User manual LG LB-H366GSS0

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Mode d'emploi LG LB-H366GSS0
Manual abstract: user guide LG LB-H366GSS0

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract. This product should not be mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal. Do not insert a pin into the emergency opening while in operation. In particular, a disc with a crack on the inner tracks may break while in use. Power cable Data cable Other · Never allow food particles or foreign substances to enter the drive casing. · To protect against the risk of fire, do ot spill such liquids as alcohol and benzene on the drive. Do not disassemble, attempt to repair or modify the device without express approval as directed in the manual. · To reduce the risk of damage, electric shock, and fire. · Samsung Eco-mark The Samsung's own Eco mark helps consumers to easily understand that Samsung develops eco-friendly products. This mark represents Samsung's continuous effort to develop eco-friendly products. 1. Check to see that the disc does not have a crack before use. [. . . ] Important to read and understand at all times Do not disassemble · RoHS (Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment) The RoHS, the environment regulation announced by European Union, restricts the use of lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, PBB, and PBDE in products put on the market in The European Union after July 1, 2006. Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. - http://www. samsung-ODD. com - http://www. samsung BG68-01116A REV. 00 1 2 3 4 When using one S-ATA cable Installing the Drive Drive Using the Drive/Storing and Cleaning Your Discs Using the CD-ROM Drive Solving Technical Problems · The friction noise generated during SPIN-UP and STOP is caused by the Technical Specifications SECTIONS DISC Disc types supported Disc diameter LB-H366GSS0(TS-H193A) CD-DA, CD-ROM Mode-1, CD-ROM XA Mode-2 Form-1, Form-2, Photo-CD(Single, Multi-session), Video CD ready, CD-Plus, CD-Extra, Enhanced CD, CD-I/FMV, CD-R/RW System Requirements S-ATA supported PC (The compatible motherboard list can be found from the website) Automatic Ball Balancing System(ABS) and is not a malfunction. The COMBO drive is not detected by the computer. Installing the CD-Rom Drive MainBoard Hard Drive How to install the CD-ROM drive on your PC. First, remove the cover; connect the cable to the CD-ROM drive and then to the PC. 1 2 3 4 Push the power button and boot the computer. After booting the computer, open the disc compartment by pressing the Eject button. Insert the disc (CD) with the label on the disc facing upwards and close the disc compartment by pressing the Eject button. Play the disc (CD). · Check that the power, audio and S-ATA cables are correctly connected to the computer. 120mm or 80mm 52X, 7800KB/s(MAX) S-ATA 1. 5Gbps 110ms(typical) 96KB Semiconductor laser Step Motor Brushless motor Tray, DC motor(Soft Eject) Mode-1 : 1block / 1012 bits, Mode-2 : 1 block/10 9 bits Auto eject or Auto inject POWER ON/BUSY +5V DC 1. 5A, +12V DC 1. 5A S-ATA Temperature : 5~45 °C, Humidity : 10~80% Temperature : -25~60 °C, Humidity : 10~90% 148. 