Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Basic ISO rating is from ISO 100 to ISO 800. The A24 makesuseofanewhighspeedcapturearchitecturecapturingfull size, compressed80Mbyteimagesattherateof1. 1secondsper capture, workingeithermobileortetheredtoacomputer. ThecombinationofthesefeaturesmakestheA24thenatural choice for the professional commercial photographer wanting to workwiththehighestimageresolutionwithinacamerasystemthat supports ultimate creative expression in order to deliver outstandingimagequalitytosatisfythemostdemandingrequirements.
An impressive lens line outperforming the Carl Zeiss lenses
The highly renowned HC/HCD lens line includes 11 auto-focus lenses, all with central lens shutters. [. . . ] Range is from 28mm to 300mm, 35-90 mm zoom, 50-110mm zoom, and 1. 7X converter. TheHTS1. 5tilt/shiftadapterdeliversaneasytouse, portabletilt/ shiftsolutionfor5HC/HCDlensesrangingfrom28mmto100mm. Thecentrallensshutter, withflashsyncspeedupto1/800s, also improvesimagequalitybyreducingcameravibration. TheCFlensadapterallowsuseoftheclassicCF-lensesfromthe Hasselblad V-camera, with full use of their central lens shutters, allowing flash to be employed at shutter speeds up to 1/500s. AndthankstothelargeformatoftheHSystemcameras, thereisa considerablyshallowerdepthoffieldrange, makingitmucheasier toutilizeselectivefocustocreativeeffect.
Medium Format digital capture advantage
In digital photography, the advantages of large format cameras havebecomeevenmoreobvious. The6×4. 5cmwindowallowsthe A24tousethelargestimagesensorscurrentlyavailableindigitalphotography. Consequentlythesensorholdsmorepixels, which deliver the highest possible image quality in terms of moiré-free color rendering without gradation break-ups on even the finest lit surfaces.
A choice of bright viewfinders
Oneoftheimportanttraditionaladvantagesofthemediumformatis theextra-largeandbrightviewfinderimage, enablingextremelyprecisecompositionsandeasyoperationindimlighting. TheA24 comeswiththeHV90x-IIviewfinderdesignedforfullperformance
Accessory range (Focusing screens, Tripod quick coupling, Hand Strap etc. ) Full range of classic V lenses with CF adapter
HTS 1. 5 Tilt/Shift Adapter HV 90x-II Eye Level View nder
Extension Tubes H13, H26, H52mm Converter H1. 7x HC 4. 5/300 DC Power Grip HC 4. 0/210 HC 3. 2/150 HC Macro 4. 0/120 SCA3902 TTL ash adapter HC 2. 2/100
Central Lens Shutter in all lenses (including Instant V lenses) Manual focus override
HVM Waist Level Vire nder
Fast In-Lens Autofocus HCD 4. 0/28 HC 3. 5/35 HCD 4. 0-5. 6/ 35-90 H4D Spare Body
Built-in Fill Flash
HC 2. 8/80
HC 3. 5/50
HC 3. 5-4, 5/ 50-110
View camera operation
Proshade, Lens Shades Global Image Locator (GPS accessory)
Extra Battery Grip
A24 takes full benefit from all the flexibility of the impressive H camera system.
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digital CaMERaS
over the large sensor. Hasselblad has added an interchangeable waist-level viewfinder, the HVM, for the entire range of H system cameras. the bright and large viewfinder image is ideal for creative composing and the photographer is able to shoot in the fashion that suitsthemmost;maintainingeyecontactwiththemodel, orgaining impactbyshootingfromapointlowerthaneye-level, forexample.
The traditional solution for most DSLRs has been to equip the camerawithamulti-pointAFsensor. Thesesensorsallowthephotographertofixanoff-centerfocuspointonanoff-centersubject, which isthenfocusedcorrectly. DuetothephysicsofanSLR-camera, the off-centerfocuspointsthatareofferedareallclusteredrelatively close to the center of the image. Phocus links GPS data directly to Google Earth, for example, making geographic reference a snap and image storage and retrieval much easier. · erfectViewingQuality. ThePhocusViewerdeliversimageviewing P qualitythatmatcheseverydetailofwhatyouwillseelaterinPhotoshop. Inaddition, thePhocusViewerallowsyoutocustomize layoutandcompositiontosuityourcurrentordesiredworkflow, providing a wide range of options including full view, compare, browse, horizontal, orverticalview, andsoon. Youcanhavemultiple folders open simultaneously for side-by-side viewing, comparison, and selection.
Phocus software driving down the learning curve
Phocusprovidesanadvancedsoftwaretoolboxthathasbeenespecially designed to easily achieve optimum workflow and absolute image perfection from Hasselblad raw image files. WiththeA24camerasystemPhocusprovides: · Uncompromisingimagequality · pecial extended camera controls with which to operate your S H4d-60 camera. these features, such as live video for easier shotset-upandworkflow, ortheabilitytocontrolthelensdrive for focusing when the camera is in a remote position or when the digitalcaptureunitismountedonaviewcamera, bringanentirely newlevelofflexibilitytothewayyoushoot. · oiréRemovalTechnologyautomaticallyapplieddirectlyonthe M rawdata, leavingimagequalityintactandeliminatingtheneedto carryoutspecialmaskingselectionsorothermanualprocedures, savinghoursoftediouspost-productionwork.
Hasselblad's unique natural colors
Hasselblad's Natural Color Solution (HNCS) enables you to produceoutstandingandreliableout-of-the-boxcolors, withskintones, specificproductcolorsandotherdifficulttonesreproducedeasily andeffectively. InordertoincorporateouruniqueHNCSandDACfeatures we have developed a custom Hasselblad raw file format called 3F RAW (3FR). This file format includes lossless image
H4D with GIL Global Image Locator accessory.
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c ompression, whichreducesthefilesizeby33%. The3FRfilescan beopeneddirectlyinAppleorAdobeimagingenvironments. Inorder toutilizeDACandoptimizethecolorsoftheDNGfileformat, conversionfrom3FRmusttakeplacethroughPhocus.
the information is recorded both in the file and in the file name, providing a quick and easy way to classify and select images, in thefieldorbackatthestudio. IAAisaHasselbladtrademarkand Hasselblad has a patent pending on the invention. Theextralarge3"displayontheA24providesarealistic, high qualityandperfectcontrastimageview, eveninbrightsunlight.
Accessories including GPS Recording Flexibility
Hasselblad's Global Image Locator (GIL) is an accessory for use withanyHasselbladH-Systemdigitalcaptureproduct. WiththeGIL device, all images captured outside are tagged with GPS coordinates, time and altitude. [. . . ] Theextralarge3"displayontheA24providesarealistic, high qualityandperfectcontrastimageview, eveninbrightsunlight.
Accessories including GPS Recording Flexibility
Hasselblad's Global Image Locator (GIL) is an accessory for use withanyHasselbladH-Systemdigitalcaptureproduct. WiththeGIL device, all images captured outside are tagged with GPS coordinates, time and altitude. This data provides the key to a number of future applications involving image archiving and retrieval. One example is the direct mapping of images in Phocus software to the Google Earth application. [. . . ]