Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] COLDFUSION MX 7
ColdFusion MX Developer's Guide
Trademarks 1 Step RoboPDF, ActiveEdit, ActiveTest, Authorware, Blue Sky Software, Blue Sky, Breeze, Breezo, Captivate, Central, ColdFusion, Contribute, Database Explorer, Director, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, FlashCast, FlashHelp, Flash Lite, FlashPaper, Flex, Flex Builder, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator, HomeSite, JRun, MacRecorder, Macromedia, MXML, RoboEngine, RoboHelp, RoboInfo, RoboPDF, Roundtrip, Roundtrip HTML, Shockwave, SoundEdit, Studio MX, UltraDev, and WebHelp are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words, or phrases mentioned within this publication may be trademarks, service marks, or trade names of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in certain jurisdictions including internationally. [. . . ] Create a file that looks like the following:
<!--- This example shows the use of CFLDAP ---> <html> <head> <title>cfldap Query Example</title> </head> <h3>cfldap Query Example</h3> <body> <p>This tool queries the Airius. com database to locate all people in the company's Santa Clara office whose common names contain the text entered in the form. </p> <p>Enter a full name, first name, last name, or name fragment. </p> <form action="cfldap. cfm" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="name"><br><br> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> <!--- make the LDAP query ---> <!-- Note that some search text is required. A search filter of cn=** would cause an error --> <cfif (isdefined("form. name") AND (form. name IS NOT ""))> <cfldap server="ldap. airius. com" action="query" name="results" start="ou=People, o=Airius. com" scope="onelevel" filter="(&(cn=*#form. Name#*)(l=Santa Clara))" attributes="cn, sn, ou, mail, telephonenumber" sort="ou, sn" maxrows=100 timeout=20000 >
Chapter 23: Managing LDAP Directories
<!--- Display results ---> <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2> <tr> <th colspan=4><cfoutput>#results. RecordCount# matches found</ cfoutput> </th> </tr> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Department</th> <th>E-Mail</th> <th>Phone</th> </tr> <cfoutput query="results"> <tr> <td>#cn#</td> <td>#listFirst(ou)#</td> <td><a href="mailto:#mail#">#mail#</a></td> <td>#telephonenumber#</td> </tr> </cfoutput> </table> </cfif> </body> </html>
2. Change the server attribute from ldap. airius. com to the name of your installation of the Airius
3. Save the page as cfldap. cfm and run it in your browser. Reviewing the code
The following table describes the code:
<form action="cfldap. cfm" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="name"> <br><br> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> <cfif (isdefined("form. name") AND (form. name IS NOT ""))>
Description Uses a form to get the name or name fragment to search for.
Ensures that the user has submitted the form. This is necessary because the form page is also the action page. Ensures that the user entered search text.
Querying an LDAP directory
<cfldap server="ldap. airius. com" action="query" name="results" start="ou=People, o=Airius. com" scope="onelevel"
Description Connects anonymously to LDAP server ldap. airius. com, query the directory, and return the results to a query object named results. Starts the query at the directory entry that has the distinguished name ou=People, o=Airius. com, and searches the directory level immediately below this entry. Requests records for entries that contain the location (l) attribute value "Santa Clara" and the entered text in the common name attribute. Gets the common name, surname, organizational unit, e-mail address, and telephone number for each entry. Sorts the results first by organization name, then by surname. If the server does not return the data in 20 seconds, generates an error indicating that LDAP timed out. Starts a table to display the output Displays the number of records returned.
filter="(&(cn=*#form. Name#*) (l=Santa Clara))" attributes="cn, sn, ou, mail, telephonenumber" sort="ou, sn"
maxrows=100 timeout=20000 >
<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2> <tr> <th colspan=4> <cfoutput>#results. RecordCount# matches found</cfoutput> </th> </tr> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Department</th> <th>E-Mail</th> <th>Phone</th> </tr> <cfoutput query="results"> <tr> <td>#cn#</td> <td>#ListFirst(ou)#</td> <td><a href="mailto:#mail#">#mail# </a></td> <td>#telephonenumber#</td> </tr> </cfoutput> </table> </cfif>
Displays the common name, department, email address, and telephone number of each entry. Displays only the first entry in the list of organizational unit values. (For more information, see the description that follows this table. )
This search shows the use of a logical AND statement in a filter. It returns one attribute, the surname, that is used only for sorting the results.
Chapter 23: Managing LDAP Directories
In this query, the ou attribute value consists of two values in a comma-delimited list. This is because the Airius database uses the ou attribute type twice:
· In the distinguished names, at the second level of the directory tree, where it differentiates
between organizational units such as people, groups, and directory servers
· As the department identifier in each person's entry
Because the attribute values are returned in order from the person entry to the directory tree root, the ListFirst function extracts the person's department name.
