User manual LG LWN1860QCG

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Mode d'emploi LG LWN1860QCG
Manual abstract: user guide LG LWN1860QCG

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] (Place the red line of the cable close to the Pin 1. ) +5V DC Ground Ground +12V DC Do not insert a pin into the emergency opening while in operation. Rear Other · Do not place the drive in direct sunlight. Installing a jumper on the master/slave select terminal · Connect a jumper to the rear side of the DVD Writer. If the jumper is connected to MA (Master), it will work in the Master mode. If the jumper is connected to SL (Slave), it will work in the Slave mode. If the jumper is connected to CS (CSEL), you can control the device by using the host interface signal CSEL. [. . . ] Play the disc (CD). · Check that the power, audio and EIDE cables are correctly connected to the computer. · Change the EIDE cable and reconnect it to the computer. Preferably, connect a second EIDE cable to the DVD Writer in master mode. · Check the position of the jumper in the master/slave select terminal. After installing the DVD Writer, the PC gets slower. DISC Usable Discs 1 The DVD Writer is not recognized by MS-DOS. When using two EIDE cable · Connect the cable to the MA (Master) of the Master/Slave Select Terminal at the rear of the DVD Writer. If necessary, attach a horizontal bracket to both sides of the drive. · You can purchase these accessories separately from your computer dealer. (Screws for use: M3 X 6 X 4) · Reinstall the device driver or update it with the latest version by downloading it from the Samsung Web site. - http:// www. samsung-ODD. com - http:// www. samsung. com Disc Diameter Interface Support Access time (Random) 4. 72 Inch or 3. 15 Inch (120mm or 80mm) ATA/ATAPI (E-IDE) PIO Mode 4: 16. 6MB/sec Ultra DMA Mode 4: 66MB/sec 110ms (Random) 130ms (Random) Write CAV 20X ZCLV 8X ZCLV 16X ZCLV 12X CAV 20X CLV 6X PCAV 12X Read CAV 16X CAV 12X CAV 12X CAV 12X CAV 16X CAV 12X PCAV 12X CAV 16X CAV 12X CAV 48X CAV 40X CAV 40X CAV 40X CAV 40X Interface Port PIO mode DMA mode CD-ROM DVD-ROM Media Type DVD+R DVD+RW DVD+R DUAL DVD-R DUAL DVD-R DVD-RW DVD-RAM DVD-ROM(Single) DVD-ROM(Dual) CD-ROM CD-R US-RW HS-RW CD-RW A CD is not read or is read too slowly. The disc compartment will not open. · Check whether the CD is of good quality and clean it, if necessary. Playing CD-DA/Audio CDs · Run the CD player program supplied with the sound card or play the Windows Media Player. - If there is only one Optical drive: select MA (Master). Master Drive (Choose the MA Jumper) SEC 1 PRI 1 · · Playing Video CDs · Follow the instructions provided with the disc. Check that the power cable is correctly connected. Insert a pin or unfolded paper clip in the emergency hole and push firmly until the disc compartment opens. 2 · A video card or MPEG software and a sound card need to be installed to view video CDs. Remove the plate from a free expansion slot and install the DVD Writer, as shown in the illustration. · If you have no free expansion slot, install the drive in place of the diskette drive. · Make sure to use the standardized screws supplied (M3X6). - To use screws other than M3X6 may result in malfunction. When the MPEG software plays a Video CD, the pictures are not regular and the running speed is too slow. The Disc is not in message is displayed even though a disc has been inserted. (Ç ·Óθ¯ËÌÒÚ,  ÒÎÛ~Â, ÂÍÓÏÂÌÛÂÚÒfl ÔÓÒÓÂËÌÂÌËÂ Í , , ÌÂÁÛ åÄ. ) êÁÂÏ , °iÓ êÁÂÏ ÔÂÂÍÎ~ÂÌËfl ^ËÙÓ, °i ÌÌ°i , ÂÛËÈ/, ÂÓÏ°È êÁÂÏ ÔÓÍÎ~ÂÌËfl ÔËÚÌËfl · ùÍÓÎÓ, , Ë~ÂÒÍfl ÏÍËÓ, Í Samsung ùÍÓÎÓ, , Ë~ÂÒÍfl ÏÍËÓ, Í Samsung ÔÓÏÓ, , ÂÚ ÔÓÚ·ËÚÂÎ ÎÂ, , ÍÓ ÔÓÌflÚ¸, ~ÚÓ ÍÓÏÔÌËfl Samsung Á·Ú°, ÂÚ Ë ÔÓËÁ, ÓËÚ ÍÓÎÓ, , Ë~ÂÒÍË ~ËÒÚ°Â Ë ·ÂÁÓÔÒÌ°Â ÔÓÛÍÚ°. ÑÌÌfl ÏÍËÓ, Í fl, ÎflÂÚÒfl ÂÁÛθÚÚÓÏ ÔÓÓÎÊËÚÂθ̰i ËÒÒÎÂÓ, ÌËÈ ÍÓÏÔÌËË Samsung ÔÓ Á·ÓÚÍ ÍÓÎÓ, , Ë~ÂÒÍË ~ËÒÚ°i Ë ·ÂÁÓÔÒÌ°i ÔÓÛÍÚÓ, . èËÌÎÂÊÌÓÒÚË Ç ~ÒÚÌÓÒÚË, ËÒÍ Ò ÚÂËÌÓÈ, ÔÓÏÂÂÌÌ°È , ËÒÍÓ, Ó, ÏÓÊÂÚ ÁÛ¯ËÚÒfl ÔË ËÒÔÓθÁÓ, ÌËË. 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