Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] When you installing AGP card, please make sure the following notice is fully understood and practiced. If your AGP card has "AGP 4X/8X(1. 5V) notch"(show below), please make sure your AGP card is AGP 4X/8X(1. 5V).
AGP 4X/8X notch
Caution: AGP 2X(3. 3V) card is not supported by SiS® 748. You might experience system unable to boot up normally. Please insert an AGP 4X/8X(1. 5V) card Example 1: Diamond Vipper V770 golden finger is compatible with 2X/4X mode AGP slot. [. . . ] - 41 BIOS Setup
IRQ [3-7, 9-15], NMI
Disabled Enabled Disable this function. (Default v alue)
Disabled Enabled Disable Modem Ring on function. (Default Value)
PME Event Wake Up
Disabled Enabled Disable this function. (Default Value)
Power On by Keyboard
Passw ord Input passw ord (from 1 to 8 characters) and press Enter to set the Key board Pow er On Passw ord. Any Key Disabled Set Key board pow er on by any key . (Default Value)
Power On by Mouse
Enabled Disabled Enable Pow er On by Mouse function. (Default Value)
Resume by Alarm
You can set "Resume by Alarm" item to enabled and key in Data/time to pow er on sy stem. (Default Value) Enable alarm function to POWER ON sy stem.
If RTC Alarm Lead To Pow er On is Enabled. Month Alarm : Day (of Month) : Time ( hh: mm: ss) : NA, 1~12 1~31 (0~23) : (0~59) : (0~59)
Power LED i n S1 state
Blinking Dual/OFF In standby mode(S1), pow er LED w ill blink. If use single color LED, pow er LED w ill turn off. If use dual color LED, pow er LED w ill turn to another color. GA-7S748 Series Motherboard - 42 -
PnP/PCI Configurations
CMOS Setup Utility -Copy right (C) 1984-2003 Aw ard Softw are PnP/PCI Configurations PCI 4 IRQ Assignment PCI 1/5 IRQ Assignment PCI 2 IRQ Assignment PCI 3 IRQ Assignment [Auto] [Auto] [Auto] [Auto] Item Help Menu Lev el u
higf: Mov e
Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Sav e F6:Fail-Safe Defaults
ESC:Ex it
F1:General Help
F5:Prev ious Values
F7:Optimized Defaults
Figure 6: PnP/PCI Configurations
PCI 4 IRQ Assignment
Auto 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 Auto assign IRQ to PCI 4. (Default v alue) Set IRQ 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 to PCI 4.
PCI 1/5 IRQ Assignment
Auto 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 Auto assign IRQ to PCI 1/5. (Default v alue) Set IRQ 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 to PCI 1/5.
PCI 2 IRQ Assignment
Auto 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 Auto assign IRQ to PCI 2. (Default v alue) Set IRQ 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 to PCI 2.
PCI 3 IRQ Assignment
Auto 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 Auto assign IRQ to PCI 3. (Default v alue) Set IRQ 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 to PCI 3.
- 43 -
BIOS Setup
PC Health Status
CMOS Setup Utility -Copy right (C) 1984-2003 Aw ard Softw are PC Health Status Vcore DDR25 +3. 3V +12V Current CPU Temperature Current CPU FAN Speed Current SYSTEM FAN Speed OK OK OK OK 45°C 5113 RPM 0 RPM Item Help Menu Lev el u
higf: Mov e
Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Sav e
ESC:Ex it
F1:General Help
F5:Prev ious Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults Figure 7: PC Health Status
Current Voltage (V) Vcore / DDR25 / +3. 3 V / +12V
Detec t sy stem' s v oltage status automatic ally .
Current CPU Temperature
Detec t CPU tem perature automatic ally .
Current CPU/SYSTEM FAN Speed (RPM)
Detec t CPU/Sy stem Fan speed status automatic ally .
GA-7S748 Series Motherboard
- 44 -
Frequency/Voltage Control
CMOS Setup Utility -Copy right (C) 1984-2003 Aw ard Softw are Frequency /Voltage Control Linear Frequency Control x CPU Clock (MHz) x DRAM Clock (MHz) AGP Voltage Control DRAM Voltage Control CPU Voltage Control [Disabled] 100 AUTO [Normal] [Normal] [Normal] Item Help Menu Lev el u
higf: Mov e
Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Sav e F6:Fail-Safe Defaults
ESC:Ex it
F1:General Help
F5:Prev ious Values
F7:Optimized Defaults
Figure 8: Frequency /Voltage Control
Linear Frequency Control
Disabled Enabled Disable this function. (Default v alue) Enable this function.
CPU Clock (MHz)
100~355 Select CPU Clock to 100MHz~355MHz. Incorrect using it may cause y our sy stem broken. For pow er End-User use only !
DRAM Clock (MHz)
Please set DRAM Clock according to y our requirement. If y ou use DDR266 DRAM module, please set "DRAM Clock(MHz)" to Auto or 266. If y ou use DDR333 DRAM module, please set "DRAM Clock(MHz)" to Auto or 333. Incorrect using it may cause y our sy stem broken. [. . . ] TEL: +1 (626) 854-9338 FAX: +1 (626) 854-9339 Tech. Support : http://www. giga-byte. com/TechSupport/ServiceCenter. htm Non-Tech. Support(Sales/Marketing) : http://ggts. gigabyte. com. tw/nontech. asp WEB address : http://www. giga-byte. com -- Germany G. B. T. TECHNOLOGY TRADING GMBH Address: Friedrich-Ebert-Damm 112 22047 Hamburg TEL: +49-40-2533040 (Sales) +49-1803-428468 (Tech. ) FAX: +49-40-25492343 (Sales) +49-1803-428329 (Tech. ) Tech. [. . . ]