2 (W) x 42(H) x 184(D)mm 740g (set only) After installing the COMBO drive, the PC gets slower. DRIVE PER FORMANCE Data transfer rate Access time (typical) Data buffer capacity Laser Slide mechanism Spindle motor Load mechanism Eject button Indicator(LED) Required power Interface connector Work area When you have one ODD and the other ODD products. Master Drive Slave Drive 1 If necessary, attach a horizontal bracket to both sides of the drive. · You can purchase these accessories separately from your computer dealer. (Screws for use: M3 X 6 X 4) The COMBO drive is not recognized by MS-DOS. · Reinstall the device driver or update it with the latest version by downloading it from the Samsung Web site. - http:// www. samsung-ODD. com - http:// www. samsung. com The COMBO drive is not detected by Windows. The disc compartment will not open. · This case may occur when there is a Windows installation problem; reinstall Windows. ERROR RATE FRONT PANEL REAR PANEL Playing CD-DA/Audio CDs · Run the CD player program supplied with the sound card or play the Windows Media Player. · Check whether the CD is of good quality and clean it, if necessary. Playing Video CDs · Follow the instructions provided with the disc. MainBoard Hard Drive 2 · A video card or MPEG software and a sound card need to be installed to view video CDs. · · Remove the plate from a free expansion slot and install the DVD Writer , as shown in the illustration. · If you have no free expansion slot, install the drive in place of the diskette drive. · Make sure to use the standardized screws supplied (M3X6). - To use screws other than M3X6 may result in malfunction. · If the drive is vertically installed, you cannot use an 8 cm Mini Disc because the disc is movable. Check that the power cable is correctly connected. Insert a pin or unfolded paper clip in the emergency hole and push firmly until the disc compartment opens. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT Storage area General Dimensions Net weight Storing Your Discs · Do not place a disc in direct sunlight. ÑËÒÍÓ, Ó CD-ROM Ì ÓÔÓÁÌÂÚÒflÍÓÏÔ¸ÚÂÓÏ. èÓÒΠÛÒÚÌÓ, ÍË ËÒÍÓ, Ó CD-ROM ÍÓÏÔ¸Ú ·ÓÚÂÚ ÏÂÎÂÌÌÂÂ. ÑËÒÍÓ, Ó CD-ROM Ì ÓÔÓÁÌÂÚÒfl MS-DOS. · èÂÂÛÒÚÌÓ, ËÚ ËÒÍÓ, Ó ËÎË Ó·ÌÓ, ËÚ Â, , Ó, ÛÒÚÌÓ, Ë, ÔÓÒÎÂÌ , ÂÒË Ò , ·-ÒÈÚ ÍÓÏÔÌËË Samsung. - http:// www. samsung-ODD. com - http:// www. samsung. com íÂiÌË~ÂÒÍfl ÒÔÂ^ËÙËÍ^Ëfl ëÖäñàà íËÔ° ÔÓÒÚ, ÎflÂÏ°i ËÒÍÓ, ìÎÂÌË ÚËÔÓ, ËÒÍÓ, ëÍÓÓÒÚ¸ ÔÂÂ~Ë ÌÌ°i ÇÂÏfl ÓÒÚÛÔ(Typical) ëËÒÚÂÏÌ°Â Ú·Ó, ÌËfl STAT ÔÓÂÊË, ÂÚÒfl ÍÓÏÔ¸ÚÂÓÏ (ë ÔÂÂ~ÌÂÏ ÒÓ, ÏÂÒÚËÏ°i ÏÚÂËÌÒÍËi ÔÎÚ ÏÓÊÌÓ ÓÁÌÍÓÏËÚ¸Òfl Ì ÒÈÚÂ. ) LB-H366GSS0(TS-H193A) CD-DA, CD-ROM Mode-1, CD-ROM XA Mode-2 From-1, From-2, Photo-CD(Single, Multi-session), Video CD ready, CD-Plus, CD-Extra, Enhanced CD, CD-I/FMV, CD-R/RW 120ÏÏ ËÎË 80ÏÏ åÍÒ. 7800 Í·ÈÚ/ÒÂÍ (52X) S-ATA 1. 5Gbps 110 mc(typical) 96KB èÓÎÛÔÓ, ÓÌËÍÓ, °È ÎÁ èÓ¯, , Ó, °È ÔË, Ó Brushless motor ãÓÚÓÍ èË, Ó DC (Ïfl, , ÍÓ ËÁ, ÎÂ~ÂÌËÂ) ìÒÚÌÓ, Í ÍÓÏ·ËÌËÓ, ÌÌÓ, , Ó ËÒÍÓ, Ó CD-ROM àÌÒÚÛÍ^Ëfl ÛÒÚÌÓ, ÍË ËÒÍÓ, Ó CD-ROM Ì ÍÓÏÔ¸Ú ëÌËÏËÚ ÍÓÊÛi, ÔÓÒÓÂËÌËÚ ͷÂθ Í ËÒÍÓ, ÓÛ CD-ROM, ÁÚÂÏ Í ÍÓÏÔ¸ÚÂÛ. 1 2 3 4 çÊÏËÚ ÍÌÓÔÍÛ ÔËÚÌËfl Ë ÔÓ, ÂËÚ Á, , ÛÁÍÛ ÍÓÏÔ¸ÚÂ. èÓ ÓÍÓÌ~ÌËË Á, , ÛÁÍË, ÓÚÍÓÈÚ ÓÚÂÎÂÌË Îfl ËÒÍÓ, , ÌÊ, ÍÌÓÔÍÛ Eject (àÁ, ÎÂ~¸). 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