Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] FREQUENCY Change how often the animals will perform. POTENTIAL BENEFIT Shows how much happier your guests may be with this sequence of tricks.
Moving Guests
Find you've got a pesky guest who's wandered out into the middle of nowhere?Pick up guests in the same way you pick up animals. [. . . ] The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions: play in a well-lit room, and do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued. If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.
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Creating Marine Exhibits
For step-by-step instruction on building a marine exhibit, see the interactive Marine Mania tutorials.
Creating Marine Exhibits
You need to keep clean water in your tanks--dirty water will make your animals unhappy. Purchase tank filters by clicking the Fences tab on the Construction panel. Marine specialists also clean tanks, but it keeps them from other tasks, like running shows. Remember that your filters can break down. If you see one sitting idle, get a maintenance worker on it right away.
For step-by-step instruction on setting up a show, see the interactive Marine Mania tutorials.
In-Ground and Above-Ground Tanks
Unlike for land exhibits, in marine exhibits you can control the height of the tank walls and the elevation of the bottom, allowing you to create a variety of tanks for different sizes of animals. After you place the tank, you can raise and lower the tank walls and tank base using the Modify Tank tab on the Exhibit Information panel, which you can access by clicking the tank's platform.
Everyone loves seeing a dolphin jump through a hoop or an orca perform a spectacular breach. Marine Mania gives you the ability to have your marine animals perform and make additional money for your zoo.
Combined land and water exhibits
One of the advantages of Marine Mania is that not only can you create tank exhibits for marine-based creatures, but you can add a tank exhibit portion to a regular land exhibit for any animal that enjoys a good swim. Construct combined exhibits by building a tank exhibit adjacent to or within an existing land exhibit, making sure the animal can get into the water. [. . . ] · For your product's general support policy, visit http://support. microsoft. com/directory/ productsupportoption. asp. Phone Support: For toll-free support in the U. S. , call (800) 537-8324. In Canada, call (905) 568-3503 (toll charges may apply). [. . . ]