Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Using Contribute
Macromedia Contribute
Trademarks Afterburner, AppletAce, Attain, Attain Enterprise Learning System, Attain Essentials, Attain Objects for Dreamweaver, Authorware, Authorware Attain, Authorware Interactive Studio, Authorware Star, Authorware Synergy, Backstage, Backstage Designer, Backstage Desktop Studio, Backstage Enterprise Studio, Backstage Internet Studio, Contribute, Design in Motion, Director, Director Multimedia Studio, Doc Around the Clock, Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver Attain, Drumbeat, Drumbeat 2000, Extreme 3D, Fireworks, Flash, Fontographer, FreeHand, FreeHand Graphics Studio, Generator, Generator Developer's Studio, Generator Dynamic Graphics Server, Knowledge Objects, Knowledge Stream, Knowledge Track, Lingo, Live Effects, Macromedia, Macromedia M Logo & Design, Macromedia Contribute, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Xres, Macromind, Macromind Action, MAGIC, Mediamaker, Object Authoring, Power Applets, Priority Access, Roundtrip HTML, Scriptlets, SoundEdit, ShockRave, Shockmachine, Shockwave, Shockwave Remote, Shockwave Internet Studio, Showcase, Tools to Power Your Ideas, Universal Media, Virtuoso, Web Design 101, Whirlwind and Xtra are trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words or phrases mentioned within this publication may be trademarks, servicemarks, or tradenames of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in certain jurisdictions including internationally. [. . . ] For example, if you enter 150, then the table is one and a half times the size of the browser window. When the percentage is greater than 100, a scrollbar appears for the web page. You can enter a value up to 1000.
· Border thickness specifies how thick the border around the table and between the cells is.
Tip: Enter 0 if you do not want a table border.
· Cell padding indicates the amount of space, in pixels, between the edge of the table cell and
the contents of the cell.
Note: If you do not enter a value, Contribute sets cell padding to the default value, which is 1 pixel.
· Cell spacing indicates the amount of space, in pixels, between each table cell.
Note: If you do not enter a value, Contribute sets cell spacing to the default value, which is 3 pixels.
Working with Tables
· Border color indicates the color of the table border around the table and between cells.
Note: The border color does not show if the table's border thickness is set to 0 for no border.
· Background color indicates the background color of all the cells in the table.
If you do not select a color, the default background is transparent. This means that the table background appears as white on a white page, green on a green page, and so on.
Click Apply to apply changes without closing the dialog box, or click OK to apply changes and close the dialog box. Your table property changes appear in your draft.
Modifying row or column properties You can modify horizontal and vertical alignment, background color, height or width, and text wrap for a selected row or column.
Note: To understand how Contribute resolves formatting conflicts for cells, rows, and tables, see "About conflicts in table formatting" on page 92.
To modify table row or column properties:
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In your draft, select the row or column you want to modify (see "Selecting an entire table, row, or column" on page 84). Do one of the following to open the Table Properties dialog box:
· Click the Table button in the toolbar. · Right-click, then select Table Properties from the pop-up menu. · Select Table > Table Properties.
The Table Properties dialog box appears with the appropriate tab selected.
Chapter 8
Make changes to any of the following options: Options are Left, Center, and Right.
· Horizontal alignment indicates horizontal placement for content in the row or column. · Vertical alignment indicates vertical placement for content in the row or column. Options are
Top, Middle, and Bottom.
· Background color indicates the background color for the selected row or column.
Note: You can also click the Highlight Color button in the toolbar to change the color of the selected row or column.
· Row height specifies how tall the row is, while Column width specifies how wide the
column is. For a selected row or column, you can change the number in the Row height or Column width text box, then select pixels or a percentage for the width, or you can select Fit to Contents to clear the set height or width so that rows or columns resize to fit the content you add.
· Wrap text indicates, when selected, that text wraps to a new line when it reaches the end of the
cell. When not selected, text does not wrap, but the cell expands to accommodate the text.
· Header Row indicates that the selection is a header.
Click Apply to preview your changes, or click OK to apply changes and close the dialog box.
Modifying cell properties You can modify horizontal and vertical alignment, background color, and text wrap for a selected cell.
Note: To understand how Contribute resolves formatting conflicts for cells, rows, and tables, see "About conflicts in table formatting" on page 92.
To modify table cell properties:
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In your draft, select the cell or cells you want to modify (see "Selecting an entire table, row, or column" on page 84). Do one of the following to open the Table Properties dialog box:
· Right-click, then select Table Cell Properties from the pop-up menu. · Select Table > Table Cell Properties.
Working with Tables
· Click the Table button in the toolbar.
The Table Properties dialog box appears with the appropriate tab selected.
Make changes to any of the following options: Options are Left, Center, and Right.
· Horizontal alignment indicates horizontal placement for content in the cell, row, or column. · Vertical alignment indicates vertical placement for content in the cell. Options are Top,
Middle, and Bottom.
· Background color indicates the background color of the cell.
Note: You can also click the Highlight Color button in the toolbar to change the color of the selected cell.
· Wrap text indicates, when selected, that text wraps to a new line when it reaches the end of the
cell. When not selected, text does not wrap, but the cell expands to accommodate the text.
Click Apply to preview your changes, or click OK to apply changes and close the Table Properties dialog box.
Chapter 8
Using a preset table format You can apply a preset design to a table and select options to further customize the design.
Note: You can apply preset table designs to simple tables only. You can't use these designs to format tables that contain merged cells or other unusual formatting that keeps the table from being a simple rectangular grid of cells.
To use a preset table design:
1 2
In your draft, select a table to modify or place the insertion point in any cell in the table. The Format Table dialog box appears with the Basic tab selected.
Select a design scheme from the list on the left. The sample table displays an example of the design you select. In the Table properties section, enter a border width for the table.
Tip: If you do not want a table border, enter 0 for the border.
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In the Left column section, select a text alignment and a text style for the left column of the table, which might contain row headings. In the Header row section, select a background color and a text color, then select a text alignment and a text style for the top row of the table, which might contain column headings.
Working with Tables
In the Other rows section, select a color to apply to rows, then indicate how frequently you want the colors to alternate. [. . . ] For example, you can create a template that includes ColdFusion tags for initialization, includes, counters, and dynamic data elements. Users can also copy existing dynamic pages. In either case, as the Contribute website administrator, you must ensure that your website's code is protected. Preventing users from editing dynamic pages To prevent Contribute users from editing dynamic elements in pages, consider the following precautions:
· Restrict editing to specific folders.
Using the Contribute permission groups, you can limit folder access. [. . . ]