Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] CFML Reference
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If it does not exist, cfregistry creates the key or value.
Example <!--- This example uses cfregistry Set Action to modify registry value data --> <!--- Normally you pass in a file name instead of setting one here. ---> <cfset FileName = "dummy. cfm"> <cfregistry action = "set" branch = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\cflangref" entry = "LastCFM01" type = "String" value = "#FileName#"> <h1>cfregistry action = "set"</h1>
cfregistry action = "delete"
Deletes a registry key or value.
Syntax <cfregistry action = "delete" branch = "branch" entry = "keyorvalue"> Attributes Attribute action branch Req/Opt Required Required Default Description delete · For key deletion: name of registry key to delete. · For value deletion: name of registry branch that contains value to delete. Value to delete
entry Usage
Required for value deletion
If you delete a key, cfregistry also deletes values and subkeys defined beneath it.
Example <cfregistry action = "delete" branch = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\cflangref\tempkey" entry = "LastCFM01"> <h1>cfregistry action = "delete"</h1>
Chapter 2: ColdFusion Tags
Runs a predefined Crystal Reports report. Uses the CFCRYSTAL. exe file to generate reports. Sets parameters in the Crystal Reports engine according to its attribute values.
Extensibility tags
Syntax <cfreport report = "report_path" dataSource = "ds_name" type = "type" timeout = "number of seconds" orderBy = "result_order" username = "username" password = "password" formula = "formula"> </cfreport> See also cfcollection, cfexecute, cfindex, cfobject, cfsearch, cfwddx History
ColdFusion MX: Changed data source connection behavior: Crystal Reports now establishes an independent connection to the data source. The connection is not subject to any ColdFusion data source-specific restrictions. For example, the Crystal Reports server can access a data source, regardless of whether it is disabled in the ColdFusion Administrator.
Attributes Attribute Req/Opt Default Description Name of registered or native data source.
datasource Optional type
Optional standard · standard (not valid for Crystal Reports 8. 0) · netscape · microsoft Optional Required Optional Optional Maximum time, in seconds, in which a connection must be made to a Crystal Report. Store Crystal Reports files in the same directories as ColdFusion page files. Orders results according to your specifications. Username required for entry into database from which report is created. Overrides default settings for data source in ColdFusion Administrator.
timeout report orderBy username
Attribute password
Req/Opt Default Description Optional Password that corresponds to username required for database access. Overrides default settings for data source in ColdFusion Administrator. Terminate each formula with a semicolon. Use the format: formula = "formulaname1 = 'formula1';formulaname2 = 'formula2';" If you use a semicolon in a formula, you must escape it by typing it twice (;;). For example: formula = "Name1 = 'Val_1a;;Val_1b';Name2 = 'Val2';"
This tag requires an end tag.
Example <!--- This view-only example shows the use of cfreport ---> <h3>cfreport Tag<h3> <p>cfreport lets reports from the Crystal Reports Professional report writer display through a ColdFusion interface. To run, the tag requires the name of the report. cfreport can also pass information to the report file displayed, to change the output conditions. <p>This example would run a report called "monthlysales. rpt " and pass it an optional filter condition to show only the information for a subset of the report. <cfreport report = '/reports/monthlysales. rpt'> {Departments. Department} = `International' </cfreport> <p>Substitute your report files and filters for this code. cfreport can put Crystal Reports into web pages.
Chapter 2: ColdFusion Tags
Rethrows the currently active exception. Preserves the exception's cfcatch. type and cfcatch. tagContext variable values.
Exception handling tags, Extensibility tags
Syntax <cfrethrow> See also cferror, cfthrow, cftry Usage
Use this tag within a cfcatch block. [. . . ] Supports the following parameter types: · name · type · value CF. http params are passed as an array of objects. The params argument is required for POST operations.
username password resolveurl
Chapter 7: ColdFusion ActionScript Functions
Arguments path file
Req/Opt Description Optional Optional The path to the directory in which to store files. When using the path argument, the file argument is required. For GET operations, defaults to the name specified in the url argument. [. . . ]