User manual LG LMV-1621SB

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Mode d'emploi LG LMV-1621SB
Manual abstract: user guide LG LMV-1621SB

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] If you review our chart of Troubleshooting Tips first, you may not need to call for service at all. PRECAUTION · Contact the authorized service technician for repair or maintenance of this unit. · Contact the installer for installation of this unit. · The air conditioner is not intended for use by young children or invalids without supervision. · Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the air conditioner. [. . . ] If the fault persists, please contact your dealer or service center. ENGLISH Case The air conditioner does not operate. The room has a peculiar odor. Explanation · Check room temperature setting?· Check if circuit breaker is on?· Check that this is not a damp smell exuded by the walls, carpet, furniture, or cloth items in the room. · Check the drain hose is connected tight or if indoor unit is installed even. See page - It seems that condensation is leaking from the air conditioner. Air conditioner does not operate for about 3 minutes after turning on. - · This is the protector of the mechanism. · Wait about 3 minutes and operation will begin. · About 3 minutes delay is applied to protect compressor from frequently on/off. - Does not cool or heat effectively. · Is the air filter dirty?· Has the temperature been set correctly?· Are the indoor unit's air inlet or outlet vents obstructed? 21 11, 14 - The air conditioner operation is noisy. · For a noise that sounds like water flowing. -This is the sound of refrigerant flowing inside the air conditioner unit. ëÛÂÒÚ, ÛÂÚ ÓÔÒÌÓÒÚ¸ , Á°, ËÎË , ÓÁ, , ÓÌËfl. èË ÔÓfl, ÎÂÌËË ÒÚÌÌ°i Á, ÛÍÓ, , ÁÔiÓ, ËÎË °Ï. 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