Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Double click on the disk icon for "KINGl". From your Workbench screen choose "New Drawer: and name the new drawer "KING". Drag the icon for DFO: to the new drawer named "KING". When the drive light has gone out, insert Disk 2 and repeat step 4. [. . . ] Once it does, it spreads widely, area by area. It moves fastest along the coast, port to port, and into areas which contain armies.
lagues, emissaries from foreign lands, storms at sea, raids, revolts. . . a turbulent world is turning while you and your rivals squabble over the throne. During this phase of each Faction's Turn, you are kept informed of Events
Any Noble, Royal Heir, Archbishop or Bishop who spends any part of a turn in an area affected by Plague under the Advanced rules may contract the disease and be slain. In addition, Mercenaries may desert if their leaders insist on trying to pass through plagueinfested regions.
Raids, Revolts & Piracy
Because of unrest in different parts of the Realm, Nobles may be forced to leave the armies they march with, in order to meet the threat. Nobles may be summoned because of their Title, or because of an Office or Bishop they hold. All forces associated with the summoned Noble move with him. Other Nobles in the same army do not move. If an Heir is present in an army split up through a summons of this kind, the Royal Heir remains with the Noble commanding the army The Noble moves immediately into the place named on the summons. If the location is no longer friendly, the Noble remains outside instead. If a Noble is summoned to two separate locations by virtue of (for example) his Title and his Office, he goes to the first location named by the Event. Nobles in besieged castles, at sea, on an island or in Calais cannot respond even if they have a Ship close at hand.
Smart Moves
Events can play a large part in a winning strategy--or in a sudden
parts of the country,
Beware Embassies and Raids; they can drag key members of your Faction off to distant
Storms At Sea
Storms drive all Ships at sea into the nearest Port at once (obviously, if a Ship is already in Port, there is no effect), a friendly one if possible, a neutral one as a second choice. However, while occupied by any Army, the citizens will provide a 200 man garrison to help defend the Town.
Mercenaries Go Home
Finally, a Faction's foreign Mercenaries may be called home. This affects all Mercenaries, except the Scots and Irish.
Smart Moves
Get used to the different garrisons of Towns, Nobk Castles and Royal Castles. In the opening phases of the game, your ability to capture Royal Heirs depends on you having a large enough army to defeat the garrison that protects them. This makes George of Clarence very easy to capture, since he has no defenders. If Herbert is in your Faction, with his Noble castle close to Cardigan, you can be reasonably sure of capturing Clarence. Use the Inspect function to check out a Town o r Castle before you attack. Use the most efficient force you have.
Nobles/Armies Click the Right Mouse Button on a Noble's shield, and the Information Box displays the names of the Noble leading the army, any lesser Nobles or Royal Heirs with him, and this summary:
Castles, Cities & Towns When you Inspect a Castle, Town or City, you are shown an illustration, the place's name, and three pieces of information: C = Capacity: the maximum number of Troops the location can hold (excluding its own garrison); G = Garrison: the number of Troops the location adds to a defending Army; S = The current total of Troops present. Ships When you Inspect a Ship, you are shown its name, any passengers aboard, and whether it is At Sea or In Port.
= Troop Strength
B = Archbishops/Bishops; R = Royal Heirs; S = Ships (controlled by a member of that Army). If the Noble occupies a City, Fortified Town or Castle, his Troop Strength is strengthened by its garrison. This is shown by a "+" sign after the Troop Strength number. (Garrisons are discussed in the Sieges section. )
During your turn's Movement Phase, you may move each of your Nobles and Ships along with all forces stacked with them. [. . . ] At the point where all these criteria are met by any one faction--human- or computer-controlled--the game ends.
In the course of devising this computer adaptation of the classic boardgame, some deviations from the original KINGDOM HEARTS rules were required. Those who are familiar with the original may wish to make note of the following deviations, as they can aff c strategy. The following is a brief summary-in no particular order--of these: et 1) If a noble is killed (through battle o r plague), upon return to play they will always be placed at their home castle, even if that castle is currently controlled by another faction (they are considered outside the castle in this instance). 2) If summoned by piracy or raid, the Admiral of England and/or the Warden of the Cinque Ports are not accompanied by their ships. [. . . ]