Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Using the Macromedia Breeze Manager
Trademarks Add Life to the Web, Afterburner, Aftershock, Andromedia, Allaire, Animation PowerPack, Aria, Attain, Authorware, Authorware Star, Backstage, Bright Tiger, Clustercats, ColdFusion, Design In Motion, Director, Dream Templates, Dreamweaver, Drumbeat 2000, EDJE, EJIPT, Extreme 3D, Fireworks, Flash, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator, HomeSite, JFusion, JRun, Kawa, Know Your Site, Knowledge Objects, Knowledge Stream, Knowledge Track, LikeMinds, Lingo, Live Effects, MacRecorder Logo and Design, Macromedia, Macromedia Action!, Macromedia Breeze, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia M Logo and Design, Macromedia Spectra, Macromedia xRes Logo and Design, MacroModel, Made with Macromedia, Made with Macromedia Logo and Design, MAGIC Logo and Design, Mediamaker, Movie Critic, Open Sesame!, Roundtrip, Roundtrip HTML, Shockwave, Sitespring, SoundEdit, Titlemaker, UltraDev, Web Design 101, what the web can be, Xtra are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words or phrases mentioned within this publication may be trademarks, servicemarks, or tradenames of Macromedia, Inc. [. . . ] A copy of the content is made, and this copy is used for the course. This means that changes made to the original content do not affect the course. You should not change a course's content if the current course content has a quiz that users have already taken. If you do, major issues in grading inconsistency occur:
· Quiz scoring becomes inconsistent. · Learners may be justified in disputing quiz results. · Reports might not provide an accurate representation of pass or fail status for users who took
the course before quiz changes occurred. If you want to update a course quiz (including changing the passing score, adding or removing questions, changing answers, changing question scoring, reordering questions, changing quiz options such as forward and backward progress, or adding information to a course that may increase or reduce the difficulty of a quiz question) and still ensure that reports and grades are consistent, create a new course that uses the updated content.
To change course content:
1. Click the Courses tab at the top of the Breeze Manager window. Navigate to the course whose content you want to change.
For more information, see "Navigating the Course Library" on page 63.
3. In the course list, select the name of the course.
The Course Information page appears.
4. Click the Select Content link in the navigation bar.
The Select Content page appears.
5. In the Shared Content folder of the Content Library, navigate to the folder that contains the
presentation you want to use for the course. For more information, see "Navigating the Course Library" on page 63.
6. Select the radio button next to the presentation that you want to use for the course. Click the Save button.
Managing courses
8. On the Save page, click the Yes, update my content button.
The Course Information page opens. Changing course enrollees If you are an account administrator, a course manager, or a user with permission to manage a specific Course Library folder, you can add or remove the enrollees for a course. Enrollees who are removed from enrollment do not receive any notification. They are just no longer able to access the course (unless the course is set up for self-enrollment, in which case they may still enroll themselves).
Note: You do not have to explicitly enroll users. Courses can be set up to allow user self-registration. This allows users to voluntarily enroll in a course. See "Setting up course self-registration" on page 81. [. . . ] Click the Reset to Default button.
Note: To view the restored appearance of your Breeze installation, press Ctrl-F5 to refresh your screen. You may also have to log out and log back in to your Breeze installation for the default look to be visible.
Adding a custom LMS component Breeze installations support two standard LMSs: Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) and AICC. However, if your existing LMS requires a custom component, and it is AICC-compliant, you can configure your Breeze installation to use it instead. The default Breeze implementation uses a Macromedia Flash 5 component for communication with an AICC-based LMS system. [. . . ]