Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
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7 Keyboard and Chat Commands
7 . Using the Keyboard
Your Guide to Rubi-Ka
1 Getting Started
1 . System Requirements
These are the system requirements to play Anarchy Online. Minimum: Windows 95/98/ME/2000 Pentium II 300 128MB RAM 2x CD-ROM drive Direct3D compatible video card DirectX compatible sound device 700MB free hard drive space Internet connection using a 28. 8 K modem Recommended: Pentium III 450 256MB RAM Direct3D compatible video card with 32MB RAM 8x CD-ROM drive 1GB free hard drive space Internet connection using a 56K modem
1 . [. . . ] This is where the 3D world is displayed, where your character moves around interacting with other people, fighting monsters, and exploring new sights. The Chat View: The Chat View, located towards the bottom of your screen, is where all text-messages will appear, including feedback from the game, messages from other players, and combat information: This view can be minimized by left-clicking the downward-pointing arrow next to the button labelled "Inv", on the Status Bar in the very bottom of the game screen.
Your Guide to Rubi-Ka
Control View: The Control View contains a map, all your nano-programs, your inventory, character stats, mission view, and more. The various menus in the Control View can be minimized, leaving only the icons at the top right of your screen. It is possible to make the action view smaller, leaving a space dedicated to the Control view on the right, by left-clicking the arrow next to the "Cred" section, on the Status Bar. Status bar: The Status Bar will always remain visible at the bottom of the screen, and contains some of the most important functions in the game. From left to right, these are: Chat and command input (press the Enter key to activate input); a compass, displaying your current bearing; the MAP button(corresponding to the `P' on the keyboard) which, when clicked, displays the world map with your current position flagged; the SKL button (skills; also accessible by pressing the `U' key) where you distribute Improvement Points (IP) and where all your skills and abilities are listed; the INV button (corresponding to the `I' key) which brings up your inventory; the Hide/Show Chat button; the show/hide Control View button; your available credits (Credit is the name of the Rubi-Ka currency); the current time (the Rubi-Ka day has 27 hours; time in Anarchy Online runs 15 times faster than real time); and the Opt button, which toggles the options menu. You can also use the `pipe'-key (`|') to cycle through all the different view configurations. Action Bar: The action bar is a shortcut bar in which to easily access actions from the keyboard. Read the section called action bar in the chapter about the interface.
4 Startup Locations
4 . Tir
Tir is a clan-controlled city, though it has yet to be directly involved in the armed conflict between Omni-Tek and the rebels, and still enjoys the peace and freedom of relative independence. The citizens of Tir have strong anti-Omni-Tek feelings, but certain clans still
Your Guide to Rubi-Ka
regard Tir as being too conciliatory and soft (some even say spineless), afraid to commit itself one hundred percent to the rebel cause. The key can be
Your Guide to Rubi-Ka
copied to let your friends into your home. An exit to your starting city can also be found in the Backyard.
4 . Borealis
In the early days of the city, 2873 years ago, Borealis was a small mining community hosting just a few hundred inhabitants. The mining however, never amounted to much, due to the lack of Notum resources in the local mines. In most cases, the lack of Notum to a mining community on RubiKa would mean an early downfall of that community. Borealis on the other hand, set within the massive reaches of the Western mountains, had something no other city on the planet has. Lack of control, isolation, and the obvious strategic advantages, proved the perfect setting for a thriving smuggler community to take over where the mining had failed. With these activities forming the backbone of a growing society, many a man has had to face an untimely demise in the cold streets of the city. These days, Omni-Tek is closely monitoring the situation in Borealis, and the smuggling has diminished into the almost negligible, or most likely moved to a more secure location. Even with the close attention paid the city by Omni-Tek, Borealis remains one of the only large cities on Rubi-Ka that still clings to its neutrality, as neither Omni-Tek nor the clans can truly claim to be masters of the city. Borealis is ruled by a council of independent merchants, who realize their very existence, and profit, relies on clinging to that very neutrality.
4 . [. . . ] Sure dual wielding Freedom Arms, packing a Vektor ND shotgun or lugging around a Nova Flow helps, but when you can manipulate your enemies, why, I could just push `em over!When it comes to controlling a fight and your group is outnumbered by great odds, you can bet no one is more qualified as us. I even have an official certificate to prove it. There is no better feeling than rooting one enemy to a spot, damaging another enemy with an energy blast, slowing yet another enemy down to a crawl and placing one more enemy under your whim; all with a thought and the help of nano bots. [. . . ]