Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. © and
1999 Microsoft Corporation. [. . . ] He is said to have lost the weapon at last in a dungeon deep beneath the sands, where he finally met his doom. The Silifi surely remains in those depths, awaiting a new wielder with the courage to bring it back to sunlit lands.
To use a healing kit · Double-click the kit in your Inventory, and then click the character you want to heal.
You will see a message in the Chat and Events log telling you if your healing attempt was successful and how many Health points were restored.
Impro Character by pplying Improving Your Character by A pplying Experience Points Exper ience Points
Experience in Asheron's Call is earned, in part, through combat, whether with weapons or magic. The more difficult an opponent is to defeat, the greater number of experience points your character gains for defeating it. Experience points can be spent to raise the levels of your attributes, trained skills, and specialized skills. After character creation, attributes can be raised only by spending experience points. Most skills that are trained and specialized, however, can also be raised just by using them. In general, the more you use a trained or specialized skill, the higher that skill will become. If you want a skill to rise faster than it will from practice alone, you can spend experience points to raise it. How you apply your experience points to skills and attributes is important to your character's success in the game world. Each attribute governs a different area of your character's interaction with the game, and which ones you will want to develop depends upon your character's profession or area of specialization. Strength and Endurance, along with weapon skills, for example, are most important for warriors and blademasters. If your specialty lies somewhere other than combat, such as magic or lockpicking, the dagger is a fine choice when you must wade into battle. Clubs, Morning Stars Maces, Clubs, and Morning Stars are perfect for the warrior who cares little for subtlety, and wants to start breaking bones. Heavy bludgeons are especially handy against certain monsters, such as Skeletons and Olthoi.
S p ears are simple and have a long reach. If a creature is particularly vulnerable to piercing damage, they're the best choice. Because their heads are smaller than most other weapons' blades, however, the wounds they inflict are sometimes less severe. Staffs affs, Staffs like daggers, are simple weapons, best suited to sorcerers and vagabonds--although some staff-fighters, especially among the Sho, are among the most skilled warriors alive. They are light and quick, with a longer reach than a mace, but they also do less damage. word S words are, according to many fighters, the finest of all weapons. They are quicker and lighter than axes, do more damage than daggers, and can both slash and stab. They are more difficult to learn than other weapons, however, and are more likely to inflict minor grazes and nicks than, say, a battle axe or morning star. Weap ons, eapons Punching Weap ons such as the katar, nekode, and cestus, add damage to punching attacks. [. . . ] When you double-click a Lifestone, your character will be resurrected there after death.
Mana The energy that powers magic spells. Mana Conversion A skill than enables your character to use spells related to converting
Health and Stamina to Mana.
Melee Defense A skill that enables your character to evade opponents' melee attacks. Missile Defense A skill that enables your character to evade opponents' missile attacks. Nonplayer Character (NPC) Characters that are controlled by the game and that do not
represent players.
Nonplayer Killer (NPK) Player characters who do not have the ability to harm or kill other
player characters.
Osteth The eastern land mass of Dereth. [. . . ]