Updating an LDAP directory
The cfldap tag lets you do the following to LDAP directory entries:
· · · · · ·
Add Delete Add attributes Delete attributes Replace attributes Change the DN (rename the entry)
These actions let you manage LDAP directory contents remotely. The following sections show how to build a ColdFusion page that lets you manage an LDAP directory:
· "Adding a directory entry" on page 528 · "Deleting a directory entry" on page 533 · "Updating a directory entry" on page 535
The form displays directory entries in a table and includes a button that lets you populate the form fields based on the unique user ID. The example ColdFusion page does not add or delete entry attributes or change the DN. The sections "Adding and deleting attributes of a directory entry" on page 537 and "Changing a directory entry's DN" on page 538 describe these operations. To keep the code short, this example has limitations that are not appropriate in a production application. In particular, it has the following limitations:
· If you enter an invalid user ID and click either the Update or the Delete button, ColdFusion
generates a "No such object" error, because there is no directory entry to update or delete. [. . . ] See components ColdFusion MX about 22 action pages, extension for 613 CFML 22 CORBA type support 964 dynamic evaluation 87 error handling 312 error types 309 functions 23 integrating e-mail with 973 Java objects and 919 scripting environment 22 security 374 standard event gateways 1024 support for LDAP 519 tags 22 Verity Search Server 24 See also ColdFusion ColdFusion MX Administrator creating collections 553 debugging settings 424 event gateway pages 1026
options 24 web services, consuming 896 collections creating 553 creating with cfcollection tag 555 defined 547 indexing 554, 559, 560 populating 554 searching 548 color format, Flash styles 702 column aliases, SQL 457 columns 447 COM arguments 954 calling objects 947 character encodings 420 component ProgID and methods 949 connecting to objects 952 creating objects 951 description 946 displaying object with cfdump 949 error messages 955 getting started 948 requirements 949 setting properties 952 threading 954 using properties and methods 952 viewing objects 950 WDDX and 875 COM objects Application scope, using 958 calling 947 connecting to 952 creating 951 displaying with cfdump 949 improving performance of 955, 958 Java proxies for 955 releasing 953 viewing 950 commas, in search expressions 591 comments CFScript 126 in CFML 28 commits 451 Common Object Request Broker Architecture. See CORBA compiler exceptions about 310 errors 313 compiling, C++ CFX tags 269
complex data types about 45 returning 911 web services and 909 complex variables 52 Component Object Model. See COM component objects about 945 cfset tag and 947 invoking 947 components accessing remotely 223 building 205 building secure 235 defining methods 205 displaying output 213 documenting 214 elements of 204 finding ProgID and methods 949 for application utility functions 286 for web services 898, 902 function local variables 229 getting information about 236 in persistent scopes 234 inheritance 231 initializing instance data 207 instantiating 218 introductions 32 introspecting 236 invocation techniques 217 invoking directly 220 invoking from Flash 223 invoking methods dynamically 220 invoking methods transiently 219 invoking with forms 222 invoking with URLs 222 metadata 237 method parameters 209 naming 216 packages 233 programmatic security 235 recommendations for 165 requesting from the browser 237 requirements for web services 899 returning method results 213 reusing code 230 saving 215 specifying location of 224 Super keyword 230 tags and functions for 204
using multiple files for 207 variables 227 web services and 898 when to use 202 concatenation operators & 34, 78 string (QofQ) 509 configurations 24 configuring event gateway instances 1101 event gateways 1090 IM gateways 1050 SMS gateways 1071 connections, caching FTP 1001 constants 32 constants, for applications 287 constructors CFC 208 using alternate 933 continue, CFScript statement 135 Cookie scope 33 about 66 catching errors 623 variables 58 cookies authentication and 380 client 344 client state management 342 for storing client variables 347 security without using 381 sending with cfhttp 838, 996 copying, server files 1009 CORBA calling objects 964 case considerations 963 character encodings 420 description 946 double-byte characters 968 example 969 exception handling 968 getting started 961 interface 946 interface methods 963 naming services 962 parameter passing 963 CreateObject CFML function about 893 example 894 web services, consuming 891, 894 CreateTimeSpan CFML function 306, 354, 492
creating action pages 614 action pages to insert data 477 action pages to update data 483 Application. cfm 295 arrays 100 basic charts 734 client variables 349 collections 553, 555 data grids 644 dynamic form elements 627 error application pages 318 forms with cfform 631 HTML insert forms 476 insert action pages 478, 479 Java CFX tags 261 multidimensional arrays 100 queries from text files 994 queries of queries 489 structures 111 update action pages 483, 485 update forms 481 updateable grids 647 credit card numbers, validating 665 criteria, multiple search 619 cross-site scripting, protecting from 664 Crystal Reports 805 CSS, styling XML forms using currency, globalization functions 414 currentpagenumber, cfdocument scope 767 curve charts 755 custom exception types 312 custom functions. See user-defined functions custom tags ancestor 254 attributes 246 base 254 built-in variables 250 calling 166, 242, 250 calling with cfimport 243 calling with cfmodule 243 CFX 259 children 254 compiling 250 data access example 257 data accessibility 255 data exchange 255 descendants 254 downloading 244 encoding 250
example 247 execution modes 251 filename conflicts 244, 249 instance data 250 location of 242 managing 249 naming 242 nesting 253 parent 254 passing attributes 245, 246 passing data 254 path settings 242 recommendations for 167 restricting access to 244, 249 terminating execution 253 types 30 using 166, 244 D data accessibility with custom tags 255 binding in Flash forms 699 caching in Flash forms 707 component instance 207 converting to JavaScript object 880 exchanging across application servers 876 exchanging with WDDX 876 graphing 735 passing between nested tags 254 transferring from browser to server 881 data binding error, Report Builder 797 data command, SMS 1078 data model, XML skinnable forms 716 data sharing, JSP pages 923 data sources configuration problems 444 storing client variables in 347 troubleshooting 444 types of 465, 830 data types about 33 binary 35, 45 complex 35, 45 considerations 46 conversions 59 default conversion 934 in CFML 35 object 35, 45 resolving ambiguous 935 simple 35, 45
validating 73, 666 variables 45 See also complex data types data validation about 659 considerations for forms 667 handling invalid data 669 security considerations 664 selecting techniques 662 techniques 660 with cfparam tag 683 with IsValid function 683 data, charting data from query 735 data-type conversions ambiguous types 62 case sensitivity 60 cfoutput tag and 60 considerations 60 date-time values 63 date-time variables 61 default Java 934 example 64 issues in 61 Java and 63 JavaCast and 63 numeric values 61 process 59 Query of Queries CAST function 504 quotation marks 64 types 59 web services and 896 database exceptions 326 failures 311 Database Management System. [. . . ]