User manual LG MU-42PZ10

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Mode d'emploi LG MU-42PZ10
Manual abstract: user guide LG MU-42PZ10

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] Europeanrepresentative: LGElectronicsServiceEuropeB. V. Veluwezoom15, 1327 AEAlmere. TheNetherlands (Tel:+31-(0)36-547-8888) IndoorUseOnly RF Radiation Exposure Statement Thisequipmentshouldbeinstalledandoperated withminimumdistance20cmbetweenthe radiatorandyourbody. 1 Getting Started 2. D. M. 28. 5. 03, forsupplytopublicofRLANaccess tonetworksandtelecomservices. L'usodegliapparatièregolamentatoda: 1. [. . . ] SLEEP:Setsthesystemtoturnoffautomaticallyat aspecifiedtime. INFO. :Displaysthefileorinputsourceinformation. · · · · · · · · · ·d · · · · · · · · · TV Control buttons:Seepage18 0 to 9 numerical buttons: Selectsnumbered numberedfiles. EntersthePINcode. Remote control 1 Getting Started Battery Installation Removethebatterycoverontherearofthe RemoteControl, andinserttwo(sizeAAA)battery with and matchedcorrectly. MU-42PZ10-N0_DDEULL_ENG_6882. indd 8 2011-01-21 5:49:31 Getting Started 9 Front panel A B 1 Getting Started G F E D C A Display B USBPort C F FUNCTION Pressitrepeatedlytoselectotherfunction. D I STOP E TPLAY/PAUSE F ­ VOL + Adjustsspeakervolume. G 1STANDBY/ON Rear panel A B A PORT. (Portable)IN B OPTICALIN1/2 MU-42PZ10-N0_DDEULL_ENG_6882. indd 9 2011-01-21 5:49:31 10 Connecting 2. Whenyoumountitonawall(concrete), usethe wallplugs(Notsupplied). Youshoulddrillsome holes. Aguidesheet(WALLBRACKETINSTALL GUIDE)issuppliedtodrill. Usethesheetto checkthepointtodrill. Mounting the main unit on a wall Youcanmountthemainunitonawall. Preparescrewsandbrackets. Step2 Preperation 2 Connecting Unit Wallbracket WALLBRACKET INSTALLGUIDE 1. MatchtheTV'sBOTTOMEDGEofWALLBRACKET INSTALLGUIDEwiththebottomofTVand attachtotheposition. Step1 TV ScrewsandWallPlugsarenotsuppliedfor mountingtheunit. WerecommendtheHilti (HUD-16x30)forthemounting. Please purchaseit. Note , , MU-42PZ10-N0_DDEULL_ENG_6882. indd 10 2011-01-21 5:49:31 Connecting 3. Fixitwithscrews(notsupplied)asshowninthe illustrationbelow. 11 5. Hangthemainunitontothebracketasshown below. Step5 Step4 2 Connecting Detachtheunitfromthebracketasshown below. Note , , Youcanarrangepowercordcablewiththe bracketasshownbelow. Note , , Powercordcable Power cord cable y Donothangontotheinstalledunitand avoidanyimpacttotheunit. y Securetheunitfirmlytothewallsothatit doesnotfalloff. Iftheunitfallsoff, itmay resultinaninjuryordamagetotheproduct. y Whentheunitisinstalledonawall, please makesurethatachilddoesnotpullanyof connectingcables, asitmaycauseittofall. Caution >, MU-42PZ10-N0_DDEULL_ENG_6882. indd 11 2011-01-21 5:49:32 12 Connecting Setting up Pairing wireless subwoofer LED indicator of wireless subwoofer Manually pairing wireless subwoofer Whenyourconnectionisnotcompleted, youcan seetheredLEDonthewooferandwooferisnot madesound. Tosolvetheproblem, followthe belowsteps. y ForalargecapacityUSB, itmaytakelongerthan afewminutestobesearched. y IfyouuseaUSBextensioncableorUSBhub, the USBdeviceisnotrecognized. y UsingNTFSfilesystemisnotsupported. (Only FAT(16/32)filesystemissupported. ) y Thisunitisnotsupportedwhenthetotal numberoffilesis1000ormore. y ExternalHDD, Cardreaders, Lockeddevices, orhardtypeUSBdevicesarenotsupported. y Theunit'sUSBPortcannotbeconnectedtoPC. Theunitcannotbeusedasastoragedevice. 2011-01-21 5:49:32 Operating 15 Basic Operations USB Operation 1. Selectafileyouwanttoplaybypressing CorV. To Stop Playback Pause PressZ Pressd/M Pressd/M Do this Other Operations DOLBY DRC (Dynamic Range Control) Makethesoundclearwhenthevolumeisturned down(DolbyDigitalonly). Setto[DRCON]byusing DOLBY DRC. AV Sync WhenreceivingaudiosignalsfromTV, soundand imagesmaynotbematched. Inthecase, this functioncanadjustthedelaytime. UseCVtoscrollupanddownthrough thedelayamount, whichyoucansetat anythingbetween0and300m/sec. 3 Operating Duringplayback, pressC orVtogotothenextfile Skippingtothe ortoreturntothebeginning next/previous ofthecurrentfile. file PressCtwicebrieflyto stepbacktothepreviousfile. Playing repeatedlyor randomly PressREPEAT ontheremote control repeatedly, thedisplay changeinthefollowingorder, RPT1 RPTD(DIRECTORY) RPTALL RANDOM OFF. [. . . ] DependingonyourTV, someorallbuttonsmaynot functionontheTV, evenafterenteringthecorrect manufacturercode. Whenyoureplacethebatteries oftheremote, thecodenumberyouhavesetmay beresettothedefaultsetting. Settheappropriate codenumberagain. Dependingontheunitbeingconnected, you maynotbeabletocontrolyourTVusingsome ofthebuttons. Note , , MU-42PZ10-N0_DDEULL_ENG_6882. indd 18 2011-01-21 5:49:32 Troubleshooting 19 Troubleshooting PROBLEM NoPower Pluginthepowercord. Checktheconditionbyoperatingotherelectronicdevices. PressFUNCTIONandchecktheselectedfunction. Nosound Thepowercordofwooferisnotconnected. Plugthepowercordintothewalloutlet securely. [. . . ]


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