Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] doCsis/eurodoCsis 3. 0 broadbaNd Cable ModeM
Wireless N VoiP Cable ModeM
HiGH-sPeed iNTerNeT
latest doCsis/eurodoCsis 3. 0 standards provide transmission speeds of up to 320Mbps downstream, 160Mbps upstream
2 iNTerNeT PHoNe CoNNeCTioNs
2 doCsis CablelabsTM certified FXs phone ports for 2 simultaneous internet phone connections
FasT Wireless N aNd GiGabiT
Wireless-N delivers exceptional range and speed while 4 Gigabit ethernet ports deliver ultra-fast wired networking
ulTiMaTe PerForMaNCe
Powered by doCsis/eurodoCsis 3. 0 channel bonding bandwidth technology, the dCM-704b Wireless N VoiP Cable Modem increases download speeds by up to 8 times when compared with doCsis/eurodoCsis 2. 0. [. . . ] This cable modem is also backwards compatible with doCsis/eurodoCsis 2. 0/1. 1/1. 0 standards.
iNTeGraTed HoMe serViCes
The doCsis/eurodoCsis 3. 0 standard provides speeds fast enough to support the integration of services such as digital television and video on demand in your home. doCsis/eurodoCsis 3. 0 provides users with a more complete technology for home entertainment and communication.
Wireless N VoiP Cable ModeM dCM-704b
doCsis/eurodoCsis 3. 0 broadbaNd Cable ModeM
WHaT THis ProduCT does
The dCM-704b Wireless N VoiP Cable Modem delivers state-of-the-art performance for both home and small business networks. The dCM-704b provides wired and wireless connections for rapid data transfers, VoiP, real Time Hd media streaming, gaming and maximum internet bandwidth. equipped with four Gigabit ethernet ports allowing for maximum wired speeds, this modem is an ideal solution for home or small business networking with multiple computers and network enabled devices running several applications at the same time.
TeCHNiCal sPeCiFiCaTioNs
deViCe iNTerFaCes laN: Four 10/100/1000 Mbps autosensing MdiX, auto uplinkTM rJ-45 ports WaN Port: Coax F Connector Wireless: 802. 11n in 2. 4 GHz band, access point auto rate capable FXs for analog phones (2 lines) usb Host - 1 Port sYsTeM reQuireMeNTs 2. 4 GHz wireless adapter or ethernet adapter and cable for each computer doCsis/eurodoCsis 3. 0 or earlier internet service PacketCable / euroPacketCable 1. 5 or earlier or siP VoiP signaling Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7, Mac os X, linux, or another operating system running a TCP/iP network Microsoft® internet explorer 6. 0, safari, Firefox, opera, or Chrome sTaNdards CoMPliaNCe doCsis 3. 0, eurodoCsis 3. 0, backwards compatible with CMTs based on: doCsis 2. 0, eurodoCsis 2. 0, doCsis 1. 1 VoiCe PacketCableTM & euroPacketCableTM 1. 5 Voice Features: Caller id, call hold, transfer, forwarding, return, conference, redial, speed dial, anonymous call, voicemail, power saving Codecs: aMr, bV-16, G. 711, G723. 1, G. 726, G, 728 G729a, G. 722, G. 168, ilbC, T. 38 Fax relay signaling: MGCP & siP NeTWorKiNG ProToCols application layer dHCP, dNs (Proxy & dynamic), HTTP, rTP, ssH, TFTP, Passes uPnP Transport layer rsVP, TCP, TFTP, udPv4, udPv6 Network layer arP, iCMP, iGMP, iPv4, iPv6, iPv6 client/ server/relay, iPv6CP, iP fragmentation and reassembly, riPv1, riPv2, NaT/PaT, rT Qos data link layer Half bridging, bridging, PPP, iPsec & VPN Pass-through, static routing, Port Forwarding, 802. 1d, spanning Tree Physical layer ethernet: 10baseT/100baseT /1000baseT MaNaGeMeNT sPeCiFiCaTioNs advanced settings: Wireless, Port Forwarding, Port Triggering event logs, Trusted user Maintenance: status, attached devices, backups, set Password, software upgrades Network Time Protocol rF interface ib setup: laN, dNs, static routes smart setup Wizard syslog Telnet Wi-Fi FeaTures 802. 1x disable ssid broadcast disable Wi-Fi radio MaC address access Control Multiple ssids Push `N Connect Wi-Fi Protected setupTM with PiN or push button sid to ssid Qos mapping Turn Wi-Fi on or off with software WeP 64/128 bit WMM-Qos & uaPsd WPa2, WPa2-PsK WPs: Wi-Fi Protected setup seCuriTY Firewall: stateful packet inspection (sPi), intrusion logging and reporting dHCP client on WaN dMZ domain & url Filtering HTTPs iP address assignment: static iP address assignment, internal dHCP server on laN Mode of operation: Port and Network address Translation (NaT), static routing NaT traversal (VPN pass-through) for iPsec, PPTP and l2TP VPNs Parental Control diMeNsioNs 167 x 36 x 220 mm (6. 6 x 1. 4 x 8. 7 in) WeiGHT 0. 31 kg (. 68 lb) FroNT PaNel leds Cable upstream & downstream internet & Power laN 1/2/3/4, Voice 1/2 Wi-Fi, WPs CerTiFiCaTioNs Ce FCC ul C-TiCK a-TiCK PoWer adapter: 12V dC, 1. 5a; plug is localized to country of sale input Power: 30W on/off button PaCKaGe CoNTeNTs ethernet cable - rJ45 Phone cable - rJ11 Power supply Cd-roM with Manual and Quick installation Guide
GeT CoNNeCTed, sTaY CoNNeCTed
The dCM-704b offers ethernet connectivity and is doCsis/eurodoCsis Cablelabs certified. Connect with confidence to a certified cable internet provider using the dCM-704b Wireless N VoiP Cable Modem and enjoy a new and enhanced broadband experience.
Your NeTWorK seTuP
D-Link Corporation No. 289 Xinhu 3rd road, Neihu, Taipei 114, Taiwan specifications are subject to change without notice. [. . . ] release 02 (January 2010)
Wireless N VoiP Cable ModeM dCM-704b [. . . ]