User manual LG LS50-A13F1

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Manual abstract: user guide LG LS50-A13F1

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] User Guide YouarecurrentlyreadingtheUserGuide. Toopenthefile atanytime, double-clicktheiconontheDesktop. Alternatively, select Start > All Programs > Samsung >User Guide > User Guide. This document includes the computer functions, how to usethefunctions, andhowtousetheprogram. computer. Using the IndexoftheUserGuide, youcaneasilyfind anyinformationyouarelookingfor. Using the GlossaryoftheUserGuide, youcaneasily findmeaningsfortechnicalterms. [. . . ] Thedrives, foldersandfilesincludedonthecomputeraredisplayedhere. Showsthegeneralinformationoftheselectedfile. What is a drive?Astoragedeviceonwhichfilesandfoldersaresavedtoandreadfrom. Afolderisusedtosystematicallygroupandmanagefiles, andmayincludefilesinsub-folders. Afileisadocumentorvariouskindsofinformationgeneratedasaresultofaprogramoperation. Thisisalsocalleddata. Note 67 Window View Functions IfyouhavesetuptheAerofunction, youcanuse thewindowviewfunctions. Switching between Windows This function arranges multiple windows in D so that userscaneasilyviewthewindows. PresstheWindowslogo( )+Tabkeysorclickon SwitchWindows( )atthebottomleftoftheDesktop, andthewindowsaredisplayedin3D. Note IfyouwanttousetheAerofunction, click Start > Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Window Color and Appearance. SelectWindowAerofromthecolor schemesandclickOK. Preview Ifyoumovethemousepointeroverawindowbuttonon theTaskbar, youcanpreviewthecontentsofthewindow withoutopeningit. 68 Control Panel ToolsforconfiguringWindowsarelocatedintheControlPanel. Opening the Control Panel Click Start > Control Panel. System and Maintenance Security Network and Internet Hardware and Sound Programs Mobile PC Usingthisfunction, youcanconfigureWindowsperformanceoptions. Usingthisfunction, youcancheckthecurrentsecuritystatustoprotectthecomputer andconfigurethesecuritysettingsforthefirewall, spyware, etc. Usingthisfunction, youcancheckthenetworkstatusandconfigurethesettings. YoucanchangetheInternetconnectionsettings. Usingthisfunction, youcanaddaprinterandotherhardware, changethesettings, and updatethedevicedrivers. Alternatively, click Start > Control Panel > Mobile PC > Windows Mobile Center. Battery Status Settings Volume Control Display Connection Settings Easy Network Manager Window 2 Configurethevolume, thebatterystatus, theexternaldisplay, theSynccenter, etc. accordingtoyourrequirements. ConfigurableitemsmaydifferdependingontheinstalledWindowsVistaversionorprograms. IfEasyNetworkManagerprogramisinstalled, youcanseeEasyNetworkManagerwindow. IfyouturnthewirelessLANoffintheMobileCenter, thisisnotreflectedbythewirelessLANLED. Note 80 Chapter 4. Using the Network Wired Network Wireless Network ConnectingtoaWirelessLAN 82 85 86 Using the Easy Network Manager NetworkSettings Using in Another Location DiagnosingtheNetworkStatus 87 87 89 90 Connecting with a Modem Bluetooth (Optional) Bluetooth Function Using Bluetooth 91 92 9 9 Wired Network Awirednetworkisanetworkenvironmentusedforacompanynetworkorbroadbandinternetconnectionathome. Before You Start! YoucanalsoconfigurethenetworksettingsusingtheEasyNetworkManager. p. 87 1 ConnectaLANcabletothecomputer'sLANport. 4 Right-clickovertheLocal Area Connection and select Properties. 2 3 Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center. Click Manage Network Connections from the left pane. 8 5 Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) from the NetworkingtabandclickProperties. 6 ConfiguretheIPsettings. WhenusingDHCP, selectObtain an IP address automatically. TouseastaticIPaddress, select Use the following IP address, andsettheIP addressmanually. TheLANdevicedrivermaydifferdependingon yourLANdevicemodel. Toaddanetworkcomponent, clickInstall in the screenshowninthefigureabove. Youcanadd clients, services, andprotocols. Note Note WhennotusingDHCP, askyournetwork administratorfortheIPaddress. 7 8 Whenyouhavecompletedthesettings, clicktheOK button. Thenetworksettingshavebeencompleted. Using both DHCP and a fixed IP simultaneously Using the Alternate ConfigurationprovidingbyWindows Vista, youcansetbothautomaticandfixedIPaddresses and then you can select to use either of them to connect totheInternet. 4 Select the Alternate Configurationtab, selectUser configuredandfillinthecorrespondingfields. 1 2 3 Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center and click Manage Network Connectionsintheleftpane. Right-clickovertheLocal Area Connection and select Properties. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) from the NetworkingtabandselectProperties. 5 Whenyouhavecompletedthesettings, clicktheOK button. 8 Wireless Network Awirelessnetwork(WirelessLAN)environmentisanetworkenvironmentthatenablescommunicatingbetween multiplecomputersathomeorasmall-sizeofficethroughwirelessLANdevices. Before You Start! ThedescriptionsbelowareforcomputermodelswithaWirelessLANcardordevice. Youcanalsoconfigurethewirelessnetwork settingsusingtheEasyNetworkManager. [. . . ] Client This refers to a computer that uses a shared network resourceprovidedbyaserver. DDR SDRAM(DoubleDataRateSynchronousDynamic Random Access Memory) DRAM is a memory type whose cells consist of a capacitorandtransistormanufacturedatalowprice. SDRAM is a memory type whose performance has beenimprovedbysynchronizingtheclockwiththe externalCPUclock. DDRSDRAMisamemorytype whoseperformancehasbeenimprovedbydoubling the operating speed of the SDRAM and is widely used nowadays. ThiscomputerusesDDRSDRAM. Device Manager An administrative tool used to manage computer devices. Youcanaddorremovehardwareorupdatea devicedriverusingtheDeviceManager. Direct X AnapplicationinterfacedevelopedtoenableWindows application programs to access hardware devices ataveryhighspeed. Sincetheoperatingspeedof graphics, memoryandsoundcardsmustbeveryfast toprovidehighqualityvideoandsoundforgames, DirectXenablesfastercontrolandinteractionbetween applicationsandhardwaredevices. ByusingDirect X, themultimediaperformanceofWindowshasbeen hugelyimproved. [. . . ]


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