Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, people and events depicted herein are fictitious and no association with any real company, organization, product, person or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. [. . . ] They supply ammunition and repair a 'Mech's armor. The Repair Truck appears as a unit on your deployment team. Battlefield Repair and Resupply
To repair and resupply a 'Mech
Select a Repair Truck, and then click a 'Mech.
'Mechs are powered down while being repaired (see page 58). The Repair Truck has limited resupply capacity, as indicated by its status bar. Once exhausted, the Repair Truck becomes nonfunctional.
Lay Mines Minelayers can be airdropped onto the battlefield (see page 32, Support Palette). The Minelayer appears as a unit on the Deployment Team Bar. Minelayer
To lay mines
Select a Minelayer, click the Lay Mines button on the Command Palette or press the V key, and then click the terrain.
Minelayers have a limited number of mines, as indicated by their status bar. When a Minelayer has exhausted this supply, the unit becomes nonfunctional but may still be used as a scout or decoy. They damage any units, friendly or enemy, if detonated. Units that weigh 35 tons or less will not set off mines.
Command and Control
Suppression Fire Fixed Artillery (see page 31, Support Palette) can be fired like any other unit on your deployment team, or you may issue a suppression fire order. Suppression fire Fixed Artillery is the continuous bombardment of an area. The bombardment lasts until the order is cleared, a new order is given, or the artillery runs out of ammunition.
To order suppression fire
Select a Fixed Artillery piece, click the Suppression Fire button on the Command Palette or press the V key, and then click the terrain to be bombarded.
Fixed Artillery must have line of sight (see page 63) with the area to be bombarded. If line of sight is lost, then the suppression fire order is cleared.
Salvage A salvage team (see page 32, Support Palette) can restore one disabled 'Mech on the battlefield to minimum functionality. A Karnov Salvage Aircraft salvaged 'Mech becomes part of your deployment team, and the highest ranked pilot from your reserves is inserted into the recently restored 'Mech.
To salvage a 'Mech
Click the Salvage button on the support palette, and then click a disabled 'Mech on the battlefield.
A newly salvaged 'Mech may still have considerable damage. If you plan to immediately use the 'Mech on the current mission, have a Repair Truck standing by to repair and resupply it to full battle worthiness.
!System Repairs
A salvaged 'Mech has its sensors fully restored. Destroyed weapons and lost limbs, however, cannot be replaced on the battlefield--even by a Repair Truck.
Command and Control
'Mech Function Orders
Power Down/Up A 'Mech can power down its onboard fusion reactor. Powered-down 'Mechs do not appear as sensor contacts. Powered Down
To power down a 'Mech
Select a 'Mech, and then press the PAGE DOWN key.
The 'Mech will go limp, and its unit cell will appear dimmed on the Deployment Team Bar. If a powered-down 'Mech is hit by enemy fire, the pilot will power up and return fire.
To power up a 'Mech
Select a powered-down 'Mech, and then press the PAGE UP key or issue any order.
!Power Down
A powered-down 'Mech cannot use its sensors and is extremely vulnerable.
Eject Ejection is usually at the discretion of the 'Mech pilot. If, however, the situation is hopeless and the pilot is too stubborn, it may become necessary to override his judgment to save his life.
To issue an eject order
Hold down the END key, and then click the 'Mech whose pilot you want to eject.
The pilot is immediately propelled from the cockpit and off the battlefield to safety.
! [. . . ] Retail versions of Microsoft software are those stand-alone packaged products purchased at retail stores, mail-order resellers, and online resellers. Microsoft products preinstalled or distributed with your personal computer or dedicated system (Windows CEbased device), provided by an ISP, or purchased through a volume licensing program such as Select, Open, or License Packs receive all Microsoft support privileges, excluding no-charge assisted support. Getting Assisted Support When you contact Product Support Services, you should be at your computer and have the following information at hand: · The version of your Microsoft product. · The type of hardware, including network hardware, if applicable. [. . . ]