7 for instructions on using Program Mode)
Calibrating the Compass
NOTE Notice Before using it for the first time, you must calibrate the compass to provide accurate indications of direction. See page 7 for instructions on using the Program mode to select Set Compass. Calibration allows the compass electronics to measure and store information about the magnetic fields generated by your vehicle.
In Program mode, go to Notice Set Compass. Press and hold the Set/City button to begin setting the compass. Within two minutes, drive your vehicle in a circle twice, then press the Set/City button again.
Tone None One beep
Visual Display Set Compass Drive in 2 circles. . . For two seconds followed by direction of travel (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W or NW) None
n Icons
Three beeps
The compass will remain accurately calibrated as long as your detector is mounted in the same place in your vehicle. If you change the location where Warranty Operationunit Customer the is mounted or move it to another vehicle, you must recalibrate the Assistance compass. The compass temporarily may not provide accurate readings if you are inside a building or enclosure, or are close to a large metal tractor/trailer, truck, or train. Once you are away from such a location, the compass will work correctly again. NOTE When the instructions direct you to drive in two circles, a large parking lot is the most convenient place to do so. It does not matter what direction your vehicle is pointing when you start the circles, which direction you go to make the circles, and it does not have to be exactly two circles. You do NOT have to make perfect circles. You can drive in any pattern, as long as you make two complete turns. Four three-point turns, two small squares, or any two complete loops will work as well as two circles. It does not matter what size the circles are, if your speed is constant, or how fast you make the circles (but less than two minutes). Please be careful when making the circles and watch for other traffic.
Main Icons
Press and release either the Select/Dim None button to proceed to the next user mode or the Program/Mute button to exit Program mode.
Intro Operation
ondary Icons
Set Compass Assistance
Calibrate Compass
Compass Set
Direction Of Travel
Set Compa. . .
Secondary Icons
Drive in. . . Press SET. . .
Compass Set!
NOTE If you do not press the Set/City button within two minutes after beginning the set compass process, compass calibration will automatically terminate.
Tone One beep
Visual Display Compass not set. . . Please tr. . .
16 English
Nothing comes close to a Cobra®
Your Detector
Intro Operation
Customer Assistance Warranty
Your Detector
Intro Operation
Customer Assistance Warranty
Pop Alert
VG-2 Alert
Pop Alert will alert you of Pop radar signals. [. . . ] patents: 5, 497, 148; 5, 594, 432; 5, 612, 685; 6, 078, 279; 6, 094, 148; 6, 621, 447. Additional patents may be listed inside the product or pending.
32 English
Nothing comes close to a Cobra®
Customer Assistance
Intro Operation Customer Assistance
Product Service
Warranty Intro
Customer Assistance
Operation Customer Assistance
Trademark Acknowledgement
Product Service
If you have any questions about operation or installing your new Cobra product, or if you are missing parts. . .
y Icons
Trademark Acknowledgement
Cobra, 6 Band, DigiView, Extra Sensory Detection, HighGear, microTALK, LaserEye, Safety Alert Traffic Warning System, Strobe Alert, VG-2 Alert and Nothing comes close to a Cobra are registered trademarks of Cobra Electronics Corporation.
Please call Cobra first!DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO THE STORE!If you suspect that your unit requires service, please call 773-889-3087 BEFORE shipping it to Cobra. [. . . ]