Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Using Dreamweaver
Trademarks 1 Step RoboPDF, ActiveEdit, ActiveTest, Authorware, Blue Sky Software, Blue Sky, Breeze, Breezo, Captivate, Central, ColdFusion, Contribute, Database Explorer, Director, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, FlashCast, FlashHelp, Flash Lite, FlashPaper, Flex, Flex Builder, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator, HomeSite, JRun, MacRecorder, Macromedia, MXML, RoboEngine, RoboHelp, RoboInfo, RoboPDF, Roundtrip, Roundtrip HTML, Shockwave, SoundEdit, Studio MX, UltraDev, and WebHelp are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words, or phrases mentioned within this publication may be trademarks, service marks, or trade names of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in certain jurisdictions including internationally. [. . . ] Set Text of Layer replaces the content and formatting of the layer, but retains layer attributes, including color. Format the content by including HTML tags in the New HTML text box of the Set Text of Layer dialog box. You can embed any valid JavaScript function call, property, global variable, or other expression in the text. To embed a JavaScript expression, place it inside braces ({}). To display a brace, precede it with a backslash (\{).
The URL for this page is {window. location}, and today is {new Date()}.
To create a layer:
Select Insert > Layer. For more information, see "Inserting a layer" on page 200. In the Property inspector, type a name for the layer.
To use the Set Text of Layer action:
1. 5.
Select an object and open the Behaviors panel. Click the Plus (+) button and select Set Text > Set Text of Layer from the Actions pop-up menu. In the Set Text of Layer dialog box, use the Layer pop-up menu to select the target layer. Enter a message in the New HTML text box, then click OK. Check that the default event is the one you want. If it isn't, select another event from the pop-up menu. If you don't see the events you want, change the target browser in the Show Events For pop-up menu.
Chapter 18: Using JavaScript Behaviors
Set Text of Status Bar
The Set Text of Status Bar action shows a message in the status bar at the bottom left of the browser window. For example, you can use this action to describe the destination of a link in the status bar instead of showing the URL associated with it. To see an example of a status message, roll your mouse over any of the navigation buttons in Using Dreamweaver. Visitors often ignore or overlook messages in the status bar (and not all browsers provide full support for setting the text of the status bar); if your message is important, consider displaying it as a pop-up message or as the text of a layer. You can embed any valid JavaScript function call, property, global variable, or other expression in the text. To embed a JavaScript expression, place it inside braces ({}). To display a brace, precede it with a backslash (\{).
The URL for this page is {window. location}, and today is {new Date()}.
To use the Set Text of Status Bar action:
1. 3.
Select an object and open the Behaviors panel. Click the Plus (+) button and select Set Text > Set Text of Status Bar from the Actions pop-up menu. [. . . ] See events event logging 192 events available for different browsers and objects 495 changing in behaviors 498 defined 493 triggering actions 496 Excel. See Microsoft Excel files Expanded Tables mode 241 expanding the Files panel 110 Export Table command 238 exporting connection keys for Contribute 188 sites 132 styles, to create a CSS style sheet 400 table data 237 Expression Object Model (templates) 307 extensibility, third-party behaviors 499 Extension Manager 77 extensions adding 77 creating 778 installing 787 managing 77 external editors BBEdit (Macintosh only) integration 545 HomeSite (Windows only) integration 546 HTML 545 images 419 media 474 text 545 external links 449 external style sheets creating 400 editing 401 linking to 400 eyedropper 350
Favorites folder 171 Favorites list (Assets panel) about 161 adding a new color 169 adding a new URL 169
