User manual LG LRNN096SRA0

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Mode d'emploi LG LRNN096SRA0
Manual abstract: user guide LG LRNN096SRA0

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] Ask the dealer or authorized company to install the units except room air conditioners for the U. S. A and Canada area. If the unit is installed improperly, water leakage, electric shock or fire may result. Mount with the lowest moving parts at least 2. 5 m above the floor or grade level. (If applicable) The manufacturer does not assume responsibility for accidents or injury caused by an incorrectly installed air conditioner. [. . . ] While the indoor unit opens, the indoor unit fan runs to start. 2 3 Press the Result: button. The outdoor unit operates in cooling mode as following the room temperature. 4 Air flow direction Press the button and check that the air flow blades work properly. E-14 COMPLETING THE INSTALLATION Explaining Operations to the Owner ENGLISH E-15 Before leaving the premises on which you have installed the air conditioner, you should explain the following operations to the owner, making reference to the appropriate pages in the owner's instruction booklet. 1 2 How to start and stop the air conditioner. How to select the operating mode and adjust the temperature and fan settings. Once the owner is happy with the basic operations, hand over the owner's instruction booklet and this installation manual for storage in a handy and safe place. 3 4 5 ELECTRONICS AQ07X*_R_IM_27212 1/19/07 11:21 AM Page 17 êìäéÇéÑëíÇé èé ìëíÄçéÇäÖ AQ07X Series AQ09X Series êÁÂÎ¸Ì°È ÍÓÌË^ËÓÌ , ÓÁÛi (éiÎÊÂÌËÂ Ë Ó·Ó, , Â, ) AQ07X*_R_IM_27212 1/19/07 11:21 AM Page 2 å° èÂÓÒÚÓÓÊÌÓÒÚË èêÖÑìèêÖÜ ÑÖçàÖ ëÎÂÛË Ï° ÔÂÓÒÚÓÓÊÌÓÒÚË ÓÎÊÌ° ·°Ú¸ ÔÂÔËÌflÚ° ÔË ËÔÓθÁÓ, ÌËË ÍÓÌË^ËÓÌÂÓÏ. êËÒÍ ÎÂÍÚË~ÂÒÍÓ, , Ó ¯ÓÍ. · åÓÊÂÚ ÔË, ÂÒÚË Í ÚÂÎÂÒÌ°Ï ÔÓ, ÂÊÂÌËflÏ ËÎË ÒÏÂÚË. · éÚÒÓÂËÌËÚ , Ò ËÒÚÌ^ËÓÌÌ°Â ÎÂÍÚÓÔË·Ó° Ô ÚÂÏ, ÍÍ ÔËÒÚÛÔËÚ¸ Í Ó·ÒÎÛÊË, ÌË, ÛÒÚÌÓ, Í ËÎË ~ËÒÚÍÂ. · ÑÌÌfl ÓÔÂ^Ëfl ÓÎÊÌ ·°Ú¸ ÔÓ, ÂÂÌ ÚÓθÍÓ ÔÓËÁ, ÓËÚÂÎÂÏ ËÎË , ·Ó ÒÂ, ËÒÌÓ, , Ó Ó·ÒÎÛÊË, ÌËfl, ËÎË Û, , ËÏ ÒiÓÊËÏ ÔÓ Í, ÎËÙËÍ^ËË ÒÔÂ^ËÎËÒÚÓÏ , Ó ËÁ·ÂÊÌËË ¯ÓÍ. ìÒÚÓÈÒÚ, Ó Ì ÓÎÊÌÓ ·°Ú¸ ÛÒÚÌÓ, ÎÂÌÓ ÔÓθÁÓ, ÚÂÎÂÏ. èÓÍÓÌÒÛθÚËÛÈÚÂÒ¸ Û ËΠËÎË ÒÔÂ^ËÎËÁËÓ, ÌÌÓÈ ÍÓÏÔÌËË Îfl ÛÒÚÌÓ, ÍË ÛÒÚÓÈÒÚ, , Á ËÒÍÎ~ÂÌËÂÏ ÍÓÏÌÚÌ°i ÍÓÌË^ËÓÌÂÓ, Îfl U. S. A Ë äÌ°. èÓ, ÂÍË Ë ÔÓ·Ì°È ÔÛÒÍ . àÌÒÚÛÍÚÊ ÔÓθÁÓ, ÚÂÎfl . . 12 13 13 14 14 15 R-3 AQ07X*_R_IM_27212 1/19/07 11:21 AM Page 4 èÓ, , ÓÚÓ, Í Í ÛÒÚÌÓ, Í ǰ·Ó ÏÂÒÚ Îfl ÛÒÚÌÓ, ÍË ÍÓÌË^ËÓÌ äÓ, , , ° Ë , ÎÂÎÂ^ ÍÓÌË^ËÓÌ , °·ËÂÚ ÏÂÒÚÓ Îfl Â, , Ó ÛÒÚÌÓ, ÍË, ÌÂÓ·iÓËÏÓ Û~ËÚ°, Ú¸ ÌËÊÂÒÎÂÛË Ó, , ÌË~ÂÌËfl. é·Ë Ó, , ÌË~ÂÌËfl çÖ ÛÒÚÌ, ÎË, ÈÚ ÍÓÌË^ËÓÌ , ÚÍËi ÏÂÒÚi, , , Â Ì ÌÂ, , Ó ÏÓ, , ÛÚ , ÓÁÂÈÒÚ, Ó, Ú¸ ÒÎÂÛË ÙÍÚÓ°: ãÂ, , ÍÓ, ÓÒÔÎÏÂÌflËÂÒfl , , Á° ÇÓÁÛi, ÌÒ°ÂÌÌ°È ÔÏË ÒÓÎÂÈ å¯ËÌÌÓ ÏÒÎÓ ëÂÌËÒÚ°È , , Á éÒÓ·°Â ÛÒÎÓ, Ëfl ÓÍÛÊÂÈ Ò° ÖÒÎË ÌÂθÁfl ËÁ·ÂÊÚ¸ ÛÒÚÌÓ, ÍË ÍÓÌË^ËÓÌ , ÚÍËi ÏÂÒÚi, Ó·ÚËÚÂÒ¸ Á ÍÓÌÒÛθÚ^ËÂÈ , Ï, , ÁËÌ, , ÍÓÚÓÓÏ , ° Â, , Ó ÔÓÍÛÔÎË. äÓÏÌÚÌ°È ·ÎÓÍ Ç°·ÂËÚ ÏÂÒÚÓ, , ,  ÌÂÚ ÔÂÔflÚÒÚ, ËÈ flÓÏ Ò , ÓÁÛiÓ, °ÔÛÒÍÌ°Ï ÓÚ, ÂÒÚËÂÏ Ë , ÓÁÛiÓÁ·ÓÌËÍÓÏ. ìÒÚÌÓ, ËÚ ÍÓÏÌÚÌ°È ·ÎÓÍ Ì ÔÓ, ÂiÌÓÒÚ¸, ÍÓÚÓfl ÏÓÊÂÚ , °ÂÊÚ¸ Â, , Ó , ÂÒ. Ç°·ÂËÚ ÏÂÒÚÓ, , ,  ÏÓÊÌÓ ÎÂ, , ÍÓ ÒÏÓÌÚËÓ, Ú¸ ÚÛ·ÓÔÓ, Ó Ë Í·ÂÎË, ËÛËÂ Í ÌÛÊÌÓÏÛ ·ÎÓÍÛ, Ó·ÂÒÔÂ~Ë, ÔË ÚÓÏ ÂÍÓÏÂÌÛÂÏÛ ÎËÌÛ ÚÛ·ÓÔÓ, Ó Ì ·ÓΠ5Ï (ÏÍÒËÏÛÏ 15Ï). Ç°·ÂËÚ ÏÂÒÚÓ, , ÍÓÚÓÓÏ ÔÓ ÍÓÏÌÚÌ°Ï ·ÎÓÍÓÏ ·ÛÂÚ ËÏÂÚ¸Òfl ÔÓÒÚÌÒÚ, Ó, ÔÓÁ, ÓÎfl ·ÂÒÔÂÔflÚÒÚ, ÂÌÌÓ , °ÌËÏÚ¸ ÙËθڰ. Ç°·ÂËÚ ÏÂÒÚÓ, , ,  ӷÂÒÔÂ~Ë, ÂÚÒfl ÔÓÒÚÌÒÚ, Ó , ÓÍÛ, , ÍÓÏÌÚÌÓ, , Ó ·ÎÓÍ, Ú·ÛÂÂÒfl , ÒÓÓÚ, ÂÚÒÚ, ËË Ò ËÒÛÌÍÓÏ Ì ÒÎÂÛÂÈ ÒÚÌË^Â. ëÂÎÈÚÂ, ~ÚÓ·° Îfl , Ó°, ÍÔÂÈ ËÁ ÂÌÊÌÓ, , Ó ¯ÎÌ, , , ·°Î Ó·ÂÒÔÂ~ÂÌ Ô, ËÎ¸Ì°È Ë ·ÂÁÓÔÒÌ°È ÒÚÓÍ. ìÒÚÌÓ, ËÚ ÍÓÏÌÚÌ°È ·ÎÓÍ Ì ÒÚÂÌÂ Ì , °ÒÓÚ ·ÓΠ2, 5Ï ÓÚ ÔÓÎ. çÛÊÌ°È ·ÎÓÍ çÛÊÌ°È ·ÎÓÍ çàäéÉÑÄ Ì ÓÎÊÂÌ ÛÒÚÌ, ÎË, Ú¸Òfl Ì ·ÓÍÛ ËÎË , ÔÂÂ, ÂÌÛÚÓÏ , ËÂ, ÚÍ ÍÍ , ÚÓÏ ÒÎÛ~ ÏÒÎÓ, Ó·ÂÒÔÂ~Ë,  ÒÏÁÍÛ ÍÓÏÔÂÒÒÓ, ÔÓÔÂÚ , ÍÓÌÚÛ iÎ, , ÂÌÚ Ë Ò¸ÂÁÌÓ ÔÓ, ÂËÚ ·ÎÓÍ. Ç°·ÂËÚ ÒÛiÓ ÒÓÎÌÂ~ÌÓ ÏÂÒÚÓ, ÌÓ ÚÍÓÂ, ~ÚÓ·° Ì ·ÎÓÍ Ì ÔÎ ÔflÏÓÈ ÒÓÎÌÂ~Ì°È Ò, ÂÚ Ë ÓÌ Ì ·°Î ÓÚÍ°Ú ÒËÎ¸Ì°Ï , ÂÚÏ. [. . . ] `20', , ÂÙËÊÂÌÚ R22 ÓÎÊÌÓ ·°Ú¸ Ó·, ÎÂÌÓ Ì ÍÊ°È ÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂÎ¸Ì°È ÏÂÚ. Ç°ÔÓÎÌËÚ ÛÎÂÌË , ÓÁÛi , ÚÂ~ÂÌË ÛÍÁÌÌÓ, , Ó , ÂÏÂÌË. åÂ̸¯Â, ~ÂÏ 5Ï ÚÛ· ÅÓΠÔÓÓ·ÌÛ ËÌÙÓÏ^Ë Ó· ÚÓÈ ÓÔÂ^ËË ÒÏÓÚËÚ , ëÂ, ËÒÌÓÈ ËÌÒÚÛÍ^ËË. R-12 AQ07X*_R_IM_27212 1/19/07 11:21 AM Page 13 á, ¯ÂÌË ÛÒÚÌÓ, ÍË èÓ, ÂÍ ÓÚÒÛÚÒÚ, Ëfl ÛÚÂ~ÍË , , Á è ÚÂÏ ÍÍ Á, ¯ڸ ÛÒÚÌÓ, ÍÛ ÍÓÌË^ËÓÌ (ËÁÓÎfl^Ëfl Í·ÂÎfl, ¯ÎÌ, , Ë ÚÛ·ÓÔÓ, Ó Ë ÍÂÔÎÂÌË ÍÓÏÌÚÌÓ, , Ó ·ÎÓÍ Ì ÛÒÚÌÓ, Ó~ÌÓÈ ÔÎÒÚËÌÂ), , ° ÓÎÊÌ° Û·ÂËÚ¸Òfl , ÚÓÏ, ~ÚÓ ÓÚÒÛÚÒÚ, ÛÚ ÛÚÂ~ÍË , , Á. óÚÓ·° ÔÓ, ÂËÚ¸ ÓÚÒÛÚÒÚ, Ë ÛÚÂ~ÍË , , Á Ì . . . äÓÏÌÚÌÓÏ ·ÎÓÍ çÛÊÌÓÏ ·ÎÓÍ àÒÔÓθÁÛfl ÂÚÂÍÚÓ ÛÚÂ~ÍË, ÔÓ, ¸Ú . . . [. . . ]


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