Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] But the Dark Lord Sauron forged the One Ring to enslave the other Rings. In a great battle, the Free Peoples of Middle-earth overthrew Lord Sauron, and he lost his Ring. But now the Lord of the Rings has returned to his Dark Tower in Mordor. And he needs only one thing to cover all the lands in a second darkness. He needs the One Ring.
The First-person Camera
Sometimes it is easier to get a good look at your surroundings using the first-person camera. [. . . ] Collectible items shimmer so you can identify them. Some items spawn when objects are broken or foes are defeated.
Stealth Icon
The icon in the upper left of the status area indicates the player's success at avoiding detection by the enemy. When an enemy is near and Frodo is successfully sneaking, the stealth indicator is white. If the icon turns yellow, a nearby enemy is alerted, but is not yet aware of Frodo's presence. When the icon is red, an enemy has detected Frodo.
Picking Up Items
To pick up an item, simply walk over it, and it will automatically be added to your weapon or inventory list. (You can then use your inventory to select that item. ) If you pick up more than one of an item, it will appear in the inventory with a number in the corner indicating the number of uses available. Some items have unlimited uses and do not have a number next to them. When an item is depleted, it is removed from the item slot. To find out more about items in your inventory, go to the Inventory Menu. (See page 8. )
Weapon and Inventory Display
Press the I key and use the up/down arrows to select inventory.
To move your character on the screen, turn left and right with the mouse, and use the W A D S keys to steer and strafe. you want the character to move.
Frodo is nimble and adept at moving stealthily. When faced with dangerous enemies, he can use stealth capabilities to avoid detection. Press and hold Shift to walk or sneak.
Quest Items
Some items that you find in the world will be needed to complete quests. When you pick up such an item, the quest log updates. A message on the screen will inform you when a quest's status changes.
Climbing Ladders
To climb a ladder, simply approach it and press the W or S key.
Make Frodo jump by pressing the Space Bar. The distance jumped depends on Frodo's speed when he starts the jump. For longer jumps, take a running start.
The Action button
The E key is a context-sensitive Action button. When you encounter an interactive object in the world, press the E key to trigger an appropriate action by your character. When Frodo is wearing the One Ring, he is able to move across an enemy's line of sight without being detected.
Offensive Spells
Fiery Blast
When Gandalf casts a fiery blast, a fiery projectile is hurled from his hand toward a single target.
Chain Lightning
Chain lightning blasts multiple enemies at once. Bolts of lightning streak forth from Gandalf's staff, striking all enemies within a limited area. The lightning jumps from target to target, inflicting the same amount of damage on each.
Staff Strike
When Gandalf is hemmed in by enemies, the staff strike is especially valuable. A wave of force extends outward in an expanding ring, damaging all enemies (and breakable items) within range, knocking them off balance, and disrupting attacks and spell casting.
When Frodo uses the Ring, he enters a surreal shadow world. Here the power of Sauron and his minions is strong. When wearing the Ring, Frodo is hidden from the eyes of mortal foes, but steadily draws the attention of Sauron's Lidless Eye. Descriptions update as you visit each region, so be sure to check back as you progress through the game. Use the left thumbstick or the directional pad to move the compass and view descriptions of different regions.
Load Game
A list of saved games will appear, along with images and brief descriptions of the location where the game was saved. Use the A and S keys to select a saved game and press the Enter key. If you change your mind before you load a game, press the Escape key to exit. Remember that loading a saved game will erase any progress you have made in the current game without saving.
Game Options
From this menu, you can adjust settings for the game. Turn controller vibration on or off, adjust the volume of sound effects and music, or adjust the game image to fit your screen by selecting the appropriate option with the directional pad and pressing the Escape key.
If you want to quit the game, select this option to return to the Start Menu. Remember that you will lose any progress since your last saved game if you decide to quit.
Quest & Map Screen
Press Select to enter the Quest & Map Screen.
Quest Log
The Quest Log displays information about quests undertaken. Move up or down to scroll through quests added to the quest log.
Developed by
Surreal Software, Inc.
Project Director Alan Patmore Lead Designer Todd Clineschmidt Designers Spencer Boomhower Bach Payson Ben Coleman Technical Director Stuart Denman Lead Programmer Tim Ebling Programmers Shaun Leach Armen Levonian Greg Alt Tom Vykruta Michael Stradley Adam Smeltzer Eron Hennessey Aaron Ondek John Krajewski Additional Programming Patrick Betremieux Matt Edmonds Eric Snyder Laurent Coulon Art Director Mike Nichols Lead Artist Shane White Artists Chris Robinson Craig Blum Josh Andersen Susan Kim Jared Gerritzen Susan Jessup Tami Foote Lead Animator Heron Prior Animators Brigitte Samson Tonya Lyle Andrew Poon Jason Osipa Steve Simoneaux Audio Director Nick Radovich Sound Designers Kristofor Melroth Boyd Post Music Brad Spear Producer Nick Radovich Production Assistant Tracey Guinn Kirsten Dundon Lead Test Chrystya Uldrikis Testers Wolfe Schaaf Aaron Gess Special Thanks J. R. R. Tolkien Patrick and the whole WXP team All of our families and friends who supported us during production. [. . . ] All title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to the Program and any and all copies thereof (including but not limited to any titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, text, dialog, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical compositions, audiovisual effects, methods of operation, moral rights, any related documentation, and "applets" incorporated into the Program) are owned by VUG or its licensors. The Program is protected by the copyright laws of the United States, international copyright treaties and conventions and other laws. All rights are reserved. The Program may contain certain licensed materials, and VUG's licensors may act to protect their rights in the event of any violation of this Agreement. Subject to the Limited Use License as set forth above, you may not, in whole or in part, copy, photocopy, reproduce, translate, reverse engineer, derive source code from, modify, disassemble, decompile, or create derivative worksbased on the Program, or remove any proprietary notices or labels on the Program without the prior consent, in writing, of VUG. B. You are entitled to use the Program for your own use, but you are not entitled to: sell, grant a security interest in or transfer reproductions of the Program to other parties in any way, nor to rent, lease or license the Program to others without the prior written consent of VUG; or exploit the Program or any of its parts for any commercial purpose. You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this License, provided the recipient agrees to the terms of this License. [. . . ]