adding and removing assets 169 creating a Favorites folder 171 creating a nickname for 170 viewing 162 "file already in use" error message 646 file comparison 113 file formats, image 407 file server-side includes 554 file transfer preferences 120 file types external editor preferences and 547 Flash files 470 File Types/Editors preferences 475 file-upload fields 809 files background transfers 144 cloaking and uncloaking 148 comparing 113 creating 92 deleting 121 Design Notes, using with 150 diffs 113 downloading 140 extension, setting 96 locating 123 managing in Contribute sites 189 moving 122 opening 96, 121 opening in Code view 537 putting 142 renaming 121 rolling back 119 saving 95 searching 405 synchronizing local and remote sites 144 temporary 646 text 97 unlocking in Contribute sites 191 unused, finding 146 uploading 142 working during transfer 103 Files panel changing column display 111 changing the display 111 changing the site view 111 changing view area size 110 collapsing and expanding 110 Log button 144 moving files and folders 122 opening and closing 110
opening files 121 preferences 120 refreshing 122 searching for files 122 site maps 124 viewing files in 110 working with files and folders 121 Files panel column order, changing 111 Files panel viewing area, changing 110 finding and replacing. See searching finding unused files 146 Fireworks Design Notes in 105 Dreamweaver integration and 455 editing pop-up menus 459 pop-up menus 520 Fit All 355 Fit Selection 355 Fit Width 355 Flash button dialog box 476 Flash button objects modifying 477 previewing 478 Flash components editing properties 481 working with 480, 481 Flash content 470 Flash objects, making dynamic 714 Flash SWF files as assets. See assets controlling 504 inserting 480 Flash Text dialog box 479 Flash text objects inserting and previewing 479 Flash Video editing and deleting 486 inserting 484 options for delivery 483 player detection 485 Flash, Design Notes in 105 FlashPaper 482 floating panels, combining 61 folders 148 cloaking and uncloaking 147 Favorites, for assets 171 searching 405 working with 121, 122 font characteristics, changing 389
fonts changing combinations 390 changing styles 389 encodings, setting fonts for 75 Fonts/Encoding preferences 75 form controls ASP. NET 893 HTML 805 Format column 724 Format Table command 244 formatting code, setting preferences for 533, 535 tables and cells 243 forms about 799 accessibility 816 adding to a document 803 ASP. NET 893 buttons 801, 808 checkboxes 801, 806 client-side scripting 815 ColdFusion 827 controls, ColdFusion 830 creating 803 dynamic checkboxes 812 dynamic menus 810, 811 dynamic objects 802, 810 dynamic radio buttons 813 dynamic text fields 812 fields, validating 526 file fields 802, 809 hidden fields 801, 809 image fields 802, 808 inserting objects 805 JavaScript, using with 815 jump menus, creating 442 menus 802, 807 password fields 805 radio buttons 802, 806 server-side scripting 800 text fields 801, 805 using to gather data 847, 909 validating ColdFusion forms 838 validation 814 frames about 276 adding accessibility attributes 282 browser compatibility 292 changing background color 290 changing content with links 291
creating 281 defined 276 deleting 284 editing accessibility attributes 288 Frames panel 285 nested 279 planning content with 278 properties, setting 288 resizing 284 saving 287 selecting 284 targeting 291 using with behaviors 293 Frames panel 285 framesets about 276 creating 283 naming 289 nested 279 predefined, inserting 281 properties 290 saving 287 selecting 284 targeting links in 427 See also frames FROM, SQL keyword 998 FTP getting and putting files 140 log 140, 141 preferences 120 troubleshooting 86 Functions menu item 570 functions, viewing 570
grids as guide 71 showing 229 snapping layers to 229 GROUP BY, SQL keyword 998 guides changing color of 228 creating 227 locking 227 showing and hiding 227 snapping elements to 227 using with templates 228
Hand tool 46, 354 head section, viewing and editing 595 Hidden characters 534 hidden fields 809 hidden files, showing and hiding 129 hidden form fields 801 Hide Pop-up Menu 524 hiding invisible elements 353 links 728 Highlighting preferences content blocks 223 layout cells 263 library items 176 tables 238 template regions 311 hints menus for code 558 History panel automating tasks with 356 commands, creating from history steps 361 history list, clearing 356 maximum steps, setting 356 overview 343 steps, applying to other objects 358 steps, copying and pasting 360 steps, repeating 357 home page, setting for site map 124, 129 HomeSite 546 horizontal rules, inserting and modifying 387 hotspots applying behaviors to 420 in image maps 447 resizing 448 selecting multiple in an image map 447
gathering data from users 847, 909 General preferences 75 Generator objects, making dynamic 714 Get command 140 Get More Behaviors command 499 getting and putting files 140, 142 GIF images as tracing image 230 uses for 407 Go button, associating with a jump menu 510 Go To URL action 509 graphics. [. . . ]