Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Insteadof a stylus writing on chart paper or a flashing neon light, the X-355 displays the depth information on a screen using small squares which turn black whenan echo is received. As each echo is detected, the signals move across the screen, leaving behind a record of the areathat was just passed.
No othersonar has as many automatic features as the X-355. Onceturned on, it will find and display the bottom signal, fish, and other targets. As the depth of the bottom changes, the X-355 will automaticallychange the range, sensitivity, and other controls so thatthe bottom will always be displayed on the screen. If desired, the only key on the keyboardthat needs to be touched is the off/on key. However, the X-355 hasbuilt in override capability that allowsthe features to be used in any combinationto bestsuit local conditions.
Range: 20 to 40 feet Discrimination: Level 1 High SpeedScroll: On Sloping Bottom, Large Fish from 22 to 34 feet Range: 5to 40 feet
TheX-355 is nitrogenfilled and sealed for complete waterproof protection of the internalparts. [. . . ] However, ifyou press the 2nd key first, then press the nine key, the X-355 will turn on the lights in the display. The2nd key just reassigned the meaning of the 9 key from a 9 to LIGHT 7 28 PDF compression, OCR, web-optimization with CVISION's PdfCompressor
SURFACECLUTTER Themarkings at the top of the screen representthe surface of the water
which can extend manyfeet below the surface. This can interferewith fish signals or other targets. It's called Surface Clutter and is caused by algae, plankton, air bubblescaused by wave action or boat wakes, bait fish, or temperatureinversions.
CLEAR Ifyoupress a key that is not whatyouwanted, you canwait six seconds before pressing another key and the X-355 will automatically clear or "forget"the last key entered.
For example, if. you wish to turn on the lights, the proper keys to press are 2nd-9. However, if you accidentally pressed the 0 key instead of the 2nd key by accident, you could wait six seconds until the 0 disappears from the screen, then press 2nd-9. Another quick wayto clearan incorrect entry is to press 2nd-O and the last key enteredwill be erased.
101 I CLEJ
These marks are normal and can be seen at any timeduring the year. It's usually the worst in the spring and summer, slacking off in the fall and
The entire display maybe erased by pressing 2nd-0-O. Everything except the digital numbers(if turned on) will be cleared fromthe display.
Figure 23
Although the X-355 will automaticallychange the range whenever the bottom getsshallower or goes deeper, thereare times when it is desirable to expand the range, or look at a differentsegment ofthewater below. Therange can be setanywherefrom 0 to 989 feeton the upper limit and 10 to 999 feet on the lower limit, provided the lower limit is no closerto the upper limit than 10 feet.
WATER TEMPERATURE AND THERMOCLINES Water temperaturehas an important--if not controlling--influence upon the activitiesof all fish. Fish are cold blooded and their bodies are near the temperatureof the surroundingwater. During the winter, this slows down their metabolism so that they can only utilize about a fourth as much food as they consume in the summer.
Most fish don't spawn unlessthe water temperatureis within rather narrow limits. Trout can't survivein streams that get too warm; bass and other fish eventually die out when stocked in lakes that remain too cold during the summer. So fish will do without food rather than venture into waterthat is too hot or too cold; others will shift position for a temperature change as slight as one-half of one degree. While some fish havea wider temperaturetolerance than others, each of them has a certain range within which it tries to stay. This is made possible on the X-355 by using the UPPERLIMIT key. To change the upper limit of the screen, simply press the desired depth (any numberbetween0 and 989 feet) and then the UPPERLIMIT key. The only restriction on the upper limit is that it must not be closerto the lower limit than 10 feet. In other words, if the lower limit is setto 81 feet, the upper limit cannot be set any closer than 71 feet A ten foot segment or larger (20, 30, 120, etc. ) is required.
Upper and lower limits may be set in various combinationsto show segments from the surfaceto the bottom and nearly anywhere in betweento expand or "zoom" a portion of the display. If a ten foot segment is chosen, then the screen resolution is 1½". This meansthat each dot is equal to 1½ incheswhena ten foot segment is chosen.
10 PDF compression, OCR, web-optimization with CVISION's PdfCompressor
Example: Set range to 16 to 31 feet Press: 1-6-UPPER LIMIT then 3-1 LOWER
The20 degree transducer is almost always the best to use in fresh water, while the 8 degree is used mostly in salt water In a deep water environment, (300 feet--freshwater, 100 feet--salt water) the narrow coneangle is more desirable because it can penetrateto much deeper depths since the sound energy is concentrated in a smallerarea.
Both the 8 degree and the 20 degree transducersgive accurate bottom readings, even though the bottom signal is much wideron the 20 degree model because you are seeing more ofthe bottom. Remember, the shallow edge ofthe signal shows you the truedepth. The rest of the signal tells youwhetheryou are over rocks, mud, dropoffs, etc.
Figure 8
Saltwater boats need to have the transducerpaintedwith a thin coatof anti-foulant paint to prevent organismsfrom growing. If unchecked, barnacles and othermarine growth will cause a decrease in the transducer's sensitivity. Do not use a metal based anti-foulantpaint as it will decrease the transducer's sensitivityalso. There are special anti-foulant paints carriedby most marine dealers specificallydesigned for
NOTE: When the X-355 is in the AUTO RANGE mode, the upper limit may be changed at anytime. If the upper limit is changed while the unitis in theAUTO RANGE mode, the X-355 will continueto select a lowerlimit that will keep the bottom displayed in the lower ¾ portion of the screen.
(PtGrTAL DIGITAL A complete digital sonar is incorporated intothe X-355. It automaticallydis-
criminates betweenthe valid bottom echoes and false echoes from fish, thermocline, or surface clutter Thedigital displaywill show only the bottom depth. It may be used at anytime, in conjunction with anyother mode theX-355 may be in (with the exception of FASTRACK or High Speed Scroll modes described in the AdvancedOperation section of this
Becauseyour X-355 is both extremelysensitiveand powerful, it cangive youan accurate picture of the kind ofbottom over whichyour boat is passing. A bottom offirm sand, gravel, shell, or hard clay returns a fairly wide signal. [. . . ] To setthe Deep alarm, press the desired depth using the numberkeys on the keyboard, then press the DEEPSET key. For example, if a Deep alarm setting of 55 feet is desired, press 5-5-DEEPSET. Thenumber55 will show in the display in large numbersfor 6 seconds and then disappear. Now if the waterdepth goesbelow 55 feet the alarm will sound. NOTE: Themaximum alarm depth setting is 999 feet 20 PDF compression, OCR, web-optimization with CVISION's PdfCompressor
15 Figure 18
iuuammm·iuu FASTRAK The FASTRAK causesthe X-355 to display the bottom, fish, trees, or other echoes including the bottom signal will be converted into short, straight horizontal lines. As the bottom or otherechoes moves shallow or deeper, the lines will rise or fall accordingly. This gives quick, precise depth informationat a glance. [. . . ]