Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Breeze Integration Guide
Trademarks 1 Step RoboPDF, ActiveEdit, ActiveTest, Authorware, Blue Sky Software, Blue Sky, Breeze, Breezo, Captivate, Central, ColdFusion, Contribute, Database Explorer, Director, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, FlashCast, FlashHelp, Flash Lite, FlashPaper, Flex, Flex Builder, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator, HomeSite, JRun, MacRecorder, Macromedia, MXML, RoboEngine, RoboHelp, RoboInfo, RoboPDF, Roundtrip, Roundtrip HTML, Shockwave, SoundEdit, Studio MX, UltraDev, and WebHelp are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words, or phrases mentioned within this publication may be trademarks, service marks, or trade names of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in certain jurisdictions including internationally. [. . . ] This API is not supported in Breeze 5.
Note: An updated API is not available because the self-registration feature no longer exists in Breeze 5. Description
Executes special functions associated with special access keys. You can call this API to do the following:
· Allow users to self-register for meetings and courses · Create a new user
Chapter 4: XML API Reference
To call the accesskey-exec API, you need a special access key associated with a meeting or course. Someone who isn't a Breeze user can be given the special access key and can then use an interface to register for the meeting or course, creating a Breeze user account in the process. To obtain the special access key, call accesskey-info. This API automatically adds the selfregistering user to the self-registration group associated with the course or meeting, if the group exists. The difference between using accesskey-exec and principal-update to create a new user is that you can call accesskey-exec without being logged in or being an administrator. Also, you can specify custom fields for new users when you call accesskey-exec. To do so, pass the custom fields to accesskey-exec as additional parameters in name and value pairs, as shown in the following example:
The field-id parameters can be determined from the data returned by the custom-fields API.
Parameters access-key first-name has-children last-name login
The special access key that lets the user self-register. Always set this parameter to 0 when registering a new user. The new user's password.
The new user's login name, which is usually the user's e-mail address. Always set this parameter to user when registering a new user.
password type Filters
Results cannot be filtered or sorted.
Returned elements
Sample results <results> <status code="ok" /> </results>
Breeze 4. This API is not supported in Breeze 5.
Note: The accesskey feature no longer exists in Breeze 5, so there is no updated API. Description
Provides a special access key, if such a key is associated with the specified SCO. For more information, see the accesskey-exec API.
To find out which group the user will automatically join by self-registering using the special access key, look in the access-key-group XML element. If the group exists, this element is included in the returned XML. If the group does not exist, there is no additional access-key-group element.
Parameters acl-id Filters
The ID of a SCO.
Results cannot be filtered or sorted.
Returned elements access-keys, access-key-group Sample results
The following sample XML is returned when a group doesn't exist and therefore does not include an access-key-group element:
<results> <status code="ok" /> <access-keys> <access-key acl-id="622847" action="action-self-reg-meeting" parent-acl-id="503265"> <access-key>3hzvnifcfmphn3id</access-key> <date-created>2004-03-05T10:28:14. 750-08:00</date-created> </access-key> </access-keys> </results>
The following sample results are returned when a group exists and therefore includes an accesskey-group element:
<results> <status code="ok" /> <access-key-group account-id="7" has-children="true" is-primary="false" principal-id="630" type="group"> <login>COURSE-test1-self-reg-group</login> <name>COURSE-test1-self-reg-group</name> </access-key-group> <access-keys> <access-key acl-id="126" action="action-self-reg-course" parent-aclid="630"> <access-key>2cw6np2kx2dtdop2</access-key> <date-created>2004-07-07T12:27:04. 590-07:00</date-created> </access-key> </access-keys> </results>
Chapter 4: XML API Reference
Breeze 5.
Returns field-ids and values for an ACL. The caller must have view permission for the ACL. You can call principal-list to determine the account-id or principal-ids. An ACL is a securable Breeze object, for example, a principal, SCO, or account. For more information, see "About principals, SCOs, and IDs" on page 17.
Parameters acl-id The ID of the ACL whose field information you want to return. This parameter can be a sco-id, an account-id, or a principal-id. [. . . ] Indicates that you don't have permission to perform the API. This can happen in several situations; the value of the subcode attribute provides more details. If you provide an invalid access key, there is no subcode value. Indicates that there is no data available (in response to an API that would normally result in returning data). [. . . ]