Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Breeze Live User Guide for Meeting Presenters
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Functionality Participant Participant Preparing Presenter (broadcast (broadcast Presenter ing) viewing)
Pause broadcasting of your own audio or video to participants Select the broadcasts you want to receive Stop broadcasting of your own audio or video to participants Stop the broadcast of an individual participant's audio or video to all participants Change the aspect ratio of videos
Chapter 7: The Camera and Voice Pod
Pausing your own broadcasting You must move your mouse over your name in order for these controls to be displayed properly.
To pause broadcasting of your own audio to participants:
· Click the Microphone icon in the Camera and Voice pod next to your name.
A red line appears over the Microphone icon.
To pause broadcasting of your own video to participants:
· Click the Camera icon in the Camera and Voice pod next to your name.
A red line appears over the Camera icon.
To resume broadcasting of your own audio to participants:
· Click the Microphone icon in the Camera and Voice pod next to your name.
The red line disappears from over the Microphone icon.
Controlling audio and video broadcasts
To resume broadcasting of your own video to participants:
· Click the Camera icon in the Camera and Voice pod next to your name.
The red line disappears from over the Camera icon. Selecting the broadcasts you receive
To block audio broadcasts from a participant:
· Click the Microphone icon in the Camera and Voice pod next to the participant's name.
A red line appears over the participant's Microphone icon.
To block video broadcasts from a participant:
· Click the Camera icon in the Camera and Voice pod next to the participant's name.
A red line appears over the participant's Camera icon.
To unblock audio broadcasts from a participant:
· Click the Microphone icon in the Camera and Voice pod next to the participant's name.
The red line over the participant's Microphone icon disappears.
To unblock video broadcasts from a participant:
· Click the Camera icon in the Camera and Voice pod next to the participant's name.
The red line over the participant's Camera icon disappears. Stopping your own broadcast
To stop broadcasting your own audio and video:
· Click the Close icon button in the Camera and Voice pod next to your name.
Your name, image, and media control buttons disappear from all participants' Camera and Voice pods. Stopping a participant from broadcasting
To stop a participant from broadcasting:
· Click the Close icon button in the Camera and Voice pod next to the participant's name.
The participant's name, image, and media control buttons disappear from all participants' Camera and Voice pods.
Setting meeting-wide broadcast characteristics
You can set audio and video broadcasting characteristics that apply to all participants (including presenters) in a meeting. Audio broadcast settings You can set the following broadcasting characteristics for audio:
Voice Off
All audio broadcasting is turned off.
Chapter 7: The Camera and Voice Pod
Voice On
Audio broadcasting is turned on. If participant broadcasting is enabled (see "Enabling broadcasting by participants" on page 44), participants, too, can broadcast audio.
Record Voice and Mute Broadcast If the meeting is being recorded (see Chapter 12, "Recording Meetings, " on page 75), what you say is recorded but is not broadcast to participants. Use this setting if you are recording a meeting but are not yourself addressing participants. To change a setting for audio broadcasting:
1 Click the arrow in the upper left corner of the Camera and Voice pod. 2 From the pop-up menu, select the setting you want to change.
Note: If you change a setting while audio is being broadcast, the new setting takes effect immediately. In some cases, this can mean that media buttons are added to or removed from the Camera and Voice pod.
Video broadcast settings You can set the following broadcasting options for video:
Camera Off
Video broadcasting is turned off.
Slow Images Samples and transmits the camera image less frequently than the other image settings. Images tend to be low quality and can shift abruptly. Use this setting if most participants have low-speed connections or if you are not concerned about image quality. Fast Images Provides a clear but not high-quality image. Use this setting if participants are connected at a variety of speeds. High Quality Images Provides high-quality images. Use this setting if all participants are connected at high speeds. High Bandwidth Provides high-quality images in the same method as the high-quality images setting if the room is not set to LAN. If the room is set to LAN, this option will behave the same as the high-quality images but with twice as much bandwidth and frame rate allotted. To set image quality or to turn video broadcasting on or off:
1 Click the arrow in the upper left corner of the Camera and Voice pod. 2 From the pop-up menu, select the setting you want to apply.
Note: If you change a setting while video is being broadcast, the new setting takes effect immediately.
Changing the aspect ratio of videos The default setting for the aspect ratio of videos will be the Portrait setting. You can alter the aspect ratio to resize all videos on the stage.
To change the aspect ratio of videos:
1 Click the arrow in the upper left corner of the Camera and Voice pod. 2 From the pop-up menu, select one of the following options:
Presents a square shape. [. . . ] Move and Resize Pods edit mode is disabled. The green meeting room pod title bars and the Move and Resize Pods icon disappear.
Working with meeting room pods
Showing an existing meeting room pod In addition to adding new meeting room pods to the stage, you can choose to show a meeting room pod that already exists but is not currently visible in this meeting room layout.
To show an existing meeting room pod:
1 Click the Customize button at the top of the meeting room window. 3 From the pop-up menu, select the name of the meeting room pod that you want to show.
The meeting room pod appears in the meeting room layout. It appears on the stage unless you have Show Present-Only Area selected, in which case it appears initially outside the stage. [. . . ]