Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Preface
o single volume to date has yet collected all six thousand years of Arcanum's recorded history. Indeed, many would argue that it is impossible to approach such a Gargantuan subject within the covers of a single book!When I was a younger man, it was my burning ambition to write the definitive history of all Arcanum, but I never imagined for a moment that it was possible to do so in a simple or concise manner. Instead I labored for many decades, traveling from place to place in my researches, and produced no fewer than twenty-three detailed volumes which I dared to call "The Compleat Histories". [. . . ] We can drag the items to our own inventory one by one, or click on the "Take All" button, which is illustrated at the top of Figure 4-14. If a body has nothing of use to us, a message will appear saying, "There is nothing to loot. "
Figure 4-13 To use the items we've found, go to the Inventory screen and drag the item onto the "use" icon, as in Figure 4-15. Not all items can be used, naturally, so it might be advisable to experiment; now is as good a time as any to examine the items we've collected. Arcanum Players Guide 95
The crash site is by no means safe and secure; ailing wolves are wandering about, and they will cheerfully kill us on sight. When in combat, the mouse cursor turns into a sword icon; one can also initiate Combat by clicking on the shield icon at the bottom interface menu, or by hitting the "R" key. Should one wish to initiate "Turn-Based" Combat, it is as easy as striking the space bar; one can also turn it on in the "Options" screen.
Figure 4-14 If one is engaged in Turn-Based Combat, a bar of Action Points will appear above the hot key bank, as shown in Figure 4-16. Otherwise, Real-Time Combat will occur, with both sides taking action simultaneously. We will gain experience
Figure 4-15 96 Arcanum Players Guide
Figure 4-16 for dealing damage to monsters, and when our Character or his Followers kill it. For detailed information on both Combat and Experience, see Chapter 3.
Figure 4-17
Navigating the Crash Site
The Crash Site will be mapped out as Merwin wanders through it, as in Figure 4-17. To see where we currently stand and where we have already been, click on the Map icon or hit the "W" key. The red crosshairs on the map indicate the current location of Merwin and his party members. Use the arrow keys to see more of the map; alas, only those areas that one's Character has already traversed will be unveiled.
Arcanum Players Guide 97
Figure 4-18 One would be very wise to explore the entire crash site thoroughly for items, wolves to kill, and whatever clues are available as to why the blimp crashed. There is also a cave to the east of the starting point; to cross the threshold (or indeed, pass through any portal), simply highlight the cave entrance and click, as seen in Figure 4-18.
Inside the cave
ore enemies are to be found inside the cave, and Merwin will be forced to take a firm hand with them. Be sure to check the barrels against the wall, as well. When a container shows us a highlight, as shownin Figure 4-19,
Figure 4-19 98 Arcanum Players Guide
we can click upon it to examine what's inside--unless, ofcourse, it happens to be locked. When accessing a container, one can take the items one by one, or click on the "Take All" button.
Figure 4-20 Proceed further into the cave and we will encounter a restless spirit. Click on him to speak with him, discover that the poor devil has been cursed (see Figure 4-20). During this conversation with the spirit of Charles Brehgo, one can choose whether or not one wishes to help him--if the player is willing to shoulder this responsibility, Merwin can accept his first quest. To leave the cave, click on the exit when it highlights.
Figure 4-21 Arcanum Players Guide 99
Gaining a Level
hen our Character has gained enough Experience to "Level Up", whether through Combat or completing a Quest, the Character Editor icon will highlight. If one is using an Auto-Leveling Scheme, the message window at the bottom will tell us what Skill the scheme has bought for Merwin. Otherwise, we will need to go into the Character Editor and choose where the new Character Points are to be spent.
Figure 4-22 If we wish to turn off the Auto-Leveling Scheme, we have only to go to the Character Editor screen and click on the Auto-Level Scheme button to the right. Here we select "No Scheme", and the deed is done! [. . . ] You hereby acknowledge that you have read and understand the foregoing License and agree that the action of installing the Program is an acknowledgement of your agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of the License contained herein. You also acknowledge and agree that this License is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the Licensor and you and that the License supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreement, either oral or written, and any other communications between the Licensor and you including any inconsistent written license agreement or on-line help accompanying the Program.
186 Arcanum Players Guide
A-9: technical Support Policy
Attention : The technical support will only be available for private use complying with the terms of the End User License Agreement attached to the Product and to which you have agreed. Consequently, the technical support will not, in any case, be available for commercial or professional use of the Product.
Exchange Procedure for faulty CD-Rom, DVD-Rom or floppy disks
If during the 90 days period following your purchase of the product, you notice that the CD-Rom, DVD-Rom or floppy disk is defective or scratched, the technical support will be able to exchange the Product free of charge, if you: · send the faulty CD-Rom, DVD-Rom or floppy disk back to the address indicated in the manual · send a dated proof of purchase of the defective product (e. g. purchase ticket) Please, do not forget to join in your letter, your name, address and a phone number where it is possible to reach you during the day. [. . . ]