Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
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Harpoon IITM Three-SixtyTM Copyright ©1995 IntraCorp, Inc. Miami, Fl.
All Rights Reserved
Harpoon®is a registered trademark of GDW Inc. BattleSet® is a registered trademark of ACSI. [. . . ] Mission EMCON Setting As with the Create Mission window, the mission's emission settings can be set or changed by selecting the desired setting of either On, Intermittent, or Off, from the Edit Missions window. Select the mission from the Missions column and then click on the desired EMCON setting for that mission. Add or Remove Reference Points from Missions After a mission has been established, the area covered by the mission can be modified by using the Add Ref. Points buttons that are part of the Edit Missions window. To increase or modify the mission area simply add additional Reference Points to the map, select the points, and then use the Edit Mission window. Select the mission that you wish to modify and then press the Add Ref. Points to add the additional points to the mission area. To remove Reference Points from a mission area select the points no longer needed for the mission and press Remove Ref. The mission area will no longer use these points to determine its size and shape. Deleting a Mission To delete a mission, select it from the Edit Mission window and press the Delete button. Platforms assigned to the mission will now be available for other missions. Tactical Legend Clicking on this menu selection will bring up a legend showing the various colors used to represent weapon and sensor range circles. Weather Legend Clicking on this menu selection will bring up a legend showing the various colors used to represent weather features on the map.
On the MacintoshTM, there is a symbol legend under the Windows pull-down menu. The other legends can be found in the Settings Color menu item. Memory Remaining Clicking on Memory Remaining in this menu either opens the Memory Remaining window or, if it was already open, brings it to the front. The Memory Remaining window then becomes the active window. This window provides information on the amount of memory being used by Harpoon II and the memory available for use.
Harpoon II
Operating Instructions
Clicking on message in this menu either opens the Message window, or if it was already open, brings it to the front. Naturally, the Message window becomes the active window. General information about contacts, unit status, range & bearing information, and much more, is displayed in this window. It is recommended that you always have this window open while playing Harpoon II . Current Orders Clicking on Current Orders in this menu either opens the Current Orders window, or if it was already open, brings it to the front. The Current Orders window contains the same orders that are available from the scenario selection menu. [. . . ] See Patrol Zones: aerial patrols: long range combat air patrol (LORCAP)
Macintosh tm 5 color 107, 108, 133 memory 128 video 112 Magazine allocation 156 weapons list 157 Map 163 colors 107 legend 127 preferences 21, 130, 131, 132 Maritime Patrol Aircraft 214 Memory management (PC) 161 system memory remaining window 35, 128 Missiles 169 air-to-air 139 anti-radiation (ARM) 63, 139 home-on radiation (HARM) 232, 243, 244 semi-active radar homing (SARH) 168 surface-to-air 139, 244 surface-to-surface 139 Mission assigning units 122, 123 behavior 85 creating 81, 85, 114, 121
Mission (continued) editor 79, 83, 121, 122, 150 emcon setting 125 naming 82, 115 planning 177 pull-down menu 113 reference points 80, 81, 113, 114, 115, 125 removing units 124 submarine 222 targets 115 time delay 83, 125 types 79, 115 air intercept 117, 141, 150 anti-air warfare patrol (AAW) 118 anti-submarine warfare patrol (ASW) 119 anti-surface warfare patrol (ASuW) 119 area 118 ferry 116 ground strike 117 reconnaissance 85, 120 reconnaissance ground 120 reconnaissance ship 120 ship strike 118 strike 85, 117, 150 sub strike 118 support 120 transit 116 Mounts database display 33, 126 list 156 rate-of-fire (ROF) 168 reloading 156 weapons list 156 Mouse basics 10 click 10 double-click 10 drag 10 pointer 11 MPA. See Maritime Patrol Aircraft
National Borders 24, 132 Nav Zones 25, 157 aircraft threat 25, 133, 157
Harpoon II
Nav Zones (continued) creating 45, 157 deleting 47 displaying 134 editing 46, 158 general exclusion 25, 133, 157 navigating around 46 navigating through 46, 159 neutral 26, 134, 157 sub threat 25, 133, 157 surface threat 25, 133, 157 Naval Gunfire 64, 140. See also Counter-Measures: naval guns Navigation 43, 146, 161, 179 around nav zones 46 staff handles 99, 109 submarines 69 through nav zones 46, 159 Navigator using 43, 146
OOB. See File: open Operations in shallow water 212 Order of Battle 34, 127, 179, 183 Order of Engagement 183 Orders viewing 20 Ordnance 167 Over-the-Horizon (OTH) 255 Overview 3
Palette 105 create 107 default 106 load 106 saving 106 Path of Intended Motion (PIM) 90, 153, 180, 187, 215 Patrol Zones 151, 153 aerial patrols 93 airborne early warning (AEW) 93, 152, 190 combat air patrol (CAP) 93, 152, 190, 245
Patrol Zones, aerial patrols (continued) dipping sonar 93, 152 long range combat air patrol (LORCAP) 245 sonobuoy 93, 152 surface combat air patrol (SUCAP) 93, 152 movemement types random 91, 151 sprint-drift 91, 151, 191 station keep 91, 151 PC memory 128, 161 selecting colors 108 PIM. [. . . ]