Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Using the Macromedia Breeze Plug-in for Microsoft PowerPoint
Trademarks Add Life to the Web, Afterburner, Aftershock, Andromedia, Allaire, Animation PowerPack, Aria, Attain, Authorware, Authorware Star, Backstage, Bright Tiger, Clustercats, ColdFusion, Contribute, Design In Motion, Director, Dream Templates, Dreamweaver, Drumbeat 2000, EDJE, EJIPT, Extreme 3D, Fireworks, Flash, Flash Lite, Flex, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator, HomeSite, JFusion, JRun, Kawa, Know Your Site, Knowledge Objects, Knowledge Stream, Knowledge Track, LikeMinds, Lingo, Live Effects, MacRecorder Logo and Design, Macromedia, Macromedia Action!, Macromedia Breeze, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia M Logo and Design, Macromedia Spectra, Macromedia xRes Logo and Design, MacroModel, Made with Macromedia, Made with Macromedia Logo and Design, MAGIC Logo and Design, Mediamaker, Movie Critic, Open Sesame!, Roundtrip, Roundtrip HTML, Shockwave, Sitespring, SoundEdit, Titlemaker, UltraDev, Web Design 101, what the web can be, and Xtra are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words, or phrases mentioned within this publication may be trademarks, service marks, or trade names of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in certain jurisdictions including internationally. [. . . ] Higher settings are useful in presentations that have larger differences between quiet and loud sections. However, background noise can also be amplified with higher settings.
The Noise Threshold option helps control the amplification of background noise. Anything quieter than the noise threshold will not be amplified. If background noise is being amplified too much, turning this slider up may help. However, the Dynamics option does not work well with high noise levels. Whenever you change these settings, the view in the Edit Audio dialog box is updated, so you can see the results of your changes before clicking OK. Additional editing controls The Breeze plug-in Edit Audio dialog box also supports additional controls to speed up editing.
Right-click in the header bar above the audio window
This displays a context menu with
commands for the following actions:
· · · ·
Move a marker Insert a command marker Delete a command marker Change the properties of a command marker
Press M or Control+M within the Audio window
This automatically moves the next marker to the current location. The next marker is the first marker to the right of the current location If you have a mouse wheel, you can use The Spacebar acts as a toggle
Click in the Audio window and use the mouse wheel
it to quickly change the view by zooming in or out.
Select a location in the audio file and press the Spacebar
between Play and Pause during playback of the audio file.
Playing back, recording, and editing audio
Recording audio If you click the Record button in the Edit Audio dialog box, you will open the following dialog box, which you can use to record audio.
Input Source: Used to select the input source for your audio.
Audio Monitor: Shows the strength of your audio input. The stronger the audio signal, the higher the level. If the signal is too strong, the monitor turns yellow and red at the top. Recording Status: Displays either "Stopped" or "Recording. " Calibration: Used to run automatic audio calibration. Macromedia Breeze recommends using this command prior to recording any audio.
Volume control in Record Narration dialog box: Used to manually set the volume control for recording. Macromedia recommends using the Calibrate command to automatically set your volume control. Record button - Record Narration dialog box: Used to start recording audio.
Managing your account
If you want to access your Macromedia Breeze account to manage your presentations, you need to directly access Macromedia Breeze Administration. Macromedia Breeze Administration allows you to make changes to your account information (for example, user information, presentation information), depending on your individual permissions.
To manage your account:
1. From the Breeze menu, select Manage Account. The Login to Macromedia Breeze screen
2. Log in to Macromedia Breeze using the user name (your e-mail address) and password provided
to you by your administrator.
3. After a successful login, you can access various administrative functions, depending on your
permission level. Here are some functions performed through Macromedia Breeze Administration:
Modify or update additional presentation information Delete presentations or folders Add or delete Macromedia Breeze users Set permissions for Macromedia Breeze users
Note: You must have the appropriate permissions to log in and make changes to your Macromedia Breeze account. Please contact your account administrator to get the appropriate permissions.
Chapter 3: Using the Macromedia Breeze Plug-In for PowerPoint
Inserting Macromedia Flash content
Macromedia Breeze allows you to embed Flash SWF files (files authored using Macromedia Flash that are published with the . swf file extension) into presentations. These files are converted and played back in the published presentation.
To insert Flash content:
1. [. . . ] The standard audio mixer program on your computer is called Volume Control. This mixer allows you to control input and output volume of your various sound devices. You can access this program on a Windows 98 system by selecting Start > Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Volume Control. Can I add links to my online presentation? [. . . ]