Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] DIRECTOR MX
Using Director
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Note: You can insert cue points into QuickTime files only on the Macintosh; however, the cue points can be used on both platforms.
AVI digital video does not support cue points.
To use cue points:
1 Place cue points in a sound file or (on the Macintosh only) in a QuickTime file.
Use an audio-editing program to define cue points in sounds and digital videos.
2 Import the sound or digital video into Director.
Note: Digital video is always linked, whether you select the Standard Import option or the Link to External File option in the Import dialog box.
3 Place the sound or digital video in a channel in the Score, and extend it through all the frames 4 5 6 7
in which you want it to play. Double-click the frame in the tempo channel where you want the playhead to wait for a cue point. In the Tempo dialog box, select Wait for Cue Point. Select the sound or digital video from the Channel pop-up menu. Select the desired cue point from the Cue Point pop-up menu. Select the End or Next cue point or any named or numbered cue point in the sound or digital video. Director recognizes the end of a sound, regardless of whether you've defined cue points. When the movie plays, the playhead pauses at the frame until the cue point passes.
Chapter 10: Sound and Synchronization
Synchronizing sound with Lingo or JavaScript syntax
By writing script that performs an action when a cue point is reached in a sound or QuickTime file, you can synchronize a movie with sound or digital video. For more information about the following methods and properties, see the Scripting Reference topics in the Director Help Panel.
· To set up script that runs when the movie reaches a cue point in a sound or QuickTime file, · · · ·
put the script in an on cuePassed handler. To determine whether a sound or QuickTime file has passed a specific cue point, use the isPastCuePoint() method. To find the ordinal number of the last cue point passed in a sound or QuickTime file, use the mostRecentCuePoint method. To obtain a list of names for the cue points in a specific sound or QuickTime file, test the cuePointNames property. To obtain a list of times for cue points in a specific sound or QuickTime file, test the cuePointTimes property.
With scripts and behaviors, you can provide captioning to help users with hearing impairment experience the audio portions of your movies. For more information, see Chapter 20, "Making Director Movies Accessible, " on page 427.
Chapter 10: Sound and Synchronization
CHAPTER 11 Using Digital Video
You can give your Macromedia Director MX 2004 movie added appeal by including digital video. Digital video not only offers high-quality real-time image animation and sound, but also supports new types of media such as Windows Media audio and video files and DVD content. Director supports QuickTime video and Real Media content for Windows and Macintosh. Director also supports Windows Media Video and Audio (WMV and WMA) for Windows only. Audio Video Interleave files (AVI) in Windows are supported through the Windows Media Xtra. The Windows Media Xtra extensions can also support MPEG-1 (including MP3), MPEG-4, WAV, and RIFF. QuickTime is a multimedia format in its own right. [. . . ] To see if the movie correctly handles an error, try forcing the linked media elements to fail. Run the movie on all systems your users are likely to have. For the general public, these include Windows 98, 2000 or XP. For Macintosh OS X users, these include Power Mac G3 running OS X 10. 2. 6 or 10. 3 or later. [. . . ]