Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] DIRECTOR MX
Getting Started with Director
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2 Select Edit > Select All. The entire text block is selected.
Building the first scene with text and an image
3 Click the Bold button and the Italic button. The style of the selected text changes from plain to
bold and italic.
4 Give the text cast member a name. Click the Cast Member Name text box at the top of the
window. Then type TitleText, and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh). 5 Close the Text window, and save your movie. Add sprites to the Stage To begin building the scene, you drag the TitleText cast member, button cast member, and bitmap cast member from the Cast window to the Stage or Score. Because the first scene should occur at the beginning of the movie, you put the cast members at the beginning of the Score. The Score is discussed in detail later in this tutorial.
1 Click the Rewind button at the bottom of the Stage. This ensures that the cast members you
place on the Stage are in the first frame of the Score, the beginning of your movie. 2 In the Cast window, click the TitleText cast member and drag it anywhere on the Stage to create a sprite from the TitleText cast member. The background of the new text sprite is white. 3 Click the new text sprite on the Stage to select it. 4 On the Sprite tab in the Property inspector, do the following: a In the Ink box, select Background Transparent. Inks control the way a sprite color appears on the Stage. Background Transparent ink makes the white background of the sprite appear transparent.
Chapter 4: Building Your First Basic Movie
b Click the Forecolor color picker, and select white.
c In the X text box, type 15. In the Y text box, type 15, and press Enter (Windows) or Return
(Macintosh). The text is placed at precise coordinates on the Stage.
Building the first scene with text and an image
Add sprites to the Score When you place a cast member on the Stage, the sprite is added to both the Stage and the Score. You can also place cast members on the Score. When you place a cast member on the Score, the sprite is added to the Stage as well.
1 Click the Trio cast member in cast slot 6. 2 Drag the Trio cast member to the Score window so that it fills channel 2, just below the
TitleText sprite. Make sure that the sprite begins in frame 1 of the Score. [. . . ] These steps involve specifying that a QuickTime Xtra extension downloads to your user's system, if necessary, and placing your files in a specific folder if you are publishing your movie on a local computer. Use a QuickTime Xtra extension Xtra extensions are software components that extend the functionality of Shockwave content and projectors. A QuickTime Xtra extension is necessary to ensure your QuickTime movie plays correctly when published. When you imported the QuickTime movie, Director automatically added the QT3 Asset Xtra to the Xtra extensions list for your movie. [. . . ]