Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] Using Fireworks
Trademarks Afterburner, AppletAce, Attain, Attain Enterprise Learning System, Attain Essentials, Attain Objects for Dreamweaver, Authorware, Authorware Attain, Authorware Interactive Studio, Authorware Star, Authorware Synergy, Backstage, Backstage Designer, Backstage Desktop Studio, Backstage Enterprise Studio, Backstage Internet Studio, Contribute, Design in Motion, Director, Director Multimedia Studio, Doc Around the Clock, Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver Attain, Drumbeat, Drumbeat 2000, Extreme 3D, Fireworks, Flash, Fontographer, FreeHand, FreeHand Graphics Studio, Generator, Generator Developer's Studio, Generator Dynamic Graphics Server, Knowledge Objects, Knowledge Stream, Knowledge Track, LikeMinds, Lingo, Live Effects, MacRecorder Logo and Design, Macromedia, Macromedia Contribute, Macromedia Coursebuilder for Dreamweaver, Macromedia M Logo & Design, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Xres, Macromind, Macromind Action, MAGIC, Mediamaker, Multimedia is the Message, Object Authoring, Power Applets, Priority Access, Roundtrip HTML, Scriptlets, SoundEdit, ShockRave, Shockmachine, Shockwave, shockwave. com, Shockwave Remote, Shockwave Internet Studio, Showcase, Tools to Power Your Ideas, Universal Media, Virtuoso, Web Design 101, Whirlwind and Xtra are trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words or phrases mentioned within this publication may be trademarks, servicemarks, or tradenames of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in certain jurisdictions including internationally. [. . . ] Themes opens a list of animation, graphic, and button symbols; each theme consists of a similarly designed and similarly named trio of symbols that are color-coordinated to be used together. Other opens an Open dialog box from which you can navigate to previously exported symbol library PNG files. For more information, see the next procedure.
Animations Bullets
In addition, you can import symbols from previously exported library PNG files located on your hard disk, on a CD, or on a network. For more information about exporting symbols, see "Exporting symbols" on page 163.
To import symbols from another file into the current document:
1 Do one of the following:
Choose Import Symbols from the Library panel Options menu. 2 Navigate to the folder containing the file, choose the file, and click Open. 3 Select the symbols to import and click Import. The imported symbols appear in the Library panel.
You can also import and export individual symbols into and out of the Library panels of multiple documents by dragging and dropping or copying and pasting instances.
Chapter 8: Using Styles, Symbols, and URLs
To import a symbol by dragging and dropping or copying and pasting, do one of the following:
· Drag a symbol instance from the document containing the symbol into the
destination document.
· Copy a symbol instance in the document containing the symbol, then paste it into the
destination document. The symbol is imported into the Library panel of the destination document and retains a relationship to the symbol in the original document. For more information, see "Updating exported symbols and instances in multiple documents" on page 163. Exporting symbols If you have created or imported symbols in a Fireworks document and want to save them to reuse in other documents or share with others, you can use the Library panel Options menu to export them in a PNG file. You can then import the symbols by navigating to the PNG file that contains the symbols using the Edit > Libraries submenu. For more information, see "Importing symbols" on page 162.
To export symbols:
1 Choose Export Symbols from the Library panel Options menu. 2 Select the symbols to export, and click Export. 3 Navigate to a folder, type a name for the symbol file, and click Save.
Fireworks saves the symbols in a single PNG file. Updating exported symbols and instances in multiple documents Imported symbols maintain their link to their original symbol document. You can edit the original symbol document, and then update the target documents to reflect the edits.
To update all exported symbols and instances:
1 In the original document, double-click an instance or select an instance and choose
Modify > Symbol > Edit Symbol to open the appropriate symbol editor.
2 Modify the symbol, and close the editor. 4 In the document into which the symbol was imported, select the symbol in the Library panel. 5 Choose Update from the Library panel Options menu.
Note: To update all imported symbols, select all the symbols in the Library panel and choose Update.
Using symbols
Working with URLs
Assigning a URL to a web object creates a link to a file such as a web page. You can assign URLs to hotspots, buttons, and slice objects. When you intend to use the same URLs several times, you can create a URL library in the URL panel and store the URLs in the library. You use the URL panel to add, edit, and organize your URLs. For example, if your website contains several navigation buttons to return to your home page, you can add the URL for your home page to the URL panel. [. . . ] Their location varies depending on your operating system. Also, Macintosh users should be familiar with the package concept from Apple. For more information see "Viewing package contents (Macintosh only)" on page 287.
Whether you're on a multiuser or a single-user system, Fireworks changes your user-specific configuration files and not the master configuration files in the Fireworks application folder when you save most settings. This is because many users don't have access to all files if they are on multiuser systems. [. . . ]