Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Extending Fireworks
Trademarks 1 Step RoboPDF, ActiveEdit, ActiveTest, Authorware, Blue Sky Software, Blue Sky, Breeze, Breezo, Captivate, Central, ColdFusion, Contribute, Database Explorer, Director, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, FlashCast, FlashHelp, Flash Lite, FlashPaper, Flash Video Encoder, Flex, Flex Builder, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator, HomeSite, JRun, MacRecorder, Macromedia, MXML, RoboEngine, RoboHelp, RoboInfo, RoboPDF, Roundtrip, Roundtrip HTML, Shockwave, SoundEdit, Studio MX, UltraDev, and WebHelp are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words, or phrases mentioned within this publication may be trademarks, service marks, or trade names of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in certain jurisdictions including internationally. [. . . ] The object IDs can be reused after the corresponding object is destroyed.
The object ID number should be treated as a string data type that could contain nonnumbers, (do not treat the object ID as an integer data type).
Fireworks has the following four reserved object IDs:
All other object IDs are generated when the object is created, and may or may not have the same IDs between application invocations.
This is the Invalid Object ID, used for nonexistent or invalid objects. It is not frequently used for the RPC client, but it is used in several places for the RPC server.
is the Fireworks Application Object ID. The Fireworks Application Object ID references the main application object in Fireworks and is of the Fireworks class. This object is used to open and create documents. In JavaScript, it is the object referenced by App or fw.
"smartShape" is the SmartShape Object ID. This object id references the global JavaScript variable smartShape and is used to create an manipulate Auto Shapes. "Document" is the Fireworks Document Compatibility Object ID (it is deprecated, like its JavaScript counterpart). It was used in Fireworks 2 for cleaning up file paths, and is included here only for completeness. "Errors"
is the Fireworks Errors Object ID, used mainly for reporting and determining when errors occur in Fireworks. Its JavaScript counterpart is Errors.
Cross-product architecture
Data node
The data node is the most important type of XML node in RPC. Methods called through the func operation need to act on actual data or references to server objects identified in data nodes. The data nodes are used as parameters and parts of replies. There are several types of data nodes, as described in the following table.
Data type
Node name
<array><string value="stuff" /><int value="50" /></array>
An array data type. It is simply a container node for the other data nodes. There are no restrictions on how many subelements it can contain or which types it can contain. The contained data nodes may be of the same type or of different types. No additional attributes have to be added to the contained nodes. It can contain either true or false and nothing else. Note that the values are case sensitive. Like the array data type, it is simply a container for other data nodes. Each direct child node of a dictionary node must contain an additional key attribute. The key attribute is a string and must be unique for the given dictionary node. [. . . ] If the panel is topmost, this function hides it. If the panel is shown but is not topmost, this function makes it topmost.
fw. ungroupPrimitives()
Fireworks 4.
fw. ungroupPrimitives()
Replaces selected primitive objects with their equivalent paths. The new objects have all the attributes (mask, stroke, fill, and so on) of the replaced ones.
See also
dom. addNewRectanglePrimitive()
Fireworks JavaScript API
fw. updateHTML()
Fireworks 4.
fw. updateHTML(doc, htmlUrl, bRecoverFromError)
doc A Document object that specifies the document to be used for updating the HTML (see "Document object" on page 14). If doc is null, the active document is used.
The filename of the HTML file to update, which is expressed as a file://URL. [. . . ]