Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
Operator's Guide
The purpose of this Operator's Guide is to provide basic operating procedures for this equipment. For more detailed information see the Operator's Manual.
Manual transmission
Telex Communication
Automatic transmission
This procedure shows how to send a file prepared on the editor screen. [. . . ] To select service code, press [] and space bar. Input service code and press the [Enter] key. Press [] and [Enter] to connect with LES. Select station and wait until "GA+" appears. When answerback code of subscriber appears, press [F6] (HRIS). Type your message, including four Ns (NNNN) at the end of the message. After message is transmitted, press [F3] and [F8] to return to the standby display.
Handset Communication
1. Pick up the handset of the and dial subscriber's complete number as below.
Facsimile Communication
Press the [TEL/DIAL] key on the fax and then follow appropriate procedure below. Normally, enter 00 (automatic call) as the service code. After pressing the [#] key, hit the [ | ] (START) button to transmit the fax.
Land subscriber
0 0
LES No. Service Country Area Code Code Code
Subscriber's No.
MES (Inmarsat B) Land
M ES (Inmarsat B) M ES (Inmarsat A, B)
0 0
LES No. Service Country Code Code
Fax No.
LES No. [. . . ] Dial three-digit LES code and press [#]. Hang up the handset.
LES Access Code Lists (Effective February, 2000)
Ocean Region LES Name LES Provider France Telecom Beijing Marine Station 12 Eik Global Communications Telecom Italia British Telecom Cable & Wireless (HKG Telecom) Indosat Saudi Telecom Co KDDI BV: Voice BF: Fax LES ACCESS BT: Telex BD: Data BHSD: High Speed Data CODE 011 868 012 004 555 002 118 007 025 003 006 013 015 111 210 001 016 222 005 306 060 BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, pending RCC info BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, pending results BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD, pending results BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT
AOR-E Aussaguel AOR-E Beijing Marine at Southbury AOR-E Burum AOR-E Eik AOR-E Fucino AOR-E Goonhilly AOR-E Hong Kong at Laurentides AOR-E Indosat at Laurentides AOR-E Jeddah AOR-E KDDI at Burum
AOR-E Korea Telecom at Laurentides Korea Telecom AOR-E Laurentides Stratos Mobile Networks
AOR-E Morsviazsputnik at Laurentides Morsviazsputnik AOR-E Raisting AOR-E Singapore Telecom at Aussaguel AOR-E Southbury AOR-E Psary AOR-E Telstra at Laurentides AOR-E Thermoplyae AOR-E VSNL at Southbury AOR-E Kuantan DeTeSat Singapore Telecom Comsat Mobile Communications Polish Telecom Telstra OTE VSNL Malaysia Telecom
Ocean Region LES Name LES Provider France Telecom Beijing Marine DeTeSat Eik Global Communications British Telecom Cable & Wireless (HKG Telecom) Indosat KDDI LES ACCESS CODE 011 868 111 004 002 118 007 003 006 013 015 005 210 001 555 222 306 012 060 BV: Voice BF: Fax BT: Telex BD: Data BHSD: High Speed Data BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT
AOR-W Aussaguel AOR-W Beijing Marine at Southbury AOR-W DeTeMobil at Aussaguel AOR-W Eik AOR-W Goonhilly AOR-W Hong Kong at Laurentides AOR-W Indosat at Laurentides AOR-W KDDI at Burum
AOR-W Korea Telecom at Laurentides Korea Telecom AOR-W Laurentides Stratos Mobile Networks
AOR-W Morsviazsputnik at Laurentides Morsviazsputnik AOR-W OTE at Southbury AOR-W Singapore Telecom at Aussaguel AOR-W Southbury AOR-W Telecom Italia at Southbury AOR-W Telstra at Laurentides AOR-W VSNL at Southbury AOR-W Burum AOR-W Kuantan OTE Singapore Telecom Comsat Mobile Communications Telecom Italia Telstra VSNL Station 12 Malaysia Telecom
Ocean Region POR POR POR POR POR POR POR POR POR POR POR POR POR POR POR POR POR POR POR LES Name Telecom Italia at Santa Paula Telenor at BT Pacific VSNL at Santa Paula Yamaguchi Beijing BT Pacific Cape d'Aguilar DeTeMobil at Perth France Telecom at Perth Indosat at Perth Kumsan Malaysia Telecom at Perth Morsaviazsputnik at Perth OTE at Santa Paula Perth Santa Paula Sentosa Stratos Perth Station 12 at Yamaguchi LES Provider Telecom Italia Eik Global Communications VSNL KDDI Beijing Marine British Telecom Cable & Wireless (HKG Telecom) DeTeSat France Telecom Indosat Korea Telecom Malaysia Telecom Morsviazsputnik OTE Telstra Comsat Mobile Communications Singapore Telecom Stratos Mobile Networks Station 12 LES ACCESS CODE 555 004 306 003 868 002 118 111 011 007 006 060 015 005 222 001 210 013 012 BV: Voice BF: Fax BT: Telex BD: Data BHSD: High Speed Data BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BD, BT, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD BV, BF, BD, BT BV, BF, BD, BT, BHSD BV, BF, BD, BT BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BHSD, BD BV, BF, BT, BD
Ocean Region IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR Arvi Aussaguel Beijing British Telecom at EIK Burum Cape d'Aguilar Comsat Eurasia Eik Fucino Yamaguchi Jatiluhur Jeddah Kuantan Kuman Morsviazsputnik at Perth Nonthaburi Perth Raisting Sentosa Stratos at Perth Psary Thermoplyae Towi Al Saman LES Name VSNL France Telecom Beijing Marine British Telecom Station 12 Cable & Wireless (HKG Telecom) Comsat Mobile Communications Eik Global Communications Telecom Italia KDDI Indosat Saudi Telecom Co Malaysia Telecom Korea Telecom Morsviazsputnik Thailand Telstra DeTeSat Singapore Telecom Stratos Mobile Networks Polish Telecom OTE Etisalat LES Provider BV: Voice BF: Fax LES ACCESS BT: Telex BD: Data BHSD: High Speed Data CODE 306 011 868 002 012 118 001 004 555 003 007 025 060 006 015 333 222 111 210 013 016 005 123 BV, BF, BT, BD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD BV, BF, BT, BD BV, BF, BT, BD, pending RCC info BV, BF, BT BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD BV, BF, BT, BD, pending results BV, BF, BT, BD, BHSD, pending results BV, BF, BT, BD
PUB. NO. OSE56240B (0104, YOSH) FELCOM 82A/